Juggling life through a bi-polar lens. Sometimes up, sometimes down. Mostly trying to tread water in the middle. Creating a likeness to a normal life. Whatever "normal" is...
Showing posts with label mishearings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mishearings. Show all posts

Thursday 15 March 2012


Last night on News24 they said that our PM, Mr Cameron, was "currently at the White House, enjoying a State Dinner."

Ok.... so..wassup with that?
Well, I heard it as a steak dinner. LOL!

Now, this is what happens when I mishear something- my brain doesn't interrupt and say "Whoah! Wait! That doesn't make sense! Check again?" instead, it comes up with all sorts of pictures, thoughts and scenarios to make COMPLETE sense of whatever I've misheard.

So I was thinking, "Oh. They said what's on the menu. That's unusual." and "A 'steak dinner'? How very 'Fools and Horses'!" and eventually, "Why steak, anyway? Can't they afford lobster or something?"
This went on and on till the headlines came round again. THIS time they clearly ennuciated the word 'State'.
"Oh! STATE dinner! Oh right!"