You wouldn't get this impression by listening to the MSM. And I'm talking about both sides of the aisle here, so don't bring me your "Yeah, he's talking about CNN" or "Yeah, he's talking about Fox News" 'cause guess what Chief? I'm talking about both. And if you are an intellectual hostage of either one of those purveyors of hate and divisiveness -- and that is what they both are -- you will never see the light.
The truth of the matter is that whites are by far the greatest killers of whites, and blacks are by far the greatest killers of blacks. As detailed in a U.S. Department of Justice study that is the source of most of the data above, from 1980 through 2008, "84% of white victims were killed by whites," and "93% of black victims were killed by blacks."
Hence, those who pin blame on any race in America for violence against another race are avoiding the much greater problem, which is people of the same races killing each other. Moreover, individuals who falsely accuse others of racism and violence are sowing the seeds of more hatred and bloodshed.
When people are misled to believe that they are being terrorized, some will inevitably strike back. This should compel all people to make sure they get the facts straight and challenge such slander as it arises.
It seems as if we should be talking a little less about "black and white" and a little more about "love and hate" or just for giggles "good and evil".