Showing posts with label internets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internets. Show all posts

February 4, 2010

Why Are People So Down on the Emos?

Whenever anyone asks me what my pet peeve is my first instinct, and always my initial answer is, “My pet peeve is when people ask me what my pet peeves are.” I tell you, when I nail the delivery of that line just perfectly, it gets a laugh every time. Mostly from me, but still, it’s a laugh.

In all honesty, I am so intrigued by other people’s pet peeves, especially when they are either extremely particular or completely random. So, I googled “Pet Peeves” on my computer thingy to see what things were bothering people on the internets and I found myself mildly fascinated by what others had to say. I’ve listed a few I found at The Top Tens, a site that allows users to vote, comment or add their own grievances to thread groups.

In my extreme laziness, instead of whipping up a post of my own, I’ve decided to copy a few of the entries and add my two cents next to them in italics. I hope nobody out there lists laziness as one of his or her hot buttons….

Here goes:

1. Mouth noises/chewing with mouth open – Yawn (with mouth covered, of course). Way too common and goes without saying.
2. Not washing hands after using the restroom – Um…this is a given and really doesn’t belong here as a pet peeve. It belongs in a life-manual. Or written in all caps letters in the unisex bathroom at Jose's Burritos up the street from my house.
3. Bitchy school girls: you are not prettier than us, and you are CERTAINLY not smarter than us, so get over yourselves!!!! (Look at all those !!! marks)– This one was my second favorite and prompted me to immediately add Mean Girls to my Net Flix cue.
4. Screaming children/Temper tantrums – Well, then don’t come to our house.
5. Thugs – Again, don’t come to our house.
6. Overuse of the word “actually” – I’m actually guilty of this.
7. Emo bands – Aw, come on. Pete Wentz is still considered mildly attractive, isn’t he? (Even without the make-up, no?)
8. Skinny jeans on men – How can Emo bands, let alone Pete Wentz, exist without the skinny jean?
9. People who post pet peeves on a forum page – My favorite by far.
10. Sisters: they bug you all the time!!!! – I’m betting the person that posted this and #3 are one in the same. I’m also betting this person is an angsty tween who is way into Emo music.
11. When your kids sneak bottles full of water into their bedrooms, stand toe to toe with each other and spend copious amounts of time taking sips only to spit the water back out at one another – Okay, this might only be me. This is a brand new pet peeve I discovered yesterday when I found my children half-dressed, each holding an empty water bottle, soaking wet, standing in a puddle of water in Henners' room.
12. No Spoons at fancy restaurants – I totally agree. I'm looking at you, KFC, and your unholy union that is the "spork".

This post was thrown up here today as participation in the ever so lovely Sprite’s Keeper and her Spin Cycle. If you aren’t part of it, you should be. It's a pet peeve of hers.

August 30, 2008

Cleaning House A Bit: Webby Things

Today I'm just doing that lazy blogger thing by just pointing you to other sites and cleaning house here a bit. Here goes.

On the days that I'm in the office, without fail (read: sometimes), I have a very set routine when I get to my desk. The first thing I do is remove the used coffee or soda cup from the random co-worker who used my mac while I worked from home. I'm over being bothered by it. It happens every day. Next, the girls and I say our 'good mornings' and download to each other what each of us did or didn't do the night before. I check voicemail and email, and say a little silent prayer to myself that the copier won't give me fits that day.

The next thing I do? I open this little number up below and watch it. Julee sent this dancing trombone guy over to me over six years ago and I've watched it so, so many times. My favorite "move" he does is right around the 1:00 minute mark.

I recently stumbled across cake wrecks. Why haven't I heard of this deliciously awesome site before? Perhaps my mild obsession with it for the past 18 hours is the reason my house remains unvacuumed, my comments on your site have been fewer and far between, my laundry remains in a pile in the corner and my children remain unfed? Okay, so that last one isn't true. It combines my two favorite things at this moment, foodie blogs and humor. Who could ask for more?

Lastly, I love, love these someecard thingys. They're slightly offending, which is something I'm totally about. Here's a few that I recently downloaded. The Hall and Oates one is fitting because...well, when is Hall and Oates not fitting? And the sense of humor one is for Jeremy, to remind him of our on-going private joke about how he thinks he's funnier than I am. Actually, he's probably right.