Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Party over here!!! It's our birthday ...Giveaway!!!!!!!!!

Don't tell Angelique......
This is Misty from Six Divided By Two.
Angelique is not feeling so hot today (keep her in your prayers) 
and well,... I just could not wait to tell you about ....

Our Birthday Giveaway!!!
Can you just feel the excitement?? I can..
(Angelique is doing her spazzy dance from her bed..She's excited too!)  

So in honor of our magnificent day
we are giving you the chance to win not one, not two, not even three..


Angelique always refers to us as "Soap and Water"..
You cannot have one without the other..
Ha Ha!! (seriously I think she might have eaten a few bars when we were kids)
So we are giving all of the bloggy divas (and gents) a chance to win things that go together.
To complete the duet.. Visit Six Divided by Two.

Since Angelique is an undercover nerd...
(Truly, her Letterman jacket in high school was for ...
that's right ACADEMICS!!)

It should only be appropriate that the first gift be a
$25 Gift Card to Barnes and Noble
(And what book would not go great with some Starbucks? ) 

Angelique also has a passion for fire.
(She almost burned down our house when we were in 5th grade)
So here is gift #2

A Tyler Candle Company Candle!! 
(iTunes will help set the mood...)

 And last but not least..

  We both are full of spunk so gift #3 is 

So if you want to join the party you know what to do.
Put your party clothes on
 (Become a follower)
(Leave a comment) 
Invite all of your friends
(Write a post and link back to us) 
The party begins today and we will keep it going until we break curfew and our mamma shows up to get us in her house robe and sleep cap.  Our curfew is  midnight December 14th!! ( Our Birthday!!) The winners will be announced December 15th. 
Angelique will be there in full swing or at least at the bar with Mindy polishing off the rest of the eggnog!!   

Hope to see you there!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Big Sister....Little Sister

This is my sister and I
(Christmas circa 1977)

As you can see, we were
pretty much stuck to each other
(and always looking for a photo op.)

As we grew older
our interests have grown and changed as
we discovered that we did not have to wear
the same clothes and have matching hairstyles.
(who came up with that whole "twins have to match" thing anyway?)

My sister is definitely my other half.
As I am somewhat creative, she is crazy creative.
She is an amazing artist
(I can barely write yet alone draw)
and she has this incredible eye for style.

I've been asking
(hounding is more like it)
my sister to start her own blog
and share her talent with the rest of ya'll
out here in blogland.

Well, today she finally caved in.


without further adieu......
I present my little sister,
my other embryo.....

She's already posted three posts in one day
as she is insane
(or hopped up on Starbucks...i dunno.)

Please stop by and show her some bloggy love.
I think ya'll will like her...alot.
I'm kinda partial....since we shared a womb and all.

She will definitely have you laughing.

P.S. ....
If she's not using her best manners let me know.....
(cuz I'm gonna tell Mama.)

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