
Showing posts with label illustration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illustration. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Thursday, July 31, 2008

TTPH Postcard

Here's a postcard I made to promote Dumm Comics at Comic-Con. I'm really like the way it turned out, especially how it was printed and looks in person.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hoggle Zoo Illustrations

My sister gave me this brochure for the zoo next to where she lives in Utah, and it's AWESOME!! Check out these illustrations! She also said that all the signage inside the zoo and leading up to it have these kind of illustrations on it.

It doesn't say who the illustrator is, so if anyone knows, let me know! It kind of reminds me of Dan Krall, but who knows...

This guy's the "Ghost of the Bayou" and it's a real white alligator that they have at the zoo!
EDIT: I found some more high-res images of similar posters. CLICK HERE

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Steve!

Here's an illustration I did for my buddy Steve Lambe's birthday. He's awesome at design and can draw in any style. And he's Canadian, but don't hold that against him! Happy Birthday Steve!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Yeah yeah yeah, it's been a while. I'm done with El Tigre (tear) and am working on some new projects from home on my new Cintiq. Yup, I did it, and it's awesome. So hopefully, more posts, more often. Hmm, that kinda rhymes.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

New Ink

This was done on cardboard with good ol pen and ink. I was just trying out the different colored inks and various nibs my girlfriend bought me. Pretty fun!
And here are some post-it studies from the Addams Family movie. I've always liked this movie. It's got great compositions, acting, color, and music!