Thursday, December 18, 2008

Majel Barrett Roddenberry: 1932-2008

The beautiful Majel Barrett Roddenberry.

As one of the many Star Trek fans out there I would be terribly remiss if I did not pay respects, in my own small way, to the passing of the lovely Majel Barrett Roddenberry. I turned to my computer this evening to be surprised and saddened by the news. She gave so much to the Star Trek universe. She was the only member of Star Trek: The Original Series to appear in every incarnation to follow, films included. She will even be heard as the Computer, once again, in the Star Trek motion picture reboot by J.J. Abrams. She was one of those people involved in the Star Trek universe you knew you were just happy to have out there.

Her roles on Star Trek included: Number One [Star Trek pilot The Cage], Nurse Christine Chapel [Star Trek: The Original Series] and the Enterprise Computer. She even played on Leave It To Beaver folks among a host of other TV series.

Her husband, Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, died in 1991 and since then Majel has been a kind of spiritual lifeforce or torchbearer for our favorite cultural phenomenon that is Star Trek. She was the living connection to Gene and everything that was and is Star Trek. It is a significant loss to science fiction fans. Her loss, along with James Doohan and DeForest Kelly, gives original Star Trek fans pause yet again. These people along with those that still survive since the end of that Original Series continue to fill a certain comfort to sci fi fans in a special way. Certainly, fans, like us, definitely continue to give life to the franchise, which continued to inspire the likes of the Roddenberrys, but they too have given us much inspiration. It is such a strange, but logical relationship. I'm getting all cheesy here.

Majel Barrett Roddenberry passed away from Leukemia Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 76. I didn't know Majel struggled with Leukemia. I have an aunt who is battling acute Leukemia and she is just an amazing fighter with such profound strength. Like Majel, she too is an inspiration to so many of us in my family. I find it hard to get up in the morning and these folks just simply astonish.

In memory of her, here is a scene starring the First Lady of Star Trek, Majel Barrett Roddenberry, as she was often referred, lending her support to Babylon 5, Season Three, Episode 9, Point Of No Return, as seer Lady Morella. The part was specifically written for her by J. Michael Straczynski who apparently appreciated her support for the show. You see Babylon 5 fans and Star Trek fans can live in harmony and Majel proved that. This was a pivotal moment in the series or at the very least offered bits of information critical to the thinking and of its players. Majel plays here opposite Londo Mollari and Vir Cotto.

Peter Jurasik, who played Londo, said it best in the Babylon 5 book Point Of No Return by Jane Killick. "I can honestly say that she carried around a great burden being a Roddenberry in life." He continued, "When she enters a group of science fiction fans or comes onto our set- a science fiction community- the waters just part for her and people just kind of stand back." You see folks, that's the kind of admiration and love for the woman and what she gave to the franchise that I'm talking about.
Anyhow, my eyes bloodshot red, I just had to write something about her before my head hit the bed. We'll miss her presence.
Update: It was later reported on January 27, 2009, the remains of both Gene and Majel Barrett Roddenberry would be jettisoned to deep space together in memoriam.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kirk & Bones: The Great Ice Planet Adventure: Part 1: Poor Planning

Bones: Strange, the coordinates indicated a comfortable temperature here.

Kirk: Shoot, I'm freezing my pitooties off. Bones, contact Scotty to beam us back up right away.

Bones: Umm, well, I don't have the communicator Jim.

Kirk: What! We're on an ice planet with no communicator! Let me get this straight. You don't have a tricorder?

Bones: No.

Kirk: No weapons?

Bones: That's correct.

Kirk: No communicator?

Bones: Not a one.

Kirk: So we have no forseeable way of reaching Scotty to get home.

Bones: It's looking that way Jim.

Kirk: I instructed you to get our things together while I was escorting that helpless, sexy purple lady around the ship to bed her in my quarters.

Bones: Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not some kind of red-shirted, Kirk-lackey.

Kirk: Damn it, where the hell's Spock?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

B5 S4 Ep14: Moments Of Transition

This is one of the eeriest pictures of the Minbari warrior caste ever. The lighting in this scene is terrific and the camera snapped at the creepiest of moments. They look like Hellraiser rejects.

I have been a bit slow of late on these entries thanks to life's funny way of throwing everything at me. Work, home and everything in between is leaving me very little time to keep up. Still, on the Babylon 5 entries in particular I'm attempting to keep the quality up, at least that's what I'm trying to do. Quality over quantity right?
Sheridan is doing his darndest to reach Delenn on Minbar. Little does he know civil war is raging on her planet and the whole place is in danger of going up in flames. The warrior caste has surrounded the city threatening its complete destruction.
Garibaldi receives a message from William Edgars. His orders are to get a package through Babylon 5 safely. I have to admit this season has been a bit of a struggle for me as far as appreciating Doyle’s character. It is in true Straczynski fashion to shake up expectations and break us from our comfort zone. I was comfortable with Garibaldi. He was someone steady I could rely upon and whom I enjoyed immensely. Things are entirely different this season and what a pleasure it must have been for Doyle to take on this new facet to his character. I really would like the man back the way I knew and loved him, but time will tell. As much as it must be a ball for Doyle to play the part, I fear for the future of my boy Michael. I have been squirming watching the character play out.

Speaking of changes it’s appropriate we tackle the latest of those developments in Babylon 5, Season Four, Episode 14, Moments Of Transition.

On the station Lyta is doing her own Sunday best to find work and pay the bills. We get a little more regarding her history. She was a field assistant for Psi Corps for one year. It turns out the interviewer wants to background her with Psi Corps, but she insists that cannot happen. Her potential employer expects their employees to be certified with Psi Corps if they are to obtain a position. The company woman walks based upon Lyta's rejection of that stipulation.
I love this hulking shot of the Minbari War Cruiser.
On the Minbari vessel Neroon reports to Shakiri, the leader of his caste. Neroon is worried about the destruction foisted upon Minbar as a result of the warrior caste’s actions. “The cities can be rebuilt,” insists Shakiri.

Is it wrong to value life?” inquires Neroon. Shakiri commands, “We fight because it is our nature. It is the calling of our heart.” It is the antithesis to the peace and love of Delenn’s calling. The same could easily be said of human nature and the many cultural belief systems on this great blue planet. The questioning does give us pause.

Bester arrives aboard Babylon 5 and insists he won’t be disturbing the command staff, but has arrived for personnel matters. Okay, whatever that means ya weasel.

Zack confronts Garibaldi about a package and we get a great pan of the station through the Zocalo. There’s some nice scenery and detail to the sequence thanks to the set department. The Bester exchange is also amusing as always.

Garibaldi’s point is an interesting and valid one to say the least. It’s all relative and perception on a given issue is all in where you stand. There is no doubt Sheridan is acting as a result of Earth’s new dictatorial government. Garibaldi just gives us the opposing view.

On Minbar, Delenn is certain she will be surrendering and informs Lennier. He is less than pleased.

Bester pays Lyta a visit on the station. He knows she’s looking for employment and the rejections keep on coming. Her rogue telepath status is killing her. Bester fucks with her mind the old fashioned way as he manipulates and plays games with her. “Being a freedom fighter… it’s a wonderful thing… but the pay sucks!” Bester attempts to make her an offer she can’t refuse. He will remove her from the rogue telepath list if she wears the Psi Corps symbol, the uniform, the gloves in exchange for her body.

Bester: “I want your body.”

Lyta: “Are you out of your mind!?”

Bester: “That’s a very funny question to ask a telepath.”

Bester wishes to reclaim her physical body should she die from natural causes only. Foul play cannot enter the equation. I’d love to see how that works on paper. It’s the freakin’ Psi Corps. DO NOT TRUST PSI CORPS! Lyta simply needs to sign a power of attorney document. Bester is fascinated by Lyta’s innate power as modified by The Vorlons. She mulls it over and gives her answer. “I’d sooner put a bullet in my brain.” Somehow I would imagine that could be arranged by Bester. A few feet away Garibaldi is watching as Lyta storms off. Now at first glance I didn’t think much of it. I thought perhaps he just happened to be there. After a second thought I wondered what Garibaldi was up to. Could he be spying on Lester? Could he be working for someone other than Lester? This does have a complex feel to it. If he's been messed with he may not know who he's working for.

Neroon discusses surrender of the religious caste at one of Minbar’s famous temples. It was originally where disputes were settled between castes years ago before Valen and the Grey Council. It is a signal by the warrior caste of a return to Minbari traditions of old. Neroon asks Shakiri what will be done with Delenn upon surrender. I think deep down Neroon certainly respects Delenn and does show concern for her. He is informed she will be killed enroot back to Babylon 5 as a result of, say, unfortunate circumstances.

Zack pays Lyta another visit sans pizza. She is informed she must relocate to smaller quarters. With no income and no Vorlon backing Lyta is running into tough times. Apart from giving her the bad news he still asks Lyta for a favor. He wants her to scan Garibaldi. I think Lyta’s performance is outstanding here. It’s very natural. Patricia Tallman does some fine work on the series.

Later Lyta attempts to gain employment through Garibaldi for a job or is she there for Zack anyway? “If I hire you I annoy Bester. I like the thought of that,” contemplates Garibaldi. Bester comes along to interrupt. “I heard you’d retired, but I didn’t believe it,” Bester butts in. Garibaldi responds, “Not retired… why? You lookin’ to hire somebody find out what happened to your personality?” Bester may have his own agenda with Garibaldi. This is a dynamic that is difficult to figure. Lyta tells Garibaldi he’s been scanned. Yeah, I wonder if she scanned him as well. She does kind of have a developing thing with Zack. So the question is did she fulfill his request to scan? Garibaldi flies at Bester assaulting him but is quickly arrested. This has to be red herring to throw us off the scent of a Bester/ Garibaldi connection. Then again, I'm not sure.

Delenn leads her caste to the temple for surrender. She instructs Lennier on what to do and informs Shakiri of their surrender. Fortunately, as rules dictate by the ancients, caste leaders must step into the starfire wheel whereby fire will consume them. Those unworthy will escape the fire. Those believers who speak the truth will burn and perish. I think I have that right as crazy as that may sound, though I do understand its significance to the Minbari. The nobler caste shall rule. So you want tradition Shakiri you got it. Delenn recites the past’s influence, “Valen said, will you follow me to fire?” Lennier pleads with her not to sacrifice her life, but heeds her will.

Somewhat surprisingly, Neroon calls out the cowardly Shakiri to demonstrate his courage or lack thereof. He reminds him that earlier he indicated he did not fear death as a warrior calling that bluff on the carpet. Neroon requires that he put his money where his mouth is. Neroon, while hardened, is a patriot by all accounts. So Shakiri is shamed into the Wheel of Fire. “Come on baby wheel of fire.” Sing it! I can hear The Doors to this one. Shakiri jumps from inside the light beam and is smoldering hot. He is a big smoldering heap of evil. That sounds good. Delenn continues her path to unwanted martyrdom as she is a believer. Neroon witnesses the truth and leaps into save Delenn taking her place to die unifying the castes. Delenn is red-faced, not from embarrassment, but from the skin scalding heat burn from the wheel of fire. “Come on baby wheel of fire, try to set the night on fire.” You know it. You can sing it. Come on now.

Back at the station Edgars calls Garibaldi and orders that he fire Lyta, “the telepath” as he refers to her. He does not trust them. Hmmm…. Bester appears to have had something to do with the Edgars connection or how else would Edgars have known. Lyta is desperate and signs off on the power of attorney form. I'm not sure that was a great idea Lyta. Bester the molester [defined as: to annoy/ disturb] wins again by driving people to drink and drink heavily.

Delenn informs the Minbari she is re-forming the balance needed in their society via the rebirth of the Grey Council. The worker caste always gets the shaft. We certainly know the least about the worker caste. Still, much faith and trust has been placed in their support as they are given five [of nine] spots on the Grey Council. They’re like the middle class. They are the backbone to Minbar and Minbari life. “Religion and war must act in the service of the people not the other way around,” purports Delenn. The center is reserved for The One who is to come and in memory of Neroon until that day arrives. Could The One be Lennier? I mean Valen was The One and Jeffrey Sinclair was The One, but is this a new One? Ugh. I really think I'm beginning to lose it or my brain is just Babylon 5 fried.

Back on Babylon 5, Ivanova informs Sheridan that Clark is wiping out civilians with a sweeping hand. Sheridan is livid. That’s it. He’s done. They’re done! It’s war. Gloves are off! “God help anybody who gets in our way!"
Whew! Look out! The Scarecrow is pissed [again].
Moments Of Transition: B-

Babylon 5 Special Edition Trading Cards

I love ebay. I don't know about you but there are some great things out there on ebay. Funny thing is, there are alot of things on ebay that really don't need to be on ebay. I mean some stuff has absolutely no value. Believe me, I've tried to sell some things that I thought had value and they just wouldn't sell. Granted, value is in the eye of the beholder.

One thing that doesn't have a whole lot of value is science fiction trading cards [base sets]. Sure, autograph cards will kill you, but the base sets really aren't worth that much. Still, they are nice to have and they have cool stories on them from the series and terrific images. Well, I thought, you know what, I'm going to start giving away my extra science fiction cards from time to time. I'm not going to sell them. I'm going to give them to my fellow sci fi fans who enjoy science fiction like I do. What better place to do it than right here. So, if you'd like to have this delightful set of Skybox Babylon 5 Special Edition Trading Cards simply post your mailing address and I will ship them out to you for FREE. What's that? FREE? That's right folks, I don't care where you live on this fine blue planet I will send them to you for FREE. If they don't get to you then you're shit out of luck. But, you don't lose a thing, no harm no foul. I have two sets. One complete and one almost complete. So, the first two people to post their mailing addresses, I will simply send them to you in the mail. Once I have your address I will delete your comment from the comments section. May the lucky winners enjoy them.

I tried to get a Mira Furlan autograph card in this set but was not successful. So you and I will both have lovely base sets. Funny enough some folks are selling this base set for 10-20 dollars on ebay. Note the cool image of one of the galaxy's greatest spaceships in the form of a First One. Live long and prosper! Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 12, 2008

William Shatner: Has Been?

A man in his prime? Maybe.

William Shatner sure is a busy boy. He's always doing something. He's even going to receive his own talk show. I'm surprised it took them that long to consider giving him a shot. I mean the man is vocal. He always has something to say. Like 'em or hate him he has an opinion. You know what they say about opinions. Yes, they're like assholes and everyone has one. Well, rest assured Bill Shatner has been referenced as such and probably worse along the way. Just ask George Takei a.k.a. Sulu. Certainly some of Bill's castmates do not look upon the man as fondly as say, um, me.

I love William Shatner. The man is a genius. He has a gift for the camera and he uses it wherever he can. Still, put him behind the microphone and the results can vary. It's not that he gets behind it so much as a singer, but to provide that niche genre of music referred to as the Spoken Word Album. You'll recall The Transformed Man [1968]. Perhaps, if you're lucky you don't recall or you won't. Quite frankly it's terrible. It was his first ditch attempt at something unique and different, but in the end fails miserably. Whether it's Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds or Mr. Tambourine Man they just stink! In fact, they haven't aged well either. They sound like rejects from a Rankin Bass Christmas special. You hear them and you just cringe.

Spaced Out: The Very Best Of Leonard Nimoy & William Shatner [1997] is a reissue of those early recordings from Mr. Nimoy and Mr. Shatner. I'd love telll you that Nimoy's work is seasoned and more accessible than Shatner's, but alas I am here to say, Nimoy's selections are God awful as well. They just suck! Although it is notable that the Ballad Of Bilbo Baggins seems to be a huge hit on Itunes as a popular favorite with The Lord Of The Rings set no doubt. All of our fellow Fantasy genre geeks come out of the woodwork for that inspired gem of dreck. Ech!

William Shatner recently lended his Vocal/ Spoken Word hand to Exodus [2008]. It is a classical Oratorio in three parts credited to William Shatner, David Itkin, The Arkansas Symphony Orchestra and Paul Rowe. The choral orchestrations are lovely, with nothing to over-the-top from Mr. Shatner here. It is passable in my humble opinion.

Shatner also lent a hand to a couple of tracks for Brian Evans Live [2006]. Lady Is A Tramp and What Kind Of Fool Am I? are trademarks in Shatner's more contemporary, irreverent style. Still, nothing too impressive here if you're a Shatner fan. The only worthwhile turn in this vein came to fruition a few years earlier.

William Shatner struck just the right cord when he got involved with Ben Folds [formerly of Ben Folds Five] for Has Been [2004]. This recording took me completely and utterly by surprise. It is a work of pure genius. It's a credit to Ben Folds too because he's the only man that has been able to tap raging energy of Shatner at his best within the Spoken Word concept Shatner seems to enjoy so much. Shatner absolutely delivers and the recording is an amazing, varied, pop masterpiece. The writing is fantastic and no doubt Ben Folds was behind some of it. I know very little about Ben Folds by the way. At times, the recording drips with irony, sometimes tenderness, sometimes scathing humor, self-mockery, pain and much more. There is nothing cringe-worthy here in the way The Transformed Man had you cowering for your binky. Listen, if The Transformed Man was a guilty pleasure and you are definitely guilty if you are out there, this is not. There is nothing about this recording that you need be ashamed of for liking. The One To Be Pitied would beg to differ of course. A friend of mine also fails to appreciate the inspiration found in the work as I did. It is a rich collection of songs that even benefits from guests Aimee Mann, Joe Jackson and the insane Henry Rollins. There's something about this collection. It just works. William Shatner delivers like some mad uncle that visits after a few stiff vodkas and just starts ranting and going off. Still, he is such a sympathetic character in his delivery here you'll be hard pressed not to be won over. You will be overwhelmed by emotion thanks to his impassioned way with the word, the spoken word. Talk about self-effacing brilliance. This guy literally tears himself down, or plays into the stereotypes for a laugh, or breaks them down with heartwrenching honesty. I don't know how he did it, but producer/ arranger Ben Folds brings out a classic William Shatner fronted recording. You need to hear this recording to believe it. When that's done you'll listen to it again and again for every little nuance of emotion you can ring out of every word and melody. Oh and that voice, it's a winner behind the microphone here.

Highlights are in bold, but as a whole this thing is rock solid. The tracklisting for Has Been is as follows:

  • Common People [A scorching remake of a Pulp track]
  • It Hasn't Happened Yet [a genuinely introspective heartbreaker]
  • You'll Have Time [outrageous commentary on death]
  • That's Me Trying [Shatner reaches out to a daughter after failing as a father]
  • What Have You Done
  • Together
  • Familiar Love
  • Ideal Woman
  • Has Been
  • I Can't Get Behind That [with Henry Rollins on societal insanity]
  • Real [duet with country singer Brad Paisley]

    So don't forget to, as William Shatner puts it, "live life, like you're gonna die, because you're gonna'." So, Shatner, a has been? I don't think so.
Has Been: A

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Yuletide Greetings

Santa: Right here on my lap young man. So what would you like for Christmas little boy?

Bones: I'd really like a...a...a....

Santa: How 'bout some nice medical supplies?

Bones: Always with the medical supplies. No, no, I want a Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time.

Santa: But, you'll shoot your eye out, kid.

Bones: Damn it Santa! Again with the "you'll shoot your eye out kid," I'm not getting any younger ya know!

Tryin' to feel the spirit folks how 'bout you?

Note: The paint program is like the poor man's version of special effects. It is soooo analog, but why do I enjoy it so?

I in no way pretend to be a photographer [I see there are many photo blogs out there far superior to mine], but I do take the ocassional shot that gives me pleasure like this random Christmas tree against a farm and sun. Hope y'all have Happy Holidays.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Muppet Show S3: Pigs In Space & The Invisible Pill

I must admit these were far more entertaining once upon a time, nevertheless...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

B5 S4 Ep13: Rumors, Bargains And Lies

The truth is back in business!

Sheridan sits in the cafeteria deep in thought amused with himself as he schemes. Marcus, Ivanova, Franklin and Zack arrive and Sheridan pays them no mind at all. Sheridan has a plan to bring the other races on board to the idea of White Star patrols. He dispatches Marcus and three White Stars. They’d like to know the plan, but Sheridan isn’t exactly sure himself. Franklin thinks he’s a bit loopy and losing it without the Lady of the Lake around. At this point, Delenn has been gone for three days contributing to Sheridan’s sense of withdrawal.

An outbreak of Civil War is in progress on Minbar as we enter Babylon 5, Season Four, Episode 13, Rumors, Bargains And Lies [formerly titled I Am Sheridan. Watch As I Make Mincemeat Of My Alien Allies And Their Low Intellect With My Sheer Dazzling Genius]. It is directed by the always impressive Michael Vejar. Delenn offers some historical perspective reflecting on the Grey Council that was. “They held our world together. They were the peace promised by Valen.” It provided, “1,000 years of peace among the three castes.”

Lennier makes a startling observation about the removal of Grey Council that speaks volumes about the suppression of a people however well intentioned. “It was inevitable. The council imposed balance between the castes by suppressing the old resentments, the fears, the imagined slights, but it could not erase them. Take that away and all the old problems come right back to the surface again.” [I fear for Iraq]. I guess I wasn't joking about the caste warfare way back when. It’s all coming to the fore on Minbar again. At this point, the fighting appears contained within the planet’s capital. It’s not out of control... yet. Neroon has been contacted to help ease the chaos. I love good ol' Neroon. Not really. He's a bit of a prick. I so want to call him Macaroon. I’m not a huge fan of Neroon in much the same way I’m not all that crazy about macaroons. I avoid macaroons.

Back on Babylon 5, Sheridan tells Londo [and G’Kar] to pretend they never spoke of the White Star plan. “Londo, trust me,” insists Sheridan. He needs their assist on this for his plan to work. The word trust is an interesting word choice and it must be very difficult for either G’Kar or Londo to fully invest in its true meaning. Granted I do think they appreciate Sheridan’s intentions.

On a Minbari warship, Neroon returns to the series, played devilishly and deliciously by guest John Vickery. They are to meet with the castes. Delenn meets with Neroon alone. In her absence Lennier is given the third degree by a dubious contingent of the religious caste. His religious brethren are disturbed at the presence of the warrior caste. Speaking of trust, there are a lot of trust issues between the two groups. I suspect the worker caste just keeps on doing the job while these two bonehead groups are always squabbling. The worker caste is like the middle class. They are the engine that makes this society work, but get none of the glory. Billy Mumy is great as Lennier and has one of those moments to shine. He plays cool and geek on a dime better than anyone I’ve seen. He's like all of the castes rolled up in one.

Delenn asks Neroon for his help. Their civilization needs the return of balance. Delenn sees Neroon’s actions as sincere and noble.

Delenn is certain it isn’t too late to stop the current chain of events. Neroon opines, “We are two against a world gone mad.” They both understand the risks but he agrees to help, “for now.”

On the station the Drazi ambassador reports to Sheridan that he has seen White Stars in Centauri border space. The poor Drazi, they’re always relegated to second-class station status. We hardly know anything about the Drazi or any names or anything significant at all but there they are to help further the story when needed. Poor fellows. Sheridan plays the whole exchange like a masterful politician. Loads of double-talk baffles the Drazi. It’s quite effective.

Marcus reports into Sheridan. Sheridan has Marcus destroy some asteroids as a kind of red herring. Destroy them and come home.

Marcus: “That’s it.”

Sheridan: “Yes.”

Marcus: “Shoot a bunch of rocks and then leave.”

Sheridan: “Correct.”

That was an amusing back and forth. Sheridan’s wheels are turning and as his ideas are coming together he’s not telling a soul [including Ivanova] to ensure nothing fails. Secrets are good just ask Delenn. Sheridan’s smile and general good cheer has Ivanova’s eyebrows raised. By the way, she does have nice, big, bushy eyebrows to go along with those big supple lips.

Later the Drazi ambassador attempts to pump Londo for information. He runs into the insulting Londo Mollari. This is pretty cute.

Franklin assists Sheridan’s plan by requesting blood donations from alien races, which in turn raises their alarm even further.

Back on the Minbari warship the religious caste questions Delenn’s motives. She was Dukhat’s chosen one. The fanatical group feels the Minbari ship musn’t reach home. Appropriately this religious cult makes plans for their demise. The plan is to poison the air and kill everyone aboard. Fanaticism comes in all shapes and sizes. Makes me want to change the name of my blog.

Prior to the voice of the resistance going live on the station Sheridan asks Ivanova to make a big deal out of nothing. “Nothing happened today in 83 by 9 by 12. Make a big deal out of it, as much as you can given nothing happened.” The aliens are disturbed by the report over a potential new and invisible enemy. They need protection and play right into Sheridan's hands. The plan that amused him earlier in the break room is coming together more than ever.

Meanwhile, the warrior caste is hatching its own plot to depose any opposition as a fellow Minbari strikes Neroon with a fighting pike. Meanwhile, the religious bozos learn that Delenn does not plan to surrender and now their plans to poison the station are looking a wee bit irrational. Fortunately our fearless hero Lennier overhears their dastardly plan and understands he must save the day. Elsewhere Delenn shares her inner most thoughts regarding Lennier with Neroon. This is a moving tribute followed by a terrific exchange between Neroon and Delenn.

The episodes of late have been a fascinating accompaniment and complement to the book recommended to me, To Dream In The City Of Sorrows. There is much here and in the book surrounding Dukhat and all things Minbari. Many of the episodes thus far in Season Four have been a nice counterpart to the book. The book is definitely sorting out Minbari details and fleshing out elements more suitable for coverage within that medium.

On Babylon 5, Sheridan meets with the non-aligned alien worlds that are essentially begging for protection at this point. Sheridan plays it cool tightening his grip on these bozos referring to the White Stars as pretty “busy.” Sheridan plays these geniuses like a fiddle. It’s amazing pure Darwinism hasn’t wiped out their races already. They’re like the league of non-aligned morons. Sheridan wanted cooperation to come easy and he’s making it happen.

Delenn visits a recovering Lennier who had a portion of his lung removed. Delenn asks what transpired. Lennier recalls the Minbari practice of “saving face” and essentially lies to cover up the stupidity of his religious caste brothers by telling Delenn a falsehood concerning the poison gas. It is for the good of his people. You’ll recall [I believe] Babylon 5, Season One, Episode 21, The Quality Of Mercy. It was here Lennier essentiallly backed Londo if memory serves correct as they sat before Sinclair to explain themseves. To further support this fact I give you this quote from To Dream In The City Of Sorrows written by Kathryn M. Drennan, "For a people who claimed they never lied, the Minbari were the masters of the art of concealed truth."

Delenn actually wonders if the whole thing wasn’t a result of sabotage and if the warrior caste was involved. Lennier’s reply, “No, I think we can be fairly certain the warrior caste was not involved.” The boneheads in the religious arm must be feeling like complete bantha poo-doo.

Lennier shares with his brothers the reason for his fabrication and his intentions are indeed noble.

That’s a pretty stellar piece of writing and how applicable is it to our own lives. So many of us build such false hopes or place individuals on pedestals for which they have no right to stand. So many are unworthy and undeserving of such position yet we place our greatest hopes upon them. We do like convinving ourselves of the ideals don’t we? Nicely done.

Lennier awakens and spots Neroon making a break for his personal ship. The Minbari vessel leaves with Neroon reporting back home all of the information he has attained concerning the religious caste’s plans. Neroon double-crosses Delenn. Delenn had hoped the two could work together, but instead his loyalties are to the warrior caste’s success. Vickery does a terrific job of playing the noble snake. He seems resolute in defeating the religious caste. He is very convincing.

Rumor, Bargains And Lies: B