
Showing posts with label paintings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paintings. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Howdy Lion Painting

4.25" x 8"
Cel Vinyl on Illustration Board

I painted this back in June of last year. Don't know why I didn't post it until now.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Full "It's 2AM" Art show

The opening for the show at GhettoGloss Gallery was a madhouse! But a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who came down. I think the show will only be up for a week, so here are the pieces I made for your enjoyment. (Some more posts about process and influences to come!)

Cel-Vinyl Acrylic on wood

"Deacon of Light"
Cel-Vinyl Acrylic on panel

"Why, oh Why?!"
Cel-Vinyl Acrylic on wood

"Take the Edge Off"
Cel-Vinyl Acrylic on wood

"I see GOD!"
Cel-Vinyl Acrylic on wood

Friday, April 23, 2010

"IT'S 2AM!!" Art Show

"It's 2AM!!"
Our group painting exhibition is this Friday, April the 23rd from 7pm-midnight at GhettoGloss Gallery in Hollywood.

14 different artists, and I'm one of them! I've got a bunch of pieces in the show, the most I've ever done for one event! So, come check it out!

6109 Melrose Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90038

I'll post my other paintings once the show goes up!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Kellie painting

Here's a quick painting of my girlfriend Kellie.  It was painted freehand from a sketch.
Cel Vinyl on illustration board

P.S. I don't know why when I upload it to Blogger it makes the colors fade.  But if you click on it, the colors are right. Same with the Luka painting below.  Weird.

EDIT: actually it DOESN'T show the right colors, even if you click on it, but in the Luka one it does! Even weirder!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Luka Painting

A painting for my good friends Sandra and Jorge, and their new son-to-be, Luka.
4x6, cel vinyl on board

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

8-bit in German

Check out my I am 8-Bit painting in this German magazine GEE. I'm in great company alongside Scott Campbell and PaperMonster. Pretty Awesome!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hey You Guys!!!!

Hey everyone! I'm in a charity auction art show that's tonight in Pasadena. The theme is 80's kids movies and there will be a screening of Goonies at the historic Rialto Theater.

The charity we are working to help is, they provide materials to needing classrooms. In this case, we are concentrating on classroom in Southern California that need art supplies. We are trying to help the next generation of artists! We need your help, and they all need our help! So if you can't make it to the movie, and don't want to bid on the art, please give any small amount you can., TTG's donors page
Check out the flyer above for more info!!! And click this link to check out some of the other artwork:

For my painting I chose The NeverEnding Story. And, if you seen the movie, you know that one of the sadness scenes is where Atreyu's horse Atrax dies in the Swamps of Sadness. But I didn't want to paint such a gut-wrenching scene, so I painted them right before, when they're walking through the swamp. Above is my first rough thumbnail for the painting.

And here is the color comp the I drew to size in Photoshop. I also nailed down the composition a bit more.

Here is the final drawing based off the color comp. Noticed I used some post-its to redraw the characters. I didn't get it right the first time.

And here's the final painting! It's 15x7 and painted in Cel Vinyl on illustration board. I am quite happy how it turned out!
And finally my girlfriend Kellie Smith made a Falkor wool plush. He's about 15 inches long!!! Pretty awesome!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I am 8-bit #4

It's time for another I am 8-bit art show!!!! It's tomorrow night at the World of Wonder storefront Gallery, 6650 Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles.

I collaborated with my girlfriend Kellie Smith to make a Luigi plush. Well, it's more of a wool sculpture because the whole things made of wool! Nothing is sewn except for the arms and legs to the body. It's a crazy process where you stab some wool with barbed needles to get it to knot itself. And you sculpt the shapes you want and knot them together. It takes a really, really long time.

He's about 9 inches tall, but doesn't stand really well except when leaning against something.
Here he is in progress. Kellie made the whole thing with me helping a bit. She worked off some drawings I did, and I tried to direct her to get it as close as she could. I think it turned out awesome!
Here's a half a turnaround I did based on the first drawing.
And here's the first sketch I did.


For my painting this year, I decided to tackle one of my favorite games growing up, Bubble Bobble! My brother and I used to play this nonstop. Above is the final painting, 5x7, done in cel vinyl on illustration board.

Here is the digital color comp I did in photoshop.

Here's the final drawing I went off of. You may noticed that I flipped the guy in the bubble for the final piece. I think it makes a better composition.
Here's the second drawing I did.
And here's the first sketch, the seed of the idea!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Cheetah Painting 2

Another late night cheetah digital painting. Whadaya guys think? I'm pretty close to nailing down a design.... I think...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cheetah Painting

Here's a late-night cheetah digital painting. I like how it turned out. Whadaya think? Who wants to see this guy animated?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Western Show

The El tigre crew had a western themed art show this week, so I whipped up this piece for it.

The sketch.
The rough digital color comp.
The final painting. 5x7

Monday, May 07, 2007

8-Bit Painting Process

Here's a quick overview of the steps to get to the final paintings I did for the I Am 8-Bit show.

1) Random pen doodle2) Bigger pencli sketch
3) Composition thumbnail sketches

4) Digital color comp
5) Final painting

1) Exploration pen sketches

2) More exploration pencil sketches

3) Full size pencil sketch of composition
4) Last minute change to the pose of the chef

5) Digital color comp
6) Final painting

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I AM 8-Bit

The I Am 8-Bit show went up last night at Gallery 1988. It was jam-packed as usual, but they did a better job filtering people in and out of the gallery. The show was pretty amazing overall. Here are my two humble entries. The Burgertime painting is about 8x10 and the Mario/Luigi painting is like 21x10 or something like that. I really like how they turned out. If you get a chance, you should check out the show because there are some amazing pieces.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Dia De Los Muertos

Here's a painting I did for the El Tigre Dia De Los Muertos art show back in November. It's titled "Dia de los reencarnados." It was my first time painting on wood, and it was fun.