Showing posts with label cooties are real. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cooties are real. Show all posts

September 2, 2008

Because Sometimes Girls Have Cooties...Real Or Imagined

Henry loves his little sister. Sometimes he even dotes on her. When people try to approach her, his first reaction is to stand in front of her and tell the person (often his own grandparents or a neighbor) "She is MY Reesie. Not yours." Yes, most of the time, this is what the interaction looks like between the two of them.

But other times, this is what the end result of an interaction between the two of them looks like.

Yes. Tears. On my kitchen floor.

For some reason, lately, Henry has mandated a three feet dining distance between him and his baby sister while he eats. The rules, according to him, are quite simple. Keep Reesie away from him and the wailing and gnashing of teeth (by him) will be kept at a minimum. Notice how he keeps a watchful eye on his sister as he eats his ham.

He's obviously afraid that his sister is the carrier of cooties. We've tried to talk with him, reason with him about it. He's hearing none of it. To him, girl cooties are a real and viable threat.

Here, Henry contemplates all the horrible things Reese could do to him and his food should she breach the three foot parameter.

Here Reese struggles with mixed emotions such as, "Why does my brother reject me so?" Also, "What is up with my hair?"

Henry is determined to not make eye contact in any way.

Very determined.

Okay, okay. We get it. You don't want her looking at you.

Reese just looks innocently at her older brother. See that look of adoration? Let's see that from another angle.

Oh my. It seems that Reesie DOES have some sort of a cootie. She directing those cootie beams right in Henry's direction.

See how she stares him down even more? Notice the firm grip on her eating apparatus. She's going in for the "cootie kill". (Seriously. What is up with her hair?)

Oh, Henry. You gave it a good fight.

But your sister has cooties, and hair gel on her side.