Monday, November 21, 2005

I found this link off a blog I read regularly. My boy (girl?) Peter back... Remember him? This might be more "disturbing" than the last group of photos.


Lucy Stern said...

Yes, those were "interesting" photos...Hummmmmm...

steve said...

I will never forgive you for this

Brent said...

More disturbing? I'm having a hard time believing there's something more disturbing than those pictures. Yikes! What's up with the old school Joey Lawrence bowl cut? Creepy!

HOO said...

My favorite one is when he's like, "Ok, I know this is a little weird, but in this one, i'm gonna dress like a girl!....Just this once!"

And how vile is the one when he's in full-on pin-up pose with the phone?

aisy said...

wow, just when i thought the dude couldn't get any creepier!

Sparklebot said...

Um, that guy is AWESOME. He has amazing legs.

erinannie said...

so disturbed. so disturbed! nightmares coming on in the middle of the day! oh make it stop!!

Unknown said...

Remember troop beverly hills? Where everyone pulls out a cell phone in the bathroom? I thought that was so cool back then.