Showing posts with label award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label award. Show all posts

Friday, February 5, 2010

It's Mind Blogging

Or is that mind blowing????

This week has been pretty busy here
at the Six house.

After being awakened by my sis
Six Divided By Two...aka Misty,
to inform me that a good bloggy friend of ours
wrote this amazing and soul stirring blog.

I have to admit that I was saying "Amen"
out loud while reading it.
Sis and I were so inspired by this moving blog
that we felt the need to start a new revelation
in blogging.

To blog for what matters to us
and not be concerned with just the numbers.
To stand out in the crowd and be as unique
as we were meant to be.
We decided to share our passion
to be individual
with fellow bloggers who share the same zeal.

We, the Six Sisters, created this.

The "Not a Stepford Blog" award
 was created to celebrate those who buck the
blogging society and are true to themselves
and their blog.

Misty has already bestowed her award to several
fine bloggers out there and now it's my turn.

First and foremost, I have to award Debbie of Talking Trash.
Debbie is my fairy blog mother who dares to go where most
bloggers will never venture and she is hysterical in the process.

Second, I'd like to award The Texas Woman.
She has the courage of ten men and her
Tuesday posts will have you in stitches!

Third is Adrienne from The Flying Bee.
I love how she decided to totally take a new direction
with her blog and went for it!!!
The results were amazing.

Fourth is my girl Lulu Kellog.
Not only does Lulu make the most amazing jewelry
and crafts, but she has a dark side to her that I just love.
I mean c'mon...everyone can't be rainbows and unicorns EVERY day.

Last, but not least, is Gypsy Nurse from Writing Out Loud.
Her blogs are fun and inspiring as well as insightful.
This is a woman who is not afraid to put herself out there
and be transparent for the world.
I love her for that!!!!

If you have never met these talented women
please stop by and say hello.
I promise that you won't be disappointed
as they are all unique and amazing.

If you are one of the recepients of this award,
I hope that you will pass it on
to another blogger that you feel is different and wonderful
in their own unique way.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Will Wonders Never Cease???

I'm pinching myself right now!!!!!!!

(and I have the bruises to prove it.)

I have been honored with the
Kreative Blogger award
not once but
in the same week!!!!!

and Monica with Happy Nester
have both blessed me with this award.

I am soooo humbled by all of this.
I really am.
There are no words to express the joy I have in my heart.
Blogging has truly opened a whole world to me that
I never even  knew exsisted.

These are the rules that apply to receiving the award.

1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.

2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.

3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.

4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.

5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.

6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.

7. Leave a comment on each.

"7 Things You Never Knew and Probably Never Even Considered Wanting To Know" about me.

1. I started going gray when I was 17.
       I faithfully color my little gray patch.

2. In January I will be a survivor.
It will be five years since I was diagnosed
with ovarian cancer and I had a hysterectomy.
I've gained considerable weight and have hot flashes
but I'm alive.

3. I met my husband at a wedding rehearsal dinner.
I had swore that I would never come back to this town
and now I live here.
God has a sense of humor.

4. I have four children.
Alex, 17
Daviss, 11,
and Tori, 7.

5. I secretly long to live in San Francisco again.
It's just not that great to raise kids.
I want an apartment, a mini cooper and my dog...that's it.

6. I love the beach.
It's so peaceful to me.
(even though our water is icky brown)

7. I hate to do laundry.
It's like the plague.
It keeps coming back....eeech.

Now on to 7 blogs that inspire me

Please go and stop by these lovely blogs.
Make sure you bring a hankie and smelling salts.
MAJOR drooling and swooning will take place...I promise.

I'm off to get started on my christmas ornaments
set up my shop.
ETSY that is.
Six in One Hand is now on Etsy!!!!

I'll give you the 4-1-1 on Friday for her grand opening!!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Honest Scrap .....Honestly.

I was recently honored by Lilia with
with a Honest Scrap award!
This means so much to me.
I am so humbled and thankful.
Thank you Lilia!!!

 Here are the rules that must be followed upon receiving this award:

1) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.

2) Share "10 Honest Things" about myself.

3) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.

4) Tell those 7 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.

So, without further adieu.....
1. I am a fault. I will almost always tell the truth...even if it hurts.
2. I hate blatant stupidity. There's no reason for it.
I don't even like stupid comedy like American Pie.
I just don't get it.
3.I love nursing! It's the only thing I ever wanted to do when I was little.
I believe that was the calling God gave me because I've been doing this
for almost fifteen years and I still love it.
4.Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday.
I'm a hopeless romantic I guess.
5. I hate infestations.
Two or less of any critter...I can deal with.
Three or skin starts to crawl.
6. I prefer to sleep alone in bed.
I love my husband, but I truly enjoy
when he gets up early to go to work and I
can have the bed all to myself. :)
7.I am a professional patient.
I have a blood disorder and I have been
hospitalized 47 times in the last two years because of it.
8. I snort when I laugh.
I am normally this very composed person
but when I start to laugh, I sound like
the village idiot.
9.I've had a near death experience....twice.
Let's just say that almost dying
keeps things in perspective.
10. I am a nerd!
That's right...hardcore, book reading, knowledge hoarding nerd!
My high school letterman jacket was in...Academics.
My favorite TV channel is the History and Discovery channel.
I got it honest....
My grandmother graduated Valedictorian as did my father.
I would like to now pass on this award to seven blogs who continue
to inspire and amaze me with their
bloggy awesomeness (like that new word?)
every day.
Check these ladies out if you haven't yet.
They are amazingly talented
and full of inspiration.
I have to go find a place to hang my award now....

PSSSSST!  I'm having a givewaway on Monday!!!!!!
Be sure to check back then!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Cause Ya Gotta Have Friends....

Good Morning!
The party is still going strong here.
Shuga is wasted in the corner, but I'm still partying like its 1999!
Why I am partying so hard you ask??
Because I got this.....
Marsha Mpressions was so sweet to bestow this
Lovely Blog Award upon me.
Marsha has the sweetest blog and is truly a lovely woman.
I have to say that writing this blog has really put some things
into perspective for me.
I really missed my friends when I relocated to my new home; however, talking with all of the lovely
ladies out there in blog land lets me know that I have such sweet guys (and girls.)

Here are the official rules of the award.
RULES FOR THIS AWARD 1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who's given it to you, along with the link to his or her blog. 2. Pass the award to several other blogs you enjoy. Contact those bloggers to let them know they've been chosen for this award. Have fun and enjoy your award! I really hope you choose to play and keep it going. But if you don't, that's okay too. Just enjoy your award in any way you wish and know that I think you have a very lovely blog.

I read over fifty blogs aday...okay I scan alot, but I'm still out there supporting ya'll.
All of your blogs are really great and I hated to just choose a few .
Here are the blogs of some really great ladies that I think have lovely blogs.
Stop by and say hello to these lovely ladies!!!
I hope that they will pass on the love to someone else because we all gotta have friends.
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