Showing posts with label jeremy loves me i swear he does. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jeremy loves me i swear he does. Show all posts

February 23, 2010

How Did I End Up With This Hot Dog?

Lately, Jeremy and I have been having a little trouble communicating with each other. It started a few weeks ago when he asked me if we could take a quick drive across town to pick up a spare set of car keys to his father’s Accord so he could drive it the following week while our truck was being serviced.

On my life, that is what he asked me.

Below, is what Jeremy, the Delusional One, claims he asked me...

“Jen, Sweetheart, mother of my children and favored lover of mine, would you be so kind to drive me to the Les Schwab Tire Center so I can spend 30 minutes drooling over rims and tires we don’t need, and watch me talk about transmissions, big game hunting and NCAA basketball with a stranger working the customer service counter? Please try to keep the children entertained. They like sitting still and the smell of galvanized rubber right?”

“Then, Light of my Life, would you shuttle me to the Dodge dealership to price shop for parts while I talk with a service technician named Dale and review the finer points of tying your own flies for fishing? Don’t be alarmed if I follow him into the service bay and disappear for twelve minutes. Dale, keeps his fly collection at his work station. I’ll still see you through the plexiglas window that separates the waiting room from the bay. And I’m going to think it’s adorable watching you wrestle both Henry and Reese simultaneously especially when you let them pull at your hair like that. I’ll be sure to wink and wave at you when you mouth the words ‘I want you NOW!*’ to me from across the way. Aw, Sugarlumps, after all these years, I’m hot for you too.”

* Let it be known, in reality, I mouthed the words, ‘We’re leaving NOW’. It was most definitely a threat and not a come on.

“Then, my love, I’ll sweep you off to a magical place, because surely you and the children will be hungry by now. Have you ever heard of Hot Dog Heaven? Well I have, and it’s delightful. Don’t let the location in a poorly lit, suspect strip mall color your opinion of what you are about to experience. Sure the guy working the counter may be a bit on the ornery and slightly unkempt side, but that’s all part of his charm. He packs a mean Chicago Dog according to Utah standards. Trust me, Snookums, you won’t be disappointed.”

“What’s that Honeybuns? You say Reese has just made a present in her diaper and you didn’t pack extras because you had no idea you’d be away from home for three hours? Don’t you worry your nappy little head. I’ll run to the store up the street and fetch a package of diapers that will be two sizes too small. I will forget to buy wipes. You just wait here with the hungry kids for our food. Go ahead and start without me…if you can. Because little do you know, I’m taking my wallet and the car with your purse locked inside. You won’t have any means to pay for the food until I return. Fifteen minutes later.”

“And Lover Nugget, once we’ve finished our slightly cold food, it’s time for the final act of the night. We just need to drive down the road to pick up the spare set of car keys from my father so I can drive his Accord while our truck is being serviced next week.”

That little misunderstanding up there? Cost me more than three hours of my life and way too many calories. But have no worries. Next week, unbeknownst to Jeremy, he will accompany me to purse party and a Mary Kay open house. As far as he knows, I just have to “swing” by a friend’s house for one hot minute.

November 13, 2008

The Spin Cycle: Frankie says, 'Relax'. Jen doesn't know Frankie but wishes he would always wear clean undershorts.

Whoa! Sprite’s Keeper’s Spin Cycle came upon me quickly this week. Normally I do a little séance and eat a bunch of gummy worms to prepare for each week’s topic, but this week I had absolutely no time to run out and restock on incense. Instead, I hovered near a Pumpkin Spice scented candle and ate left over Smarties from Halloween. So please, be understanding as you read my spin on relaxing. The Smarties gave me a headache, but they allowed me to stretch the relativity of recent conversations with my husband and relaxing until it was wafer thin.

Here goes....
The other day at work there was a loud fist pounding fit from across the office. “Damn it, Jen. Not again!" I heard Jeremy shout. Within moments he was over at my desk (Did I tell you that we work together? It was a steamy office affair, but that’s a post for another day.)

He stood there, glaring at me, demanding to know why I’m trying to give him a bad rap on Steenky Bee.

Jeremy: Did you type over and over, ‘When Jeremy came out of the closet,’ when I specifically asked you not to?
Me: No, I did not type 'When Jeremy came out of the closet’ over and over. Why would you think I would type ‘When Jeremy came out of the closet’? What’s so funny about ‘When Jeremy came out of the closet’?
Jeremy: Yes you did. I just read it on your blog.
Me: Um, Lover? That was over two weeks ago. You are so behind. Don’t you read it every day?
Jeremy: *Shrugging*
Me: Don’t be upset, I far worse things about you last week.

Jeremy then pulled me into the copy room and we had ourselves a long talk about boundaries and Lemon Snapple. I listened to Jeremy as he explained the importance of boundaries on this here blog. He listened to me as I raved about how I prefer regular Lemon Snapple to that of Diet Lemon Snapple. (My husband is sooooo patient with me.)

Honestly, I am so lucky that Jeremy is contractually obligated to love me. I tell him every day how much I love him. In turn, he tells me, “Babe, you’re the best thing that’s happened to me in, like, ten years.”

When I press him as to why the ten year time frame he always replies, “Well, a lot of really cool stuff happened to me before I met you.”

Do you see why I love him so much? Not only is he super funny, super handsome, but he has helped me unwind and relax a little bit in my life. He’s the ultimate mellow fellow and doesn’t let too much rile him. Truth be told, Jeremy wasn’t even upset about the post where I wrote about him coming out of the closet. He just needed an excuse to come over to the marketing department because that’s where the office keeps a secret stash of candy. Although he did have to endure my rambling testimony about Lemon Snapple, he scored a handful of bite-size Snickers bars that he claims "were so worth it".

As I mentioned just now, Jeremy has taught me to relax and just sort of take life as it comes. I am forever grateful for this. Before I met him, my hair was actually a lot nappier due to all the unnecessary stress I put myself through. However, there is still one area in our relationship where I refuse to "give in and just relax already". In our nine years together, we just can’t seem to reach a compromise about the issue of optional underwear.

Please allow me to explain: I have a strict stance of wearing underwear at all times. It’s courteous. It’s sensible. It’s hygienic. However, there are times, when Jeremy tends to be a bit lax in the skivvy department. For example, the other day as he was getting dressed for work I noticed that he wasn’t wearing any underwear. When he put his jeans on, it became clear that he was actually skipping the the application of undershorts portion of his routine. He saw me staring and came over to give me a hug.

Me: Whoa, whoa! Not so fast, fella. (One arm thrust forward)
Jeremy: What?
Me: Um, what’s with going free and easy over there? (One finger now pointing...down there)
Jeremy: I don’t have any clean shorts so I’m going commando today. Is there something wrong with that?
Me: Um, let me think…YESSSS! You know my underwear rule.
Jeremy: *smiling* Relax.
Me: I just prefer two layers of cotton, you know, between….me and….your guys.
Jeremy: Well it looks like I’m the only one willing to compromise.
Me: ?????
Jeremy: You prefer TWO layers between us. I prefer ZERO. These jeans? They count as ONE layer. Relax, I’m compromising.

After that, Jeremy did two things: First, he gave me a long, and slightly inappropriate hug, then he gave me a wedgie. Ah, true love.

September 21, 2008

It Took Ten Years, But I Finally Managed To Gross Out My Husband

Sunday we dropped in on my parents for a few hours. Jeremy and I had spent most of Saturday cleaning our house so we thought we'd let Henry and Reese run wild at the Grandparents for a few hours. You know, let the kids mess up their house.

As is typical fashion, our kids can do anything at Grandma Jo's and Grandpa Brent's house. Chocolate milk? You got it. Cookies? Well, we don't have any, but let me drop what I'm doing and run to the store right this very minute to pick some up for you. What? You don't want them now? After I've just returned from the store fetching the very cookies you wanted just minutes ago? No problem.

Seriously, it's like a spa for the kids. A Disney DVD, macaroni and cheese with a Twinkie chaser spa at their house. But it's not all about the food. There's also the activities. Guests who stay at Brent and Jo's Bed & Breakfast also have ample opportunity play kick ball, T-ball and an odd hybrid form of tennis-bowling INSIDE their house. As I watched Henry lob ball after ball into grandma's many house plants I thought back to the many times I was scolded for just walking past them too closely. My mom was afraid that somehow I would kill her plants if I even got close enough to breathe on them, let alone touch them. In her defense, she did have a point. To this day I kill any green thing I come in contact with.

But my lack of a green thumb is not the story here. I know. Just when you thought you were about to read an exciting tale of Botany, I pull the rug out from underneath you. No, I had every intention of stopping by the topic of my son's athletic prowess and eventually zipping on over to how immature I am. Keep reading. This post has nowhere else to go but up.

So, after watching Henry kick and throw balls in every corner of my parent's house, Jeremy decided it would be a good idea to get the little guy a T-ball set. I agreed, but added that we ought to start scouting for agents too. You can never start too early. Well, actually you can. I think age three is a little too early. I'm totally waiting until he's five.

Jeremy: Yeah, I think a T-ball set would be a good idea. He's already got a glove.
Me: The blue one?
Jeremy: Yeah, that's the one!
Me: It's a little stiff isn't it?
Jeremy: Bu....
Me: That's what she said!
Jeremy: (disgusted look) But we can fix that.
Me: That's what she said!
Jeremy: (ignoring me) All we need to do is oil it and break it in a bit.
Jeremy: (now glaring at me) I just threw up in my mouth.

August 30, 2008

Because It Was Either That Or The Garage

Conversation between me and Jeremy yesterday totally typifies why I love him so.

The set up: For about three weeks we've had a long tube (80 inches long tube) propped against our wall in our living room. It's holding the remainder of our hard wood flooring threshold dividers. Yesterday, while cleaning house together, the following happened:

Me: Hey, Lover?
Jeremy: Yes, Lover.
Me: Can you do something with that big tube container thing leaning against the wall?
Jeremy: Yeah. But you're going to have to bend over first.

August 4, 2008

If This Doesn't Make Us Closer I Don't Know What Will

You know how Oprah's mantra in seasons past has been "Renewing Your Spirit"? Jeremy and I have something similar, except we refer to it as "Renewing Our Love". We try to do it weekly, in public, with LOTS OF PEOPLE WATCHING. Before you conjure up images of us having sexy time somewhere like a Taco Bell parking lot, just stop. Stop. Although, there is a Taco Bell across the street from our building. I'm just saying.

But no, really, our ROL time is just a planned activity together like grabbing a lunch together, or driving to work together, or paying our bills online together. Romance, folks. Nothing says I love you quite like pressing that "send payment" button at the same time. Like, maybe our hands will accidentally brush and then we'll both quickly pull away because the heat is just too much. (Cue background music and fade lighting now). Maybe our eyes lock and we realize that we can't fight what we're feeling for each other right this minute. Hold up. What's going on? And why am I all flushed?

Online bill paying. Just keep thinking about online bill paying.

And just so you know, since Jeremy and I DO work in the same office, when we're planning our time together I refer to it exactly as "Renewing Our Love" as in, "I'm sorry, Random Coworker, I can't make that 1:00. Jeremy and I are renewing our love at noon and I don't think we'll be back." Now, does this make Jeremy a little uncomfortable? Yep. But so have many other things I've done throughout our marriage.

So, Internet, today I'm talking to you about our ROL sessions because I think I've found a new, and quite possibly the most perfect activity for Jeremy and I as a couple. It's called Ralley Car Racing. It consists of two people in one of those souped up foreign cars driving at an ridiculous high speeds through a street course as well as a stadium course complete with ramps, jumps and tight twisty turn thingys. The key to this sport is that there are TWO people in a car together, a driver and a co-driver. Obviously, the driver is doing the driving, the physical navigation of the car. But what I find most intriguing about this sport is the co-driver who is responsible for mapping and maintaining location on the course, directing the driver where to drive and cuing him in on upcoming conditions so that he can maintain high rates of speed. Oh, and did I tell you that the co-driver just so happens to be female most of the time?

That's right. There is a sport out there where a male and a female get in a car together, and the man drives erratically and at high rates of speed and his female passenger reads the map and alerts him to upcoming turns or obstacles in the road. And he WILlINGLY listens to her. The few races we watched, it was clear that the co-driver was an integral force in the strategy for what were time and time again referred to as "stellar drive times, dude!". It was all kinds of awesome to watch.

The co-driver would shout out directions with such authority. She was considered an expert on the course and she was listened to, damnit! (I secretly kept hoping that a fight would break out between the driving teammates, but let me assure you that it never happened.)

The way I see it, if Jeremy and I could get us some matching track suits, helmets and a couple of energy drink sponsors (are you listening Red Bull??) we would be unstoppable. I'd be all, "Minivan on the left! Merge right! Slow down!"

Well, actually, we'd need matching track suits, helmets, energy drink sponsors and Jeremy's willingness to actually listen to my driving directions. Sigh. I guess we should stick with bill paying after all. Do they have sponsors for that?

June 16, 2008


In order to help save the planet and reduce our carbon foot print, Jeremy and I are driving together as much as we can to work. This is what it’s like when Jeremy and I commute together:

Set up: Me, climbing out of the passenger side of the car. Let me clarify, me climbing out of the passenger side of the car in the most ungraceful manner ever. After I stand up and straighten out my shirt and smooth my pants I look up to see Jeremy giving me an intense, quizzical look.

Me: What? What are you looking at?
Jeremy: Nothing. (smiling)
Me: You’re totally thinking that you could get someone so much better than me right now, aren’t you?
Jeremy: No. Not at all. (hugging me) I’m just wondering if I could fit you in the trunk with the stroller, the spare tire and your secret shopping bags.

June 9, 2008

Jeremy's Healthy, But Not Ready To Fight

Today, unebnownst to me, my beloved husband, Jeremy, had a physical. I'm so proud of him for going just to have his annual check up. I didn't even have to bug him to go. He's only gone to the doctor four times in the entire time we've been married. Once because he had Strep and I literally physically forced him in the car and drove him there myself. Two other times for general physicals for our adoption applications and then today.

Anyway, when I arrived home from work today, I asked him all about his appointment. The first thing out of his mouth is, "The doctor says I'm healthy enough for sex."

I was confused.

He then told me that while he waited in the exam room for the doctor to enter, there was a huge poster on the back of the door trying to pimp out Viagra. The tag line was "Ask your doctor if you are healthy enough for sexual activity."

Viagra jokes are so 90's. Oh, but he thought he was so clever. I asked him if he actually asked the doctor about that. Of course he didn't dare. But he admitted that he kept thinking about that poster and cracking himself up the entire time. The doctor probably wondered what was wrong with him.

Also, he told me that he had the lab technicians all up in stitches with his humor. When they took Jeremy's blood they first asked him if he was allergic to latex. He replied, "I don't know, I've never eaten it before." Wah, wah, wah.

A few minutes later my healthy, sexually able, latex resistant husband went into the kitchen to make brownies (cause that's what healthy people eat, yo). I challenged him to a little shadow boxing.

I thought my form was pretty fine. Jeremy then gave me a look that can only be described as his "bring it" face. Notice the aggressive stance of the male.

I am not backing down. He may have had blood drawn once today, but if I had my way, it would certainly not be the last time. For the drawing of the blood, that is. Do you catch where I'm going with this?

Suddenly, Jeremy sees his chance to try out his enhanced fighting technique that he dreamed up in Vegas. He diverts my attention upwards by throwing something (a brownie box mix, in this case) up over my head.

See how distracted I am?

He then uses both hands to clock me square in the neck.

But I am wise to his game. I quickly, so quickly it cannot be caught on film, give him a swift roundhouse to the gut.

No, no, I tell him. You may be healthy enough for sex, but not fast enough for me.

February 15, 2008

Look Alikes

No, You're Still Not Penelope Cruz
So after my post about Henry mistaking me for Penelope Cruz, I got to thinkin' (BTW: when you "get to doin'" anything, it's always an in' type of deal. Never a ing type of deal). So as I was sayin', I got to thinkin' "Who DO I really look like?" Then my friend Jeff pointed me to

It's a fun site where you can do serious things like build your genealogy trees or you can do more relevant things like morph your face with a celebrity's face or track down the celebrities you most closely resemble. You may think I used this site to so some family research, but you'd be wrong.

It's simple, you post pictures of yourself like so...

Then you wait for your matches to pull up. Do you want to see our matches? I'll do mine first. *Spoiler Alert* Jeremy's is hysterical! I want to keep you readers hooked so I'll give you a little teaser.... Jeremy closely resembles an 80's singing icon. Who happens to be a woman!!

Jen looks like:
Sara Jessica Parker 75%
(This is troubling for Jeremy since he aggressively hates her. Seriously, he looks for reasons to dislike her. Also, she was just voted America's most unsexy celebrity. This does not bode well for me, I'm afraid.)

Shiri Appleby 72%
(She's a cute girl, but I have no idea who she is)

Hayden Panettiere 71%
(What the what? The cheerleader? Save the whales girl? Although, the site posted a picture of her in her Disney, pre-jailbait career. I guess I look like a 10 year old?)

Summer Altice 71%
(I'm a little concerned she might be a porn star)

Hunter Tylo 71%
(Pretty, older former model, but she's starting to look a little drag queenish)

Nikki Cox 70%
(No comment)

Rebecca Romijn 70%
(There is no rhyme or reason for this match. Is it the bigger teeth?)

And now for the fun stuff. I present to you Jeremy's matches!
Jeremy looks like:
James Van der Beek 60%
(Dawson himself! Yay! What a surprise!)

Billy Sheehan 59%
(Not sure who he is, but his website states that Mr. Sheehan is to bass guitar what Jackie Chan is to kung fu movies. Who am I to question the internet?)

John Woo 59%
(Asian?! If you're surprised, this is only the first of the many Asians that Jeremy resembles)

Lou Reed 52%
(Cool, very cool. Maybe Jeremy resembles him in coolness?)

Apolo Anton Ohno 58%
(Asian number 2!)

Yasujiro Ozu 58%
(Japanese born director. Strangely enough, his bio claims that Mr. Ozu is to Japanese cinema what Billy Sheehan is to bass guitar.)

I saved the best match for Jeremy for last. Ladies and gentleman, I bring you....
Stevie Nicks 58%
(Former Fleetwood Mac and treadmill walker while singing 80's icon who so happened to maybe be a witch. This is stunning, but sort of understandable. I couldn't being myself to crop the bird or her hair or her stunning dress out of the picture)