Showing posts with label Pengat Durian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pengat Durian. Show all posts

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pengat Durian

Musim durian tiba lagi!! hehe.. altho i'm not a big fan of this 'king of fruits'.. tp i looovee pengat durian. some place call this 'serawa durian' (rasanyer lah).

I use my mama's recipe:
- durians (i use around 10 ulas je kot)
- santan pekat (around 2-3 cups) + 1-2 cups of water
- 1 nisan/gula melaka
- 2 helai daun pandan
- a pinch of salt

cook everything on low heat. the pengat will thickened over time.
done! ^^

ps: durian yg seulas tu sebagai hiasan je. hehe