Showing posts with label decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decor. Show all posts

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bust a Move

"Don't just stand there....bust a move!"..Young MC

That's what I told myself this week.
I could either keep moping and feeling down
or I could get up and do something.

So that's what I've done.

The divine Mr. M is putting in a new closet system for me
and I just had to take advantage of a golden opportunity.
Since everything was off the shelves, I painted the wall
a nice off white called French Canvas .

It still looked kinda.....mmmmpphh.

So I  decided to break out a stencil that I've been saving for some pillows and stencil the wall.
Why the closet?
Because I'm a big, fat chicken.

I love the look of stenciled walls but would never commit to myself doing it in a major room.

I can barely sign my name legibly, yet alone paint.

So, I'm starting with the closet.
I'm stepping out on a limb and trying something new!

I can't wait to show ya'll the fininshed product.

Besides, if it's not that great......
only Mr. M and I have to look at it everyday.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Getting My Nesting On

Spring is in the air
and everyone knows what that means.
It's time for me to get to work.
I get spring fever really bad.

I thoroughly enjoy the rituals
of spring cleaning
and making the house come to life.

This year is a little different for me
because Mr. M and I purchased
a 1951 farmhouse and we
are in the process of renovating.

I've waited all winter to paint
and peel ugly wallpaper
and paint
and sew pillows
and paint
and hang new curtains...
did I mention paint?
(Let's just say there's a certain red in my bedroom that is giving me angst.)

I also have the need to purchase
some new furniture.
As newlyweds, Mr. M and I have
tried to meld our furniture together.
Some of it has worked and some of it...
well, let's just say....not so much.

(I'm not trying to say names but Mr. Couch and Mr. know...)

I've been looking at some barstools
and a small table to make a sitting area
and I stumbled upon this store.
All I can say is WOW!!!!!

This place has EVERYTHING you could ever imagine.
I'm not kidding.
I got so sidetracked by looking at everything else they had
that I still haven't decided on which barstools I want.

(I have a few dozen in mind...A girl has the right to change her mind.)

C'est la vie!!!!

I'm also hosting a few giveaways over the next two weeks.
There is just something about spring that I love
and want to share with everybody.

If anyone else is suffering from
nesting syndrome and spring fever like me,
then I hope you find a cure
or at least the right shade of paint.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's Hip to be Square

Today I buried an old friend.
A friend that has endured sunny days and rough storms.
It was with great sadness that I had to say goodbye....
to my old wreath.

She was a faithful wreath form..
sitting all alone on the clearance aisle at Michael's
I brought her home and made her mind.
She was hardworking and never complained.
She endured whatever came with grace
and then one day....

She started to fall apart.
I don't know why.
Perhaps it was the stress from the demands of her job...
greeting people and standing at the entrance of my humble abode.
Maybe she was just starting to feel her age
as her joints and limbs started to give way.
Mr. M laughed at her...and at me
as I bandaged her up on many occasions.
Alas, the day came when she could no longer be repaired
and I was forced to say "adieu."

I decided to pay homage to my dear wreath form
and create another sqaure in her memory.
I used natural vine garland,
vine wrapped wire,
dowel rods,
and thin green floral wire.
I shoved my dowel rods into the garland and secured them
with the vine wire so it could all blend.
I don't advise cutting your garland until you tie in the dowel rods
or you might come up short.
This is a close up of the back of the wreathform that I made.
It's not very pretty but it won't be seen anyway.

Once I had my form made, I started adding the boxwood
from the first wreath by tying it on with the thin
floral wire.
I preferred the single  wire stems as I didn't feel like cutting wire every few feet.
In little over an hour, I had a new square wreath
for my door.
As you can see I wanted a very full wreath
so I just kept going around the form with my boxwood
until I had a thickness that I was happy with.
The lushness of the wreath against my horse bit
wreath hanger that I purchased from Margo
is simply stunning on my door.

I hope that my old friend can rest in peace now
as I have a great love in my heart for all things
square because of her.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Be My Valentine

It is no secret that I love Valentine's Day.
It is my favorite holiday of the whole year!!!

I also have a great love for hearts.
I've always had a thing for them even when I was a child.

So of COURSE I would do something for my favorite day
that incorporated one of my favorite shapes.

The only thing is....
I didn't want to do red....or pink....or lavender.
I wanted something that I would love and that would fit
with my home.
Something that I could display all year long.

So I came up with these babies.
Each one is hand painted,stamped and finished by moi.

The best part is that they are available
to ya'll in my shop!!!!

They are available in vintage white above
or natural linen shown here.

Don't ya'll just L-O-V-E the detail???

The fine cracks just make my heart skip a beat!!
(No pun intended.)

They would be perfect for the holiday or just for your everyday decor.

My heart won't be broken if ya'll don't snatch these up right away
because I get to look at them a little while longer.

I'll have some more great stuff to show ya'll later.
My oldest is turning 18 this weekend
so big plans are ahead.

Thank you to all of your support and kindness.
I'm so glad to be back in the saddle again.
(Even if the horse is really old and can't go faster than a slow trot.)

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Stockings Were Hung....

On my bannister with great care...

I had wanted a specific garland to match the one
I had on my mantle.
I went back to Hob Lob....but no dice.
They were sold completely out.

I was bummed and kinda whined a bit.
Mr. M just sat on the couch and stared at me.
(That was probably a smart move on his part...saying anything at that point would have been suicide.)

So...when I was through with my temper tantrum
I decided to make do.
I had purchased some cheapo
plain green garland a while back
and decided to use it for my bannister.

But then...genius struck.
Okay, maybe idiot savant....

I decided that I wanted vintage baby shoes
to hang on my garland....
no go.
Couldn't find any white baby shoes anywhere.

Now, if I didn't WANT
white baby shoes...
they would be falling from the sky.

As luck would have it...
I wanted some and they were no where to be found.

So I decided to go with my next thought.
Baby booties.....
didn't happen.
Only blue ones....sigh.

On to plan "D"..
White baby socks.
They were gleaming white.
Blinding white.

Tea stain to the rescue.

It gave them a perfect aged look.
I hung them with some antiqued doll head clothespins.

But now my garland was lacking.
Those socks are small....
change that......
they are "smoooooll."

So I  happened to look over in my living room
and see some of my letters that I purchased
awhile back.
Some of the envelopes are very small and dainty
and are the perfect "yellow".

They worked!!!

I tucked them in with some postcards
that were written by a son to his mother
about his life away from home.

Now, I had a theme.
I always try to have a theme, you know.
(It's good for the soul..)

I would build my garland with
a mother's love.

I added small stuffed bears and toys.

I added some paper mache ornaments
that I painted and distressed.

I draped the garland and added
some tea stained muslin bows that I made.

I could just imagine a mother displaying her
children's socks and toys to remind her
of when her children were small at Christmas.

I tied in bits and pieces of strips of fabric
to give it a punch of contrast.

In the end...

What a happy accident
that Hob Lob was sold out
because I would have never
had to put my thinking cap on
and come up with such a cute garland.

Even Shuga thought it was special.
(She's been sleeping on the steps ever since I put it up.)

As we grow closer to the fastly approaching holiday,
please remember to take time to reflect
on the meaning of Christmas.

Remember to love your family, friends and your brother man
as it was love that gave us this day.

The love that not a mother, but a Father, gave
to us so many years ago
that is still
alive and well today.

Merry Christmas
Six in One Hand!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

White Wednesday

I thought that I would take a moment
to participate in White Wednesday and show ya'll
my vintage nightgowns that I have displayed
for Christmas.
They make me wonder who wore them?
Did they belong to a mother and daughter
who waited anxiously for Christmas morning
and opened presents together?

I added my vintage clock collection
to this vignette.
Hey, look!!!
I have a white clock too....
This justs gets better and better.

I figured that while I was posting pictures up,
I might as well show ya'll the whole
setup of my living room for christmas.
The mantle is my favorite with my off white candles
(they only look yellow because they were all turned on.)
The garland has tallow berries and pinecones
that is set to a backdrop of my tarnished silver.

That I also added to my Christmas tree.

I hope ya'll like it.....

My favorite word.
Without it, life is simply too hard.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sleeping in Snow

I saw this picture a long time ago and was instantly inspired.
The simplicity of this bird laying in the snow is just breathtaking.

The Divine Mr. M took me on a day getaway to Galveston
not too long ago and I purchased a candle
named "Sleeping in Snow."

The smell is heavenly.
It instantly became my inspiration
as it immediately reminded me of the above picture.

So, I decided to carry out my version of that theme in my dining room.

Several white birds sleeping in snow under cloches.

This is my dining room table.
I wasn't really great with the camera that day
but you get the idea.
I wanted the room to look like a gentle snow had fallen.

I found the reindeer at one of my
favorite shopping spots and
painted them to match.
(They were a hideous gold before.)
The glass trees were a find of Mr. M's.
(Thank you sweetie.)

I added a few frames with some bling
to carry out the ice theme.
Yes, I know they still have the tag on them.
They will have something cute in them later...I was in a hurry.

My christmas tree in the corner
continued the theme.
(sorry for the bad pics...)

The tree continued to colors of
red and white with touches of black
such as the ornaments that I made like this heart.

Gotta throw in the fleur de lis.

My wine bar that
The Divine Mr. M and I built.
See that little chalkboard on the bottom shelf?
Eventually it will say
"Christmas Spirits...."

I added some more junky finds that
I hooked up with a little spray paint.

This is the candle that started it all.
I placed it in a birdcage and added some snow.

My candleabra that
The Divine Mr. M installed for me.
I covered it with berries and dimmed the lights
for a soothing effect.

I added my cloche collection to the top
of Tabatha and dressed her in her
Christmas finest.

Tabatha wanted to wear mainly white
with just a few red accents.
She is such the diva...
I tell ya...
take a girl off of the streets, dress her up
and she wants to have an attitude now.
I digress...

Depsite what Tabatha wanted,
I thought that she might need just a little something
extra so I added some white stuff
to give the effect of a fresh fallen snow.

At night the effect is soo calming with
the candles lit.

I hope that you have enjoy my dining room.
Even my autistic son (who never notices anything)
thought this was awesome.
Merry Christmas!!!

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