Showing posts with label Another Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Another Life. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2020

Another Life: The Critics Have It Wrong (Again)

When the critics have a series set in their sites it sure seems the knives come out and they are sharp. An example: Another Life (Netflix) (2019-present). The new series stars beloved female genre actress Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica, Longmire).

To some degree, if you're like me, her name attached to just about anything catches your attention. It doesn't mean it's good (The Last Sentinel), but you at least want to see for yourself and even be pleasantly surprised (2036 Of Unknown Origin).

The reviews are still coming in and the series is teetering on the cusp of an accumulated overall positive, but there are plenty of critics out there ready to bury the show before it has even had a chance to breathe.

Lost In Space (1918-present), Season Two, also on Netflix, has better reviews and this science fiction fan will never appreciate or understand why. Sure the Lost In Space adventure series has a load of cinematic appeal from gorgeous visual effects to Marvel-style action adventure, but not a whole lot of intelligence despite the story centered on the alien intellect of its Robot. Season Two proved to be more of the same unchallenging drivel as the first and there's always an audience for it. But by and large its an empty-headed adventure to me.

Meanwhile there's Another Life and a recent review had it pegged as one of the 20 worst shows on Netflix. Who writes these things? Where is Lost In Space then?

I've seen all of its first ten episodes in their entirety and, yes, while there are moments of homage to any number of science fiction classics Another Life is still carving its own path and establishing its own identity. It is equal parts suspenseful and interesting while delivering on moments of intense excitement and outer space adventure. But there is a much less family-friendly tone to Another Life. There is indeed a creeping darkness to the journey and its compelling internal mystery surrounding an alien artefact keeps you gripped to the story.

Sackhoff doesn't disappoint, but neither does the extensive supporting cast of fine performances, which can sometimes fail a series.

The story ideas are solid. The writing is good if imperfect, but sometimes very good. Episodes can stand on their own, but work to thread the overarching story together.

Another Life (an admittedly flat title that shares its name with a 1981 soap opera) was renewed for a second season thankfully. Please see it for yourself. Don't believe the naysayers. This is a completely solid genre offering, a science fiction adventure mystery that works and I am fully on board and impressed.

Some of the same critics who have Another Life unfairly knocked down are in full support of the utterly lost, action-packed nonsense of Lost In Space. They couldn't be more wrong.

This writer and fan of thoughtful science fiction is glad he thought for himself on this one. Another Life is another fascinating if unexpected entry in the long history of good science fiction with a more serious tone associated with the likes of Colony (2016-2018), The Expanse (2015-present), Stargate Universe (2009-2011) or a film like Annihilation (2018).

As science fiction fans, let's hope it finds further life support in the years ahead. This life has potential.