The Philosophy of Modern Song - Bob Dylan (Wikipedia) 🚀

OK, this is pretty amazing - a collection of essays by Bob Dylan analyzing 66 different songs.

Quoting an early chapter about Elvis Costello: "From here he went on to play chamber music, write songs with Burt Bacharach, do country records, cover records, cover records, soul records, ballet and orchestral music. When you are writing songs with Burt Bacharach, you obviously don't give a fuck what people think."

About Jimmy Wages' Take Me from this Garden of Evil, "This record presses the panic button. This record might be the first and only gospel rockabilly record. This is evil as the dictator, evil ruling the land, call it what you will. Jimmy sees the world for what it is. This is no peace in the valley. This is a garden of corporate lust, sexual greed, gratuitious cruelty, and commonplace insanity. Hypnotized masses of people, and dyed-in-the-wool assholes, and the singer wants to be delivered from it, who wouldn't."

About Elvis Presley's Money Honey: "Ultimately, money doesn't matter. Nor do the things it can buy. Because no matter how many chairs you have, you only have one ass."

About the Temptations' Ball of Confusion: "Writing a song like this can be deceptively easy. First you assemble a laundry list of things people hate. For the most part, people are not going to like war, starvation, death, prejudice and the destruction of the environment. Then there's the trap of easy rhymes. Revolution/evolution/air pollution. Segregation/demonstration. John Lennon got away with it by using his cheeky sense of humor to create a postmodern campfire song all about bag-ism and shag-ism. But in less sure hands one might as well write about the periodic table of elements with built-in rhymes about calcium, chromium, and lithium... 'Ball of Confusion' is pre-rap. If you're just walking around drunk and carefree, this song will sure sober you up."

Jun 16, 2024 (18:19 UTC) bobdylan music songs

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