
Showing posts with label marker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marker. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Late Afternoon Comic

I was lounging on my patio this afternoon, and decided to draw a comic. This is based on a true story! Dang birds always stealing my tomatoes!

Sunday, August 03, 2008


I watched this awesome film Carandiru at my friend Jorge's place last night. It's a prison movie from Brazil that came out around the same time as City of God, but didn't get as much attention. It's about a doctor that goes to work at this severely overcrowded prison. He learns about the inmates and their stories of how they got there are shown to us. In the end the tension inside the prison wheals up and explodes in a riot which causes police to come and kill over 100 inmates. Oh, and it's all a true story, and it was filmed in the actual prison, right before they demolished it.

So i did some drawings of the characters while watching the film. Check them out! And yes, those are the characters real names.

(The only picture of Beard I could find, but under that bandanna he's got some crazy hair!)

Hmm, on IMDB this character's name is "No Way", but in the subtitles it was "Too Bad."

Ebony, one of the leaders inside the prison.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

MMM Indian Food

I went to eat at one of my favorite places yesterday, India Sweets & Spices. It's a big market, but there's a cafeteria attached that serves amazing vegetarian food. They also have a bigscreen tv that cycles through awesome Bollywood movies. I drew this guy in my sketchbook while eating lunch.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sketchbook Dump - Jury Duty

These are from Jury Duty a while back. It wasn't so bad really. I had never been, so I found the whole process interesting. And I got to bring my work and get caught up on some thumbnails for a board I was working on.

So many different people in one room. No one is immune to the Duty!
Ahh, Lunch Break!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Trying out some new pens and markers... In the real world there is no Ctrl+z.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Marker Sketch

Sketched in blue pen from a photo. It started to bleed with the addition of markers, but I liked it.