
Showing posts with label sketches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sketches. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Monday, September 21, 2009

Boy Drawings

I got inspired to draw after looking through the Cloudy with Chance of Meatballs Art-Of book. Check it out!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Drinky Crow Part 2 - "Elephant Man"

Hey everybody, the second episode of The Drinky Crow Show that I storyboarded airs tonight, Jan. 4 at 12:15 am on Adult Swim (Cartoon Network). The episode is called "Elephant Man," and is about, well, the Elephant Man of course! It was written by Eric Kaplan, is part friendship story, part medical drama, and part television commentary. I haven't even seen the completed episode myself, so I'm excited to see how it turned out.

Check out my thumbnails for a scene above, and the finished clean-ups below. And be sure to check out the show!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I am 8-bit #4

It's time for another I am 8-bit art show!!!! It's tomorrow night at the World of Wonder storefront Gallery, 6650 Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles.

I collaborated with my girlfriend Kellie Smith to make a Luigi plush. Well, it's more of a wool sculpture because the whole things made of wool! Nothing is sewn except for the arms and legs to the body. It's a crazy process where you stab some wool with barbed needles to get it to knot itself. And you sculpt the shapes you want and knot them together. It takes a really, really long time.

He's about 9 inches tall, but doesn't stand really well except when leaning against something.
Here he is in progress. Kellie made the whole thing with me helping a bit. She worked off some drawings I did, and I tried to direct her to get it as close as she could. I think it turned out awesome!
Here's a half a turnaround I did based on the first drawing.
And here's the first sketch I did.


For my painting this year, I decided to tackle one of my favorite games growing up, Bubble Bobble! My brother and I used to play this nonstop. Above is the final painting, 5x7, done in cel vinyl on illustration board.

Here is the digital color comp I did in photoshop.

Here's the final drawing I went off of. You may noticed that I flipped the guy in the bubble for the final piece. I think it makes a better composition.
Here's the second drawing I did.
And here's the first sketch, the seed of the idea!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

TTPH - Process

It's Tuesday and there's a brand new Through the Port-Hole strip up at Dumm Comics! I thought I'd post the roughs that led to this comic, and show a little of my process.

First comes the initial idea thumbnailed out in my sketchbook. In this stage I don't really worry about the composition of the whole strip, but just quick poses and shot ideas. I didn't even have a payoff drawing in the thumbnail.
The second step, which I'm cutting out more and more as I progress with the strip, is redrawing the panels on paper with pencil. I focus more on the layout of the whole page or strip. I actually ended up reorder some drawings on this one because I knew what poses I wanted, but wasn't necessarily set on what the dialogue would be. It sounds kind of backwards I know, but it works for me. Dialogue almost always comes last.
This third step shows how I hone in on a drawing digitally in Photoshop. I start with the initial idea and attempt to make a good drawing. But then I explore new ways to make the idea clearer, or the silhouette better, etc. And for this example, I just tried to push it more and more until I came up with a totally different drawing that what I originated with.

And Step Four, go check out the final inked comic!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


It's Tuesday, and that means a brand new Through the Port-Hole comic!!!!! Go check it out at Dumm Comics! Here's the rough I did for this week's comic. As you can see I edited it a bit. It's hard sometimes when you're used to storyboarding and posing every single action out. But I think I'm learning to be more precise as I go along.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sketchbook Dump - 3

My pal Morgan, reading a fine magazine and sipping some San Pellegrino
My new friend Paula getting sleepy.
An older sketch of a girl on a bus in San Francisco.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sketchbook Dump - Lunches

I draw often when eating out for lunch. Here are some sketches from said outings.

Kellie, my girlfriend. Always a good model, even though she never thinks I get her right.
Whole Foods pidgeons and fountain.

My pal Luke at an El Tigre farewell lunch.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sketchbook Dump - Jury Duty

These are from Jury Duty a while back. It wasn't so bad really. I had never been, so I found the whole process interesting. And I got to bring my work and get caught up on some thumbnails for a board I was working on.

So many different people in one room. No one is immune to the Duty!
Ahh, Lunch Break!

Monday, February 25, 2008


I did some sketching while watching the Oscars. Can you guess who is who? 2 extra points for the woman! (Give me a break! Doing caricatures of people after 30 sec. of screentime is hard! You should see the sketches I didn't post. blerg!)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Trying out some new pens and markers... In the real world there is no Ctrl+z.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Marker Sketch

Sketched in blue pen from a photo. It started to bleed with the addition of markers, but I liked it.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

El Tigre Meeting Sketches

Luke Cormican

Eddie Trigueros

Fred Osmond

Jorge Gutierrez

Matt Dougherty