Showing posts with label Stargate SG-1 S1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stargate SG-1 S1. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Stargate SG-1 S1 E11: Fire And Water

"When you're lives depend on each other you form very deep bonds."
-General Hammond-

Creature designs, effects work, production design are all top notch in this season one Stargate SG-1 (1997-2007) entry. While generally one of the least embraced of the season Stargate SG-1, Season One, Episode 11, Fire And Water is a deliciously dressed episode in its use of production design, lighting and color.

It's color palette is best in keeping with the likes of the excellent The Torment Of Tantalus (S1,E9) in its effort to step up the production side of the series. There are colors and design work in play that work almost as a kind of precursor of what would become a regular part of the pastel look of Stargate Atlantis (2004-2009) one day.

With Daniel Jackson the prisoner of an alien creature, and thought potentially dead, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter and Teal'c, at the request of General Hammond, are asked to go through Daniel's personal belongings.

Fire And Water, if this writer is not mistaken, is the second entry to see SG-1 enter into civilian life away from the SGC outside of Cold Lazarus (S1, E7).

As the SG-1 team essentially mourns the loss of Jackson they struggle with reason to think he is still alive.

The alien creature has programmed the SG-1 team to essentially believe Jackson is dead and gone, but the effort to suppress the truth and their memories fails.

The alien has been impacted by the series ongoing villain the Goa'uld further underscoring the impact of this insidious race upon the galaxy as a genuine scourge.

The surviving team members are torn between Daniel being both dead and alive. Their memories create a dual reaction to previous events that is troubling to the team as they attempt to come to terms with their previous expedition.

Meanwhile the alien creature, a kind of contemporary rendition of the Creature From The Black Lagoon (1954), in a visual sense, though once threatening Daniel with death apparently wishes him no harm at all, but keeps him hostage underwater. The creature needs closure.

Daniel offers the creature access to his genetic memory to determine the outcome of this alien's long lost love on Earth. She died during the Babylonian Empire. The creature fears harming Daniel if a Vulcan-like mind meld is performed.

Daniel works against self-preservation by volunteering his life suggesting there is no other choice. Of course, Jackson could simply forego this mind extraction and the old codger alien could simply go without answers, but that isn't Jackson's style as he is forever learning and embracing and reaching out to other races throughout the Stargate SG-1 series. "He murdered my love" cries the alien in agony over the discovery of his beloved's fate at the hands of the Goa'uld god Belos.

The pacing is indeed slow for Fire And Water. To make an analogy it's a bit like wading chest-deep through water. Still, fans of the series and its wonderful quartet of characters will nevertheless enjoy the proceedings overall. Amanda Tapping offers a particularly tender performance among the always strong set of turns by the foursome.

The episode was written by Brad Wright and Katharyn Powers. Powers isn't a personal favorite as Emancipation (S1, E3) and Thor's Hammer (S1, E8), both by Powers, are not high on my list, though I prefer the latter. Fire And Water falls somewhere in between for me. Fire And Water certainly continues to weave the mythology of the Goa'uld infestation and the impact of this race on various life forms across the galaxy whilst capturing elements of a love story or lost love rather affectingly here as did The Torment Of Tantalus. The empathetic Daniel Jackson, having lost Share, is certainly a good choice for commiserating with the creature, for this generally flat, even mostly humorless affair.

The installment looks amazing as a production effort yet is a bit of a bore. The coral colors of sea creature NIEHM's practical effects and design work and its lair's production design are impressive and marks the second terrific monster effects work of the season after the Unas in Thor's Hammer. Looking like some humanoid descendent of Sid and Marty Krofft's Sigmund And The Sea Monsters (1973-1978), Sigmund would be proud and approve of the sea creature entirely. It would be the last we see of NIEHM on Stargate SG-1 in its ten season run.

Still, Fire And Water is a decent story and continues to offer the building blocks to a rather impressive Season One in science fiction when one considers how tricky a season one can be.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Stargate SG-1 S1 E10: Bloodlines (And The Importance Of A Quality Mythology)

"You're over a hundred years old?
God, I'm sorry."
-Jack O'Neill to Bra'tac-

Star Trek: The Next Generation penned a fair number of Worf-centric stories. Some of those tales surrounding Michael Dorn's Worf were among the series' very best often penned by Ronald D. Moore.

Stargate SG-1, across its ten season run unabashedly offered a number of opportunities for actor Christopher Judge to spread his wings in Teal'c-centric tales capitalizing on its equally varied cast.

Judge, one of the fantastic four (this fantastic four is better than the Marvel movies) of SG-1, is no thespian, but performs in the role admirably and plays his stilted alien role rather deftly.

Still, Dorn, whose character stories this writer much prefers, was a little more seasoned by the time he took on his part for the series. The Worf character, for me, was also a more interesting character.

Judge however grows into the role nicely over ten seasons of the warrior turned slave turned liberator in SG-1. But the concepts for these two supporting alien characters are generally drawn from a similar spiritual pool when it comes to the convention of the alien who has allied with humans in the science fiction genre.

Judge delivers for the role as much as directors brought the best out of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his screen appearances.

This writer doesn't mean to judge Judge too harshly either. Tastes are relative and to each his own. Personally I was never a huge fan of Teal'c, but his role in the series was still undeniable and an important one.

On a recent business excursion to Oklahoma, a flight with American, a Stargate book in hand and a few Voka and Cranberry cocktails later---I was feeling pretty damn good. What happens to the Sci-Fi Fanatic when he's feeling good? Well, he behaves, perhaps laughs quietly to himself, but most certainly doesn't get thrown from the flight. In fact, this writer begins to consider why he still appreciates Stargate SG-1. What was it I still enjoyed so damn much about this ten year run of science fiction action adventure? The answer came to me. Vodka and cranberry on ice does that apparently. Like a bolt from the blue at however many thousand feet above the Earth (I was like Thor from the Asgard or the Ascended looking down from yonder), it became clear.

The fact was Teal'c and Daniel Jackson were likely my least favorite characters on their own. Carter and O'Neil largely my favorite. Yet like that Marvel quartet the whole was greater than the sum of its parts. Together there was a strength of quality in numbers. This was a functional team unlike many ensembles. The group was a powerhouse of storytelling to rival any of the many science fiction ensembles in science fiction history be it Star Trek: The Next Generation or Farscape or others. At the very least Stargate SG-1 can hang with the best. And when you consider those other properties, those too work in much the same way. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. There is indeed strength in numbers. And as Jim Butcher wrote in his article Artificial Intelligence And Genuine Stupidity, E Pluribus Unum, "out of many, one" (p.57, Stepping Through The Stargate: Science, Archaeology And The Military In Stargate SG-1), the imperfect made whole makes for a fairly mighty series.

Apart from these wonderfully formed characters of which they indubitably are, what else? There had to be something more. The cocktail spoke to me again.

It was that long, rich mythology. Indeed, to quote the man (Teal'c), it was ten years of a fascinating weave of science fiction wonder, characters, allies, enemies, creatures, worlds (yes, even if many looked like Vancouver), humor and of it that culminates in mythology. This isn't entirely of my own design and revelation. This epiphany came to me whilst reading the essay We Need You Back by J.C.Vaughn again from Stepping Through The Stargate (see my praise for the book way back here).

It was Vaughn's point that partly inspired this piece. Vaughn noted, "the show's creative staff found the internal logic of the series right away" (p.88). Vaughn added later, "characters...actually remembered things between episodes from season to season. They accumulated knowledge and memories that would come into play in future adventures and informed the thought processes of the characters just as they informed the viewers" (p.89). And so Stargate SG-1 near seamlessly over ten years weaves its characters into this mammoth, logical mythology and one that lost characters forever, and even intelligently brought some back.

The X-Files (1993-2002), for example, certainly has a wonderful, enduring, even unfinished mythology that remains unfulfilled and many science fiction fans adore it for this reason. At essentially a ten season run The X-Files still gives the fans plenty to mine and explore and endlessly appreciate. For some Stargate SG-1, despite the ironic title of its series finale Unending, brought a sense of closure and completeness to its run. It all came about, like the very gate itself, full circle (another Stargate SG-1 episode).

Did fans of six seasons of LOST (2004-2010) feel that same sense of closure? Maybe. Was it a logical and complete mythology? For some its metaphysical and philosophical underpinnings indeed continue to cultivate the fertile mind. To others LOST is a meandering, maddening and indecisive affair when it comes to its mythology that seems the victim or result of "write as you go."

Again, Stargate SG-1 may not be as challenging or quite as cerebral as LOST or as politically savvy and timely as Battlestar Galactica (2003-2009), but most would argue its ten seasons came to a wholly satisfying end within what appeared to be an unending franchise and one arguably more fulfilling than Ronald D. Moore's four season reimagining of the 1978 classic. Though personally, this writer quite enjoyed the two part Daybreak (2009).

And as wonderful as Star Trek and its variations are, the internal logic has been broken time and again and often and, though forgivable, defies logic. Spock would not be pleased.

To even make the point of memory in his article, Vaughn joked about memory on Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-1969) calling it the "poster child" of not getting that part right. "The guys in the red shirts never say 'Hey, Bill, what happened to Eugene?' or anything like that. ... It never dawns on them that if they're not Scotty, they're dead meat. It's like they don't even watch the show, let alone live it" (p.90).

Again, it is this internal logic in Stargate SG-1 that grows with each ensuing season building on what it was that came before it.

And so with Stargate SG-1, Season One, Ep10, Bloodlines, that mythology continues.

Bloodlines concerns itself with the introduction of Teal'c's furtive world. On his homeworld Chulak lives his son Rya'c and his wife Drey'auc. Even former Apophis First Prime Bra'tac, who instructed Teal'c, resides there. Another apostrophe anyone?

And the enslavement of the Jaffa hangs in the balance along with the possibility of stemming the tide against the Goa'uld (there's that apostrophe) by severing the symbiotic source of these false gods. Ho-hum. The deadly serious Teal'c and his accompanying arc just bored me to no end. But, the reaction by his SG-1 comrades was always the more interesting aspect of these stories for me personally.

Of course there is all the business with implantation and the coming of age to become Jaffa and receive a Goa'uld symbiote or larvae. It's disgusting too with serviceable effects.

For those requiring a better understanding of both the larva/symbiote and the Jaffa, Judge offered some wonderful thoughts in an excerpt from Starlog Magazine #251.

The Goa'uld larva is carried to maturity by its host. "It's a mutual kind of symbiosis. I nourish it, and it nourishes me. It allows me to go many days without sleep, without food. It heals any injuries I might have. But in turn, it feeds off my system. I breathe for it. I eat for it. I nourish it. I carry it for seven years; at that point it's mature enough to leave my body and exist on its own in another host. It can also, after that time, be strong enough to control the host it inhabits." It all seems perfectly logical right. Sometimes I truly believe you must be a fan of science fiction to completely grasp what's going on.

The Jaffa thread was often handled with care too. Judge delivered some personal reflections in Starlog Magazine #251 on the comparison of the Jaffa in a historical context to slavery. Judge noted he was "kind of worried" about possible flak from critics and friends for taking a role as a slave on a TV series, until he saw that his character would quickly emerge as a leader.

"I saw [the slavery angle] right off when I read the script, and that's why I was attracted to the character. He was going to have the chance to rebel and free his people from their oppressors. That, to me, directly parallels the horrible American legacy of slavery, even all the way up to the '60s and the [Civil Rights] movement, where things start to change and an aggressive leader emerges at the movement's forefront. That's very much how I see Teal'c. Most people see him as very heroic and very noble."

But even when this writer does not particularly connect with one piece or another of it, one thread or parcel part of it, there's always something new and different around the corner. Yet, these stories are seeds to later stories and the mythology grows like a redwood in Vancouver and Stargate SG-1 has one of the most fertile and fantastic mythologies in science fiction. Stargate Atlantis (2004-2009) and Stargate Universe (2009-2011) add to that variation and diversity beautifully. Is it necessarily brain science or as smart as some of the best in science fiction. Arguably not, but one could defend there is a kind of perfection in its simplicity. So like it or love it, like the SG-1 team through a wormhole, there is plenty to plumb the depths of and explore here.

The Goa'uld, the Tok'ra, the evolution of the Replicators, the evolution of Daniel Jackson, the introduction of Jonas Quinn, the introduction of Ben Browder and Claudia Black who fell through a Farscape wormhole and landed inside the Stargate SG-1 universe (sans Scorpius), the Asgard, the Nox (well, maybe not the Nox), the Unas, super soldiers, Robert when did you fly in from Star Trek: Voyager Picardo (and keep returning), and the list goes on. You name it and SG-1 was like a good-humored ever ready bunny. Heck the memory of Rodney McKay's visit to SG-1 and his association with Carter carried over to Stargate Atlantis' Grace Under Pressure (E14, S2). The franchise was relentlessly smart about those threads and tying them together.

And understanding the fact that sometimes Stargate SG-1 gets referred to as an action adventure series by many writers, this one included, should not come as a knock or derision, because it certainly comes off that way sometimes. It is that and so much more. Much of that so much more is due to its colorful and seemingly unending mythology. The series deserves better recognition for this fact alone. It operates intelligently within its universe and does so with such heart and sincerity it's hard not to consider Stargate SG-1 among the top tier of science fiction series ever designed and created.

And we now return with our latest installments of The World According To Jack O'Neill. Here we are treated to a whole handful of wisdom in the Bloodlines entry.