Showing posts with label shop talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shop talk. Show all posts

05 December 2014

Shop Update :: Quilt Kits

Lembram-se dos quilt kits? É com grande alegria que vos digo que ontem actualizei a loja com mais de 20. De tudo aquilo que já vendi, os quilts kits são, de longe, o meu produto preferido (não contando com o livro, claro). Gosto de conjugar os tecidos, cortá-los, empacotá-los, ler os emails de quem os comprou, ver a execução e o produto final (1, 2, 3, 4). Gosto de pensar nos bebés que os irão usar e nas pessoas que, ao fazerem os quilts, ganharam confiança nos seus dotes de costura.

No fundo, tento fazer com os quilt kits o mesmo que tentei alcançar com o meu livro: encorajar quem se quer aventurar neste mundo do "feito à mão". Descomplicar. Ajudar. Partilhar.

Se quiserem comprar um kit, espreitem a loja aqui.

Remember my quilt kits? I'm happy to tell you that yesterday I put up more than 20 kits for sale in my Etsy shop. Out of everything I've ever sold, the quilt kits remain my favourite product (apart from my book, of course). I love combining the fabrics, cutting them, putting together the package, reading the emails from the people who've bought them, watching their progress and the end result (1234). I like thinking about the babies who will get to use the quilts and I enjoy knowing that the people who've made them have gained confidence in their sewing skills.

Basically, what I'm trying to do with these quilt kits is the same as I tried to convey in my book: encourage whoever wants to venture into this world of handmade. Uncomplicate. Help. Share.

If you'd like to buy a kit for yourself or as a gift this Christmas, check out my shop here.

(photos: © Constança Cabral)

26 November 2014

Shop Update :: Scrap Bags

A minha loja finalmente deixou de estar vazia! Tenho imensos retalhos e sei que nunca terei oportunidade de pô-los todos a uso, por isso resolvi partilhá-los convosco. Fiz 23 conjuntos diferentes e pu-los à venda aqui

My shop isn't empty any more! I've put together 23 different scrap bags for you to play with. I love working with scraps but there's no way I'll ever have time to put them all to good use... so I thought I'd share them with you! They weigh 200 g (7 oz) each and they're listed right here.

(photo: © Constança Cabral)

23 November 2012

Shop Update :: Fat Quarters

Há vários conjuntos de fat quarters na loja. Todos vendidos. Obrigada! 
(veja aqui o que é um fat quarter)

There are some fat quarter bundles available in my shop. Sold out. Thank you!
(click here to read about fat quarters)

(photos: 1-5: Constança Cabral; 6- Tiago Cabral)

21 November 2012

Shop Update :: Quilt Kits

Há novos quilt kits na loja (mais informações sobre os quilt kits aqui). Desta vez até há três especial Natal. Todos vendidos. Muito obrigada!

There are new quilt kits available in my shop (more information about quilt kits here). This time I've even included three Christmas kits. Sold out. Thank you so much!

(photos: Constança Cabral)

20 November 2012

Shop Update :: Scrap Bags

Há 12 novos conjuntos de retalhos disponíveis na loja. Todos vendidos. Obrigada!

There are 12 new scrap bags available in the shop. Sold out. Thank you!

(photos: Constança Cabral)

27 October 2012

Shop Update :: Fabric Scraps

No outro dia estava a conversar com a minha mãe e ela estava a contar-me que tinha comprado um livro muito giro, cheio de ideias para fazer quilts com retalhos, mas que só havia um problema: a minha mãe  tinha falta de retalhos e não estava com vontade nenhuma de se pôr a cortar tecidos novos aos bocados. Eu, pelo contrário, tenho imensos mas pouco tempo para utilizá-los. Rapidamente enviei à minha mãe uma caixa cheia de retalhos (vai uma segunda a caminho) e ocorreu-me que deve haver mais pessoas com o mesmo problema: muitas ideias mas poucos retalhos. Então lembrei-me de fazer conjuntos de 250 gramas de retalhos, uns médios, outros mais pequenos, todos pré-lavados e escolhidos a dedo por mim. Há 25 conjuntos disponíveis aqui.
Todos vendidos. Muito obrigada e bom fim-de-semana!

The other day I was talking to my mother and she was telling me about a great book she had bought, full of ideas to make quilts using scraps. My mother loved the projects but she had one slight problem: she didn't have enough scraps and she didn't want to cut up her new fabrics for this purpose. I have the opposite problem: too many scraps for the little free time I have right now. I quickly sent her a box filled to the brim with scraps (there's another one on the way). Then it occurred to me that maybe other people have this same problem: too many ideas and not enough scraps to make them work. So I thought I'd put together some scrap bags for you to enjoy. Each bag weights 250 g (8.8 oz) and they include a nice assortment of prints and sizes, all pre-washed and chosen with care. There are 25 sets available here.
Sold out. Thank you so much! Enjoy your weekend!

(photos: Constança Cabral)

30 August 2012

Shop Update :: Quilt Kits

Há novos quilt kits na loja (mais informações sobre os quilt kits aqui). Todos vendidos — haverá mais em breve. Obrigada!

There are new quilt kits available in my shop (more information about quilt kits here). Sold out — there will be more available soon. Thank you!

(photos: Constança Cabral)

27 August 2012

Shop Update :: Quilt Kits

Há novos quilt kits na loja (mais informações sobre os quilt kits aqui). Todos vendidos — haverá mais na quinta-feira de manhã. Obrigada!

There are new quilt kits available in my shop (more information about quilt kits here). Sold out — there will be more available on Thursday morning. Thank you!

(photos: Constança Cabral)
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