101 Things I Learned in Engineering School: John Kuprenas, Matthew Frederick 🚀

This book is by and from the perspective of a civil engineer (lesson one is "Civil engineering is the grandparent of all engineering), but includes many bits of wisdom that apply across engineering disciplines. Some highlights:

  • #7 "Inside every large problem is a small problem struggling to get out." - Tony Hoare
  • #26 Random hypothesis #1: You don't fully understand something until you quantify it. But you understand nothing if all you do is quantify.
  • #38 "Inventing is the mixing of brains and materials. The more brains you use, the less materials you need." - Charles Kettering
  • #47 More inspections and fewer inspections both produce more errors.
  • #48 Early decisions have the greatest impact.
  • #52 Few customers will pay for a perfectly engineered product.
  • #60 Work with the natural order.
  • #71 Don't presume the solution... the wise designer begins by moving backward -- investigating what caused the problem, what caused the causes, and what caused those causes.
  • #75 A successful system won't necessarily work at a different scale.
  • #79 Enlarge the problem space. Almost every problem is larger than it initially appears... it's easier to reduce the problem space later in the process than to enlarge it after you start down a path toward an inadequate solution.
  • #94 Engineering events are human events.
  • #95 There's design besides the design. A well-designed product isn't well designed if the process needed to manufacture it is unrealistic or uneconomical.
  • #99 The fix for an apparent engineering problem might not be an engineering fix.
  • #101 The Great Continuum. Engineering is undertaken within a continuum that connects profound human questions to ordinary activities. Engineers who work without awareness of the continuum will be inclined toward performing rote procedures... those working across the continuum may be most apt to contribute something new.

Jun 15, 2024 (19:40 UTC) books engineering

Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy: Sadhguru 🚀

I impulsively purchased this book at Powell's in Portland (I'm a fool for the title), and at about 60% of the way through, it's been worthwhile as a gentle and inspiring introduction to yoga.

Levels of yoga

  • annamayakosha: physical body
  • manomayakosha: mental body
  • pranamayakosha: mental body
  • vignanamayakosha: etheric body
  • anandamayakosha: bliss

gnana means "knowledge". vishesh gnana means "extraordinary knowledge".

Jun 15, 2024 (00:42 UTC) yoga sadhguru innerengineering books

Joseph Sievers and Amy-Jill Levine Reconsider the Jewish Pharisees 🚀

Diana Butler-Bass recently linked to this book from a post where she said that it had supporting information for the claim that Jesus was a Pharisee. When I asked if she recommended it, she replied "I've not read it, but the reviews are quite good. And the authors are very trustworthy. So, I'd say yes!" I guess I was hoping that someone could tell me how much academic density might make this hard for me to process. I can't get this at my local library, but my wife teaches at a Jesuit university, so we're going to see if it's there.

Jun 5, 2024 (02:53 UTC) faith books history pharisees

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