2012年7月22日・10時30分 聖餐式・洗礼式
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2012年7月8日・10時30分 聖餐式
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イエスによって、栄光が世々に限りなくありますように アーメン」(エペソ 3:20-21、聖餐式の「感謝聖別」の終わり)
2012年7月8日・10時30分 聖餐式
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イエスによって、栄光が世々に限りなくありますように アーメン」(エペソ 3:20-21、聖餐式の「感謝聖別」の終わり)
you ain't seen nothing yet (Mark 6:1-6)
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost (Year B)
St. Luke's International Hospital Chapel
July 8, 2012– 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
We read in Mark's Gospel this morning: "Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith" (Mark 6:6). I wonder what Jesus would think about our faith…
Let's take a minute to get the big picture of what's going on here. Jesus was sent by God to save mankind from the bondage of evil. Are you with me so far? Look around, the world isn't supposed to be like this. Won't God do something about it? He has, and that "something" is Jesus.
Even before Jesus was born, his mission was clear. The angel Gabriel told both Mary and Joseph: "You are to call the child 'Jesus'" (Luke 1:31; Matthew 1:21). His name means "God saves" or "God heals"—the original word has both meanings. And both are true: God is interested in our bodies as much as our souls.
So that's the mission assigned to the Son of God. But when the Son came into the world, He came as a man, 100% human. He gave up all power and privilege as the Son— "though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor" (2 Corinthians 8:9).
So Jesus was fully human, like you and me. Although unlike us, He enjoyed unbroken communion with the heavenly Father. Sin breaks or blocks the connection between us and God, but Jesus was without sin. So He lived always knowing the love of God, always taking delight in doing the will of God.
In all other respects, though, He was pretty much a normal guy. A 1st century Palestinian Jew who learned carpentry from his step-father, Joseph. That's why we hear almost nothing about Jesus' life growing up. He lived a normal life in Nazareth, a town of maybe a few hundred people, and worked construction in the area.
But then, at around age 30, Jesus goes off to be baptized by his cousin, John the Baptist. At his baptism, we read that Jesus is filled with the Holy Spirit, and hears a voice from heaven saying to him: "You are my Son, my beloved" (Mark 1:11).
This is where things really kick off. Jesus has always known the Father's love, always known He had a mission to do in the world. But at last, He has the POWER to do it.
The Holy Spirit is the source of Jesus' power. NOT his special status as the Son of God. He put all that aside: "Though he was in the form of God, Christ did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men" (Phil 2:6-7). So Jesus came into the world as a tiny baby born in a stable. For the first 30 years of His life, Jesus never performed any healings or other miracles. He was a normal guy.
But now, as a normal guy, He is filled with the Holy Spirit. So now He can get to work.
Jesus goes back to His hometown, Nazareth. He's probably eager to share the good news with the people He grew up with. Mark's Gospel is heavy on the action, but Luke reports what Jesus said in his hometown synagogue. He reads from the Book of Isaiah:
"God's Spirit is on me. He's chosen me to proclaim good news to the poor. He sent me to announce freedom for prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind. He sent me to set the oppressed free. To announce 'This is God's year to act!'" (Luke 4:18-19)
Jesus tells His fellow Nazarenes: What Isaiah said 400 years ago is happening NOW. God is on the move. God has launched His big rescue operation, to free us from our enslavement to the powers that control this world. God's Kingdom is advancing, the kingdom of darkness is receding.
And all of this is starting with Yours Truly.
And they're all like, huh? What is he TALKING about? Where does he get off talking that way? He's just a construction worker! We know his family!
"And they took offense at him" (Mark 6:2-3).
The people of Nazareth can't imagine that someone who grew up in their little hamlet could be the promised Savior. Familiarity breeds contempt. They know Jesus too well; He can't be special.
Besides, for more than 20 years Jesus lived in Nazareth and never did miracles before. He never claimed to be the Savior before.
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It's never happened before. It's always been this way. These are phrases one often hears in church.
I grew up in a Christian family but left the faith in high school. When I came back to Christ, one thing I was forced to realize was that, although I thought I already knew all about God and Jesus and Christianity, in fact, I didn't. I had to start from the beginning and reask the basic questions, relearn so many things. I'm still learning.
And I had to open my mind to the possibility that God could do new and unexpected things. Eventually I had to open my mind to the possibility that God wanted to do new and unexpected things IN MY LIFE.
Look around you. Do you know anybody here? We're a fairly normal lot, don't you think? A few of us are a bit strange, but…all and all, plain vanilla.
Do you think God is capable of doing something new and unexpected through the people gathered here today?
Do you think God is capable of doing something new and unexpected through you?
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What changed in Jesus' life was that He was filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
But it was never only about Jesus. Next week, we'll read about Jesus sending out the Twelve Disciples to do exactly the same thing that He's doing: proclaim the good news of the Kingdom, and heal the sick and deliver people from evil powers:
"They went out and preached that people should repent. They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them" (Mark 6:12-13).
In this way, God's Kingdom advances, and the kingdom of darkness recedes.
And it's not just the Twelve, either. Later, Jesus sends out Seventy Two plain vanilla disciples—we don't even know their names: Proclaim the good news and heal the sick.
And after Pentecost, the mission continues. First Peter and John, then Philip, then Annanias, then Paul—and on and on, Jesus' followers go out to the ends of the earth. Always doing two things: Proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom, the good news that God is acting to rescue mankind from enslavement to evil, and then backing up their proclamation by praying for people to be healed and set free from bondage.
Tertullian, a Church leader of the early 3rd century, urged all Christians to continue in the ministry of Jesus. He said the noblest life is "to exorcise evil spirits—to perform cures—to live to God."
(Tertullian even argued that doing such things was more exciting than going to plays or sports events! (Tertullian, "De Spectaculis," Ch. 29) If I told you that praying for people was more exciting than watching the Olympics, would you believe me?)
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Jesus focused on a ministry of healing and deliverance to clearly show that God's Kingdom was advancing, and the kingdom of darkness was receding. It wasn't just words, it was His words backed up by His actions. Through His ministry, lives were changed. Through the ministry of His followers, lives were changed.
The source of power for Jesus' followers is the same source as for Jesus Himself: the Holy Spirit. If we are to follow Jesus, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit just as Jesus was.
We need the Holy Spirit for two reasons. First, we need the Holy Spirit to change us. "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23). The Holy Spirit works on our hearts to make us more like Jesus, more full of life, more open to God's joy and peace.
But we also need the Holy Spirit so that we can really help people. The Spirit gives us courage to pray boldly for people who are in need, wisdom to give counsel to those who have lost their way, love to encourage those who are anxious or in doubt.
Without the Spirit, we can be kind and supportive. With the Spirit we can see people being healed and lives changed. That's the difference.
But perhaps most of all we need the Spirit to open our eyes and our hearts to the plans God has in store for us. God is capable of doing something new and unexpected through this chapel, through us, through you, through me.
Come, Holy Spirit, and help us to believe in our hearts what we say with our lips:
"Glory to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine: Glory to him from generation to generation in the Church, and in Christ Jesus for ever and ever. Amen" (Ephesians 3:20,21, at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer)
a showdown at the harbor (Acts 13:4-12)
Led by the Holy Spirit, Paul and Barnabas preach their way across the island of Cyprus, Barnabus' home, and make a long stay in Paphos, a port on the west coast of the island. "The proconsul, Sergius Paulus" (v. 7) summons Paul and Barnabas to hear their message, which must have been causing quite a stir.
As Roman citizen, Paul is well-suited to establish a rapport with Sergius Paulus, which he uses to tell him the Good News about Jesus Christ. Paulus, "an intelligent man" (v. 7), is impressed by Paul's message, and is nearly ready to accept faith in Jesus. But then Bar-Jesus, the proconsul's Jewish counsellor and fortune-teller, steps in to interfere.
Filled with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit (v. 9), Paul can see what's going on: Bar-Jesus is operating under an evil influence. Satan (=the force of darkness that opposes God and His works) hates it when people come to believe in Christ—the devil doesn't want us to receive the forgiveness or healing or salvation or eternal life that God wants to give us. Forces that try to turn people away from the winsomness of Christ are finally demonic.
Bar-Jesus means "son of salvation," but Paul perceives that Elymas is really "a child of the devil" (v. 10)—i.e. acting as a proxy for the devil.
Serious problems require serious remedies, just as a brain tumor requires radical treatment. Paul declares the remedy that God will take in this situation: Bar-Jesus will be temporarily blinded. In other words, his inward spiritual blindness will be made clear and concrete in the form of temporary physical blindness.
When Paul declares this: "Immediately mist and darkness came over him" (v. 11=Luke the physician is here using contemporary medical language to describe the scene).
Paul surely recalls his own experience of being blinded on the road to Damascus, which changed his life. God does not cause sickness, although He may allow inward spiritual disorders to take on outward physical form. But God certainly does use times of sickness and physical and mental distress to bring about great change in us, fresh awareness, renewed resolution to live in consonance with His will.
The proconsul is deeply impressed because both the words and the actions of Paul reflect the reality of God. And so, Paul leads Paulus to Christ, his first Gentile convert.
As Roman citizen, Paul is well-suited to establish a rapport with Sergius Paulus, which he uses to tell him the Good News about Jesus Christ. Paulus, "an intelligent man" (v. 7), is impressed by Paul's message, and is nearly ready to accept faith in Jesus. But then Bar-Jesus, the proconsul's Jewish counsellor and fortune-teller, steps in to interfere.
Filled with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit (v. 9), Paul can see what's going on: Bar-Jesus is operating under an evil influence. Satan (=the force of darkness that opposes God and His works) hates it when people come to believe in Christ—the devil doesn't want us to receive the forgiveness or healing or salvation or eternal life that God wants to give us. Forces that try to turn people away from the winsomness of Christ are finally demonic.
Bar-Jesus means "son of salvation," but Paul perceives that Elymas is really "a child of the devil" (v. 10)—i.e. acting as a proxy for the devil.
Serious problems require serious remedies, just as a brain tumor requires radical treatment. Paul declares the remedy that God will take in this situation: Bar-Jesus will be temporarily blinded. In other words, his inward spiritual blindness will be made clear and concrete in the form of temporary physical blindness.
When Paul declares this: "Immediately mist and darkness came over him" (v. 11=Luke the physician is here using contemporary medical language to describe the scene).
Paul surely recalls his own experience of being blinded on the road to Damascus, which changed his life. God does not cause sickness, although He may allow inward spiritual disorders to take on outward physical form. But God certainly does use times of sickness and physical and mental distress to bring about great change in us, fresh awareness, renewed resolution to live in consonance with His will.
The proconsul is deeply impressed because both the words and the actions of Paul reflect the reality of God. And so, Paul leads Paulus to Christ, his first Gentile convert.
出だしが悪かった(創世記 3:1-21)
聖霊降臨後第2主日(B年)・10時30分 聖餐式
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創世記では今まで神はずっと「主なる神」(Adonai Elohim)と呼ばれていますがここで始めて、ただの「神様」(Elohim)に変わります。「主」(adonai)という言葉には深い関係性の意味合いが含まれています。造り主とその造られた人。主人とその民。導いて守る側と賛美・感謝をもって仕える側。親しく語る主と喜んで耳を傾ける人。愛を注ぐ側と愛を返す側――そういう関係がもう、この時点でも、見失ってしまっているわけです。神はただ「神様」になっています。強い神ではありますが、よそよそしい神でもあります。「木に触れてもいけない!」のように勝手にルールを強要する神。
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創世記では今まで神はずっと「主なる神」(Adonai Elohim)と呼ばれていますがここで始めて、ただの「神様」(Elohim)に変わります。「主」(adonai)という言葉には深い関係性の意味合いが含まれています。造り主とその造られた人。主人とその民。導いて守る側と賛美・感謝をもって仕える側。親しく語る主と喜んで耳を傾ける人。愛を注ぐ側と愛を返す側――そういう関係がもう、この時点でも、見失ってしまっているわけです。神はただ「神様」になっています。強い神ではありますが、よそよそしい神でもあります。「木に触れてもいけない!」のように勝手にルールを強要する神。
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starting off on the wrong foot (Genesis 3:1-21)
Second Sunday After Pentecost (Year B)
St. Luke's International Hospital Chapel - 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
I want to look a bit at the text from Genesis we read today, because I think what is revealed here is so essential for understanding what it means to live as a human being in the 21st century.
But first I should say a quick word about what this account in Genesis is aiming to do. Genesis is not like a science textbook: It isn't trying to explain the biological origin of the human race.
Of course, even simple logic dictates that, at some point, however many thousands of years ago, our "first parents" had to come on stage—that is, the human race, as distinct from chimpanzees or Neanderthals, had to start at some point, somewhere.
But that's actually not where the Bible's interest lies. The story of Adam and Eve is trying to answer two very important questions: 1. What is a human being? and 2. Why are human beings the way we are now, today?
Notice how the serpent starts out: "Did God really say…?" That's a typical approach for the devil: To cast doubt on what God has revealed. Do you recall what Satan said to Jesus in the wilderness: "If you are the Son of God" (Matt 4:3)? God had just declared at Jesus' baptism: "You are my Son, my Beloved," but the devil says, Is it really true? Are you absolutely sure?
Every day, we face similar temptations to doubt what God has clearly shown us. Jesus commanded us to forgive our neighbor, but did He really mean my sister-in-law? Does the Bible really say no sex outside marriage? Is Jesus Christ really Lord and Savior of the world? Are you absolutely sure?
But notice what the serpent is trying to get Eve to doubt here: "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"
What kind of God would say such a thing?! A cruel, tyrannical God! To put man in a beautiful garden, surround him with good things to eat, and then to say: Sorry, not for you. Hands off.
Actually, many people have a similar view of God. They assume God is a harsh tyrant. He's out to spoil our enjoyment of life. He asks us stoically to endure life as one long, joyless grind. He forbids this and that for no reason. And that's exactly the image of God the devil wants us to have!
But is it true? Let's listen to what God really did say, a few verses back in Chapter 2:
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." (Genesis 2:15-17)
You are free to eat from any tree in the garden! Any tree! Thousands upon thousands of trees bearing wonderful fruit and vegetables--and you can eat whatever you like! Whenever you like! As much as you like!
Does that sound like a tyrant? No, that is a loving Father who has provided for the needs of his children. Nothing is lacking. And yet, getting us to doubt the love of the Father is one of Satan's most successful tactics.
God never said anything about touching the tree. And He was very specific: "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".
Why did God forbid that tree? Some people ask, "Why did God make the tree in the first place if He didn't want people eating from it?" The answer has to do with freedom. God made man in His image, which means He made us free to respond to Him, and free to offer love. And the primary way we show that we love God is by obeying what God says.
We are free to obey, or not to obey. God did not make people like robots. If nothing were forbidden in Eden, there wouldn't be even the possibility of Adam and Eve choosing to not obey. Which means there would also be no possibility of loving God: Love has to be freely chosen, or else it's not love.
But more importantly, God said "Don't eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" in the same way I say to my daughter, "Don't touch the hot stove." I say that precisely because I love her.
Well, the tree was off limits because it was harmful. Something isn't just wrong because it is forbidden by God; God forbids things that are harmful.
Adam and Eve already knew right from wrong. They knew it was wrong to disobey God and eat from that tree. Up until now, Adam and Eve have had an intuitive knowledge of good. They have naturally done what is good, simply because it is good and because it is pleasing to God.
In eating this fruit, though, Adam and Eve will "know" good and evil in a way they never did before. The Hebrew word for "knowledge" doesn't just mean awareness--it means being enmeshed with the thing known. After eating the forbidden fruit, evil will become part of them. And they will become "like God," it says in verse 5. Which means, they put themselves in the position of deciding what is good and what is evil--regardless of what God says.
But the saddest thing about this interaction between Eve and the serpent is one word spoken by Eve: "God" (kami-sama).
Up until now in Genesis, God has been called "the Lord God" (adonai Elohim in Hebrew). But now Eve says simply, "God" (Elohim).
"Lord" signifies a profound relationship. Creator and created. The Lord and his people. The One who guides and protects and those who serve Him with praise and thanksgiving. The One who speaks intimately and those who listen with joy. The One who pours out love and those who return love.
Already at this point, Eve has lost sight of this relationship. For her, "God" is powerful, but distant. He is Someone who simply imposes rules: Don't even touch the tree!
As we skim over the next verses of Genesis 3, first we see Adam and Eve's relationship breaks down. Until now, the two of them have been naked but not ashamed (Gen 2:25). In other words, they were completely themselves with each other; each completely accepted the other one as they were.
But now they're ashamed to be seen as they really are. What's more, the husband-wife relationship which was one of delight and mutual service becomes an imbalanced power relationship.
The second thing we see is that Adam and Eve are terrified of God. Up until now, God and man were friends, co-workers in the garden. But no longer: "The Lord God called to the man, 'Where are you?' He answered, 'I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid…'" (Genesis 3:9-10)
Can you feel the incredible distance, the anxiety here? That's what sin does: It pulls us far away from God, and makes us afraid of submitting to His gaze, afraid of His righteous judgments.
I will skip over the next verses. But notice how Adam shifts blame to Eve, and Eve shifts blame to the serpent--people have been denying responsibility ever since. Our politicians are a shining example of this.
Finally, man is alienated from the natural world itself. Man, whose job was to manage and protect and till the soil now has to fight to dominate the natural world.
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Once in awhile you hear someone say what happened in the garden of Eden, what's commonly called "the Fall," was somehow good or necessary. The disobedience of Adam and Eve was sort of humankind's "growing pains," the cost of gaining autonomy.
It's hard to imagine a more outrageous misreading of everything the Bible says about Eden. Scripture speaks with one voice in declaring the Fall an unmitigated catastrophe, a total dislocation of man from right relationship to God, to his fellow man, to himself and the natural world.
It wasn't that God's children grew up and left the nest. A better example would be a teenager being "scouted" and lured into a life of drug abuse, violence, and prostitution, in a city far from home.
Absolutely nothing about the sin of Adam and Eve was good or necessary. In fact, from this point on, the human story just goes from bad to worse. Adam and Eve have two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain ends up killing Abel. It gets even worse after that. So bad, in fact, that God decides to start over, using the Flood as a kind of reset button for the human race. Only Noah and his family are spared--but as soon as they get off the boat, they fall back into drunken perversion.
We are inheritors of the sin of Adam and Eve. Every day we live with the consequences of the Fall. Our world is stuck in the mire of great evil and suffering, the bulk of which is caused directly or indirectly by human selfishness and greed and violence, as well as sheer disinterest.
Do you lock your door? I do. Elder people constantly have to be warned about bank transfer frauds. Marriages are failing left and right: the divorce rate in Japan is just under 40% (50% in America!). The rich-poor gap is growing both in Japan and globally. Even though the earth currently produces enough food for every single person to have 2,720 kcal of food every day, 1 in 7 people goes hungry--mostly in Asia. There are a dozen ongoing major armed conflicts in the world and twice that many minor ones. Irreplaceable rainforests are being progressively destroyed. Every day, three endangered species disappear forever.
The Bible declares: It wasn't supposed to be like this! This is not normal! This is the result of man's lack of trust in the goodness of God, and his desire to put himself in the place of God. What's more, we are powerless to get ourselves out of this mess. What hope do we have?
No. God gives them warm clothes to wear. The climate outside the garden is harsh, and Adam and Eve's fig leaves just won't cut it. So God himself acts to protect them, to keep them safe from the worst results of their sin.
Why? Because God has not changed. Adam and Eve have changed, but not God. He is the same loving Father he has always been. His children are precious in His sight. He wants nothing more than our well-being and our joy. Even when we reject God, He does not reject us.
I want to leave you with this last thought: What were the clothes made of? Animal skin. In other words, the blood of innocent creatures was shed so that Adam and Eve would be protected from the effects of their own sin.
Do you see, here at the very beginning of the story, a hint of what happens at the end of the story? Do you see that it's the blood of an innocent victim which alone saves us from the consequences of our sin?
As Paul writes: Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ, for "in Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us." (Eph 1:7-8)
St. Luke's International Hospital Chapel - 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
I want to look a bit at the text from Genesis we read today, because I think what is revealed here is so essential for understanding what it means to live as a human being in the 21st century.
But first I should say a quick word about what this account in Genesis is aiming to do. Genesis is not like a science textbook: It isn't trying to explain the biological origin of the human race.
Of course, even simple logic dictates that, at some point, however many thousands of years ago, our "first parents" had to come on stage—that is, the human race, as distinct from chimpanzees or Neanderthals, had to start at some point, somewhere.
But that's actually not where the Bible's interest lies. The story of Adam and Eve is trying to answer two very important questions: 1. What is a human being? and 2. Why are human beings the way we are now, today?
Every person ought to try to find answers to these questions. Genesis offers the answers God wanted us to know. With that in mind, and in our limited time, I want to explore the text with you.
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- Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" (Gen 3:1)
The Church has always understood the serpent to be Satan or his servant. His goal, as we say in baptism, is to seek to "corrupt and destroy the world God created."
Notice how the serpent starts out: "Did God really say…?" That's a typical approach for the devil: To cast doubt on what God has revealed. Do you recall what Satan said to Jesus in the wilderness: "If you are the Son of God" (Matt 4:3)? God had just declared at Jesus' baptism: "You are my Son, my Beloved," but the devil says, Is it really true? Are you absolutely sure?
Every day, we face similar temptations to doubt what God has clearly shown us. Jesus commanded us to forgive our neighbor, but did He really mean my sister-in-law? Does the Bible really say no sex outside marriage? Is Jesus Christ really Lord and Savior of the world? Are you absolutely sure?
But notice what the serpent is trying to get Eve to doubt here: "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"
What kind of God would say such a thing?! A cruel, tyrannical God! To put man in a beautiful garden, surround him with good things to eat, and then to say: Sorry, not for you. Hands off.
Actually, many people have a similar view of God. They assume God is a harsh tyrant. He's out to spoil our enjoyment of life. He asks us stoically to endure life as one long, joyless grind. He forbids this and that for no reason. And that's exactly the image of God the devil wants us to have!
But is it true? Let's listen to what God really did say, a few verses back in Chapter 2:
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." (Genesis 2:15-17)
You are free to eat from any tree in the garden! Any tree! Thousands upon thousands of trees bearing wonderful fruit and vegetables--and you can eat whatever you like! Whenever you like! As much as you like!
Does that sound like a tyrant? No, that is a loving Father who has provided for the needs of his children. Nothing is lacking. And yet, getting us to doubt the love of the Father is one of Satan's most successful tactics.
- The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.'" (Gen 3:2-3)
Uh oh. Eve doesn't fall for the serpent's trick, but she's already halfway there. Did you notice how she expands on what God commanded? God said: "Don't eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." Eve is much more vague: "We mustn't eat from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, AND we mustn't touch it."
God never said anything about touching the tree. And He was very specific: "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".
Why did God forbid that tree? Some people ask, "Why did God make the tree in the first place if He didn't want people eating from it?" The answer has to do with freedom. God made man in His image, which means He made us free to respond to Him, and free to offer love. And the primary way we show that we love God is by obeying what God says.
We are free to obey, or not to obey. God did not make people like robots. If nothing were forbidden in Eden, there wouldn't be even the possibility of Adam and Eve choosing to not obey. Which means there would also be no possibility of loving God: Love has to be freely chosen, or else it's not love.
But more importantly, God said "Don't eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" in the same way I say to my daughter, "Don't touch the hot stove." I say that precisely because I love her.
Well, the tree was off limits because it was harmful. Something isn't just wrong because it is forbidden by God; God forbids things that are harmful.
Adam and Eve already knew right from wrong. They knew it was wrong to disobey God and eat from that tree. Up until now, Adam and Eve have had an intuitive knowledge of good. They have naturally done what is good, simply because it is good and because it is pleasing to God.
In eating this fruit, though, Adam and Eve will "know" good and evil in a way they never did before. The Hebrew word for "knowledge" doesn't just mean awareness--it means being enmeshed with the thing known. After eating the forbidden fruit, evil will become part of them. And they will become "like God," it says in verse 5. Which means, they put themselves in the position of deciding what is good and what is evil--regardless of what God says.
But the saddest thing about this interaction between Eve and the serpent is one word spoken by Eve: "God" (kami-sama).
Up until now in Genesis, God has been called "the Lord God" (adonai Elohim in Hebrew). But now Eve says simply, "God" (Elohim).
"Lord" signifies a profound relationship. Creator and created. The Lord and his people. The One who guides and protects and those who serve Him with praise and thanksgiving. The One who speaks intimately and those who listen with joy. The One who pours out love and those who return love.
Already at this point, Eve has lost sight of this relationship. For her, "God" is powerful, but distant. He is Someone who simply imposes rules: Don't even touch the tree!
Let's move ahead to the awful scene itself:
- When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. (Gen 3:6-7)
As we skim over the next verses of Genesis 3, first we see Adam and Eve's relationship breaks down. Until now, the two of them have been naked but not ashamed (Gen 2:25). In other words, they were completely themselves with each other; each completely accepted the other one as they were.
But now they're ashamed to be seen as they really are. What's more, the husband-wife relationship which was one of delight and mutual service becomes an imbalanced power relationship.
The second thing we see is that Adam and Eve are terrified of God. Up until now, God and man were friends, co-workers in the garden. But no longer: "The Lord God called to the man, 'Where are you?' He answered, 'I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid…'" (Genesis 3:9-10)
Can you feel the incredible distance, the anxiety here? That's what sin does: It pulls us far away from God, and makes us afraid of submitting to His gaze, afraid of His righteous judgments.
I will skip over the next verses. But notice how Adam shifts blame to Eve, and Eve shifts blame to the serpent--people have been denying responsibility ever since. Our politicians are a shining example of this.
Finally, man is alienated from the natural world itself. Man, whose job was to manage and protect and till the soil now has to fight to dominate the natural world.
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Once in awhile you hear someone say what happened in the garden of Eden, what's commonly called "the Fall," was somehow good or necessary. The disobedience of Adam and Eve was sort of humankind's "growing pains," the cost of gaining autonomy.
It's hard to imagine a more outrageous misreading of everything the Bible says about Eden. Scripture speaks with one voice in declaring the Fall an unmitigated catastrophe, a total dislocation of man from right relationship to God, to his fellow man, to himself and the natural world.
It wasn't that God's children grew up and left the nest. A better example would be a teenager being "scouted" and lured into a life of drug abuse, violence, and prostitution, in a city far from home.
Absolutely nothing about the sin of Adam and Eve was good or necessary. In fact, from this point on, the human story just goes from bad to worse. Adam and Eve have two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain ends up killing Abel. It gets even worse after that. So bad, in fact, that God decides to start over, using the Flood as a kind of reset button for the human race. Only Noah and his family are spared--but as soon as they get off the boat, they fall back into drunken perversion.
We are inheritors of the sin of Adam and Eve. Every day we live with the consequences of the Fall. Our world is stuck in the mire of great evil and suffering, the bulk of which is caused directly or indirectly by human selfishness and greed and violence, as well as sheer disinterest.
Do you lock your door? I do. Elder people constantly have to be warned about bank transfer frauds. Marriages are failing left and right: the divorce rate in Japan is just under 40% (50% in America!). The rich-poor gap is growing both in Japan and globally. Even though the earth currently produces enough food for every single person to have 2,720 kcal of food every day, 1 in 7 people goes hungry--mostly in Asia. There are a dozen ongoing major armed conflicts in the world and twice that many minor ones. Irreplaceable rainforests are being progressively destroyed. Every day, three endangered species disappear forever.
The Bible declares: It wasn't supposed to be like this! This is not normal! This is the result of man's lack of trust in the goodness of God, and his desire to put himself in the place of God. What's more, we are powerless to get ourselves out of this mess. What hope do we have?
On that note, I want to end by looking at the last verse in our text today:
- The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. (Genesis 3:21)
Adam and Eve have to leave the Garden. But even after all that has happened, even after they have disobeyed the only commandment they were given, even after they have demonstrated their basic distrust of God's love and gracious provision and tried to put themselves in the place of God, even if they have forever spoiled the beautiful harmony of the garden--even after all this, what does God do? Destroy them? Forget about them? Cut off all ties with them?
No. God gives them warm clothes to wear. The climate outside the garden is harsh, and Adam and Eve's fig leaves just won't cut it. So God himself acts to protect them, to keep them safe from the worst results of their sin.
Why? Because God has not changed. Adam and Eve have changed, but not God. He is the same loving Father he has always been. His children are precious in His sight. He wants nothing more than our well-being and our joy. Even when we reject God, He does not reject us.
I want to leave you with this last thought: What were the clothes made of? Animal skin. In other words, the blood of innocent creatures was shed so that Adam and Eve would be protected from the effects of their own sin.
Do you see, here at the very beginning of the story, a hint of what happens at the end of the story? Do you see that it's the blood of an innocent victim which alone saves us from the consequences of our sin?
As Paul writes: Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ, for "in Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us." (Eph 1:7-8)
good: 1; evil: 0
For a change of scenery, I was grading papers on the steps overlooking the Sumida River (right next to St. Luke's). Building storm clouds reflected on the gray, roiling water of the canal.
Then a huge wasp showed up and I made a hasty departure. So hasty, in fact, that I left my appointment calendar on the steps. I only noticed it was gone after I got back to the office. Instant panic. Lost calendar=end of world.
I rushed back, retracing my steps, reviewing in my mind all the places I might have possibly laid the book down. Finally, I get to the steps: Nothing.
Then I notice a dog-walking couple standing close by, talking as they examined something. My calendar! I thank them profusely, resisting the urge to hug them.
I start to breathe again. As I head back to the hospital, the first drops of rain start to fall.
Fortunate? You might think so. But I prefer to think of it as a narrow victory over the Forces of Darkness that were trying to disrupt my work and make me really, really bummed. It's more interesting to see myself as involved, albeit in a very miniscule way, in an epic clash between Light and Darkness.
Besides, I have absolutely no trouble imagining wasps as agents of the devil.
Then a huge wasp showed up and I made a hasty departure. So hasty, in fact, that I left my appointment calendar on the steps. I only noticed it was gone after I got back to the office. Instant panic. Lost calendar=end of world.
I rushed back, retracing my steps, reviewing in my mind all the places I might have possibly laid the book down. Finally, I get to the steps: Nothing.
Then I notice a dog-walking couple standing close by, talking as they examined something. My calendar! I thank them profusely, resisting the urge to hug them.
I start to breathe again. As I head back to the hospital, the first drops of rain start to fall.
Fortunate? You might think so. But I prefer to think of it as a narrow victory over the Forces of Darkness that were trying to disrupt my work and make me really, really bummed. It's more interesting to see myself as involved, albeit in a very miniscule way, in an epic clash between Light and Darkness.
Besides, I have absolutely no trouble imagining wasps as agents of the devil.
a startling discovery
A newly unearthed fragment from the end of Matthew's Gospel, dated possibly to the first century.
"Therefore go and instill a general understanding of Christianity in all nations, affirming them in their own spiritual quests and urging them at least to to take under consideration those things I have taught which do not conflict with current public opinion."This authoritative new text is set to be included in an upcoming Nippon Sei Ko Kai translation of the Bible.
聖路加国際病院 聖ルカ礼拝堂
聖路加国際病院 聖ルカ礼拝堂
神の「よろしい」(マルコ1: 40-45)
2012年2月12日・10時30分 聖餐式
→ 僕は怖いかどうか、ぜひ子どもたちに聞いてみてください!(笑)
1. 自分の子どもが周りの人に迷惑をかけること
2. 子どもが同じ失敗を繰り返すこと
でも、この同じ人が今度おじいちゃんになったら、いきなり穏やかになりました。とても優しいやつになっています。孫たちにメロメロ。「ジュース、もう一杯ほしい?いいよ。」「あれ?壊したかい?No problem!」とか。なんてこと!?!!ありえない!
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2012年2月12日・10時30分 聖餐式
→ 僕は怖いかどうか、ぜひ子どもたちに聞いてみてください!(笑)
1. 自分の子どもが周りの人に迷惑をかけること
2. 子どもが同じ失敗を繰り返すこと
でも、この同じ人が今度おじいちゃんになったら、いきなり穏やかになりました。とても優しいやつになっています。孫たちにメロメロ。「ジュース、もう一杯ほしい?いいよ。」「あれ?壊したかい?No problem!」とか。なんてこと!?!!ありえない!
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sermon preview: Jesus gives evil a beat down
"And he came and took her by the hand and lifted her up, and the fever left her, and she began to serve them." (Mark 1:31)
Last week, in the synagogue in Capernaum, Jesus confronted and drove out the evil spirit that was harassing a man (Mark 1:21-26). Compared with that, the "miracle" He now performs, healing the fever of Peter's mother-in-law, somehow seems a bit trifling. But God doesn't only deal with the massive evils in the world. God hates evil, it's true, but at the same time He loves us passionately. So, He is concerned about whatever troubles us and prevents us from living abundantly. Jesus came not only to drive out evil, but also to bring in joy.
降臨第4主日 夕の礼拝
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and I mean to be one too (1 john 3:1-3)
Back at my home church of St. Alban's last Sunday. Got to preach in English for the first time in a while! They were observing the Feast of All Saint's that Sunday.
We're celebrating All Saints today. We're actually five days late. Somehow we manage to observe Halloween on October 31, but find it harder to celebrate the feast of All Saints on it's proper day, November 1...
Oh well, better late than never!
DO YOU WANT TO BE A SAINT? I remember a song we used to sing in Church when I was a child (singing): "I sing a song of the saints of God, / patient and brave and true, / who toiled and fought and lived and died / for the Lord they loved and knew."
Do you know that song? It goes on to list a lot of different vocations: One was a doctor, one was a queen, one was a soldier, one was a priest, etc.
The last words were (singing): "...and I mean to be one, too."
The question I want to ask today is: Do you? Mean to be a saint, that is?
CREATURES, BUT NOT CHILDRENSometimes you hear well-meaning Christians say things like "every person is a child of God." It sounds nice. I suspect such statements come from a desire to affirm the dignity and value of every person, and not to come off as arrogant or closed-minded.
These are good desires. We should affirm the dignity and value of every person. We shouldn't be arrogant or closed-minded
But when we say "every person is a child of God," I think we're claiming more than what the Bible allows us to claim. And when we start going beyond what God has revealed to us, we run the risk of actually obscuring the truth, replacing reality as it is with our own preferred version of reality.
And if we start out with a false or distorted version of reality, we have far less chance of making smart choices about things that really matter.
I think we can say with confidence that every person is a CREATURE of God, made by God, in His image, and therefore with inherent dignity. And we can go further and claim that every person is LOVED by God. "For God so loved the world (which means all people in it) that He gave His only begotten Son." (John 3:16).
But I think we're on very shaky ground when we say every person is a child of God...
Sons and daughters love their parents and seek to please them, make them proud. They seek ways to be helpful to their parents. They look to their parents for direction. They are quick to obey.
(That is to say, good children are quick to obey. My children, well...not so much. When I tell my seven-year-old to take his foot out of his sister's ear, I mean "now" but he thinks, "in a few minutes, when it gets boring.")
Sons and daughters come to bear a family resemblance, in terms of the way they speak and act, and set their priorities. Sons and daughters mature in the character of their parents.
In this sense, the Bible very clearly says human beings are NOT children of God. We do not seek to please Him and serve Him in the world. We do not resemble God in our words and actions. We do not reflect God's character.
At the very least, I think we have to say that, if are children of God, we are children who have turned our backs on our home, and squandered our inheritance, and are living as prodigal sons and daughters in a far country.
Like the prodigal son in Jesus' parable, if we are honest most of us would have to confess: "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son" (Luke 15:21).
I know that's been true of my life.
EVEN SO, CALLED CHILDRENThe amazingly good news of Jesus Christ is stated straight out in our Epistle today: "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God." (3:1)
I want you to take some time simply to savor that. "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God."
Even people like us, unworthy as we are, can be called children of God--and that is all down, not to anything we do or don't do, but to the sheer, incredible love of the Father. And because God in His love has called us His children, "that is now what we are."
Please get this, because it's important: We WERE NOT children of God, we WEREN'T WORTHY to be called His children, but now we ARE His children because out of love He has CHOSEN TO CALL us His children.
At the beginning of his Gospel, John puts it this way: "To all who have received [Jesus Christ]--those who believe in his name--he has given the right to become God's children." (John 1:12)
Notice there are no conditions attached to this. "To ALL who have received Jesus."
You can't get more inclusive than that. There is no discrimination here. Nobody is shut out or told "you can't belong."
In biblical terms, the "name" of Jesus signifies the meaning of His life work, and above all His atoning death on the cross. Jesus' name literally means "God saves," and to believe in His name is to bet the farm on the salvation He won for us through His death.
When Jesus came into the world, in fact, He was traveling into the far country where all of us prodigal sons and daughters live, far away from the love of the Father, spiritually starving, morally impoverished, dishonored, disgraced, caught up in a cycle of wounding and sorrow and selfishness and hard-heartedness.
Jesus came into this far country to lead us all home again. The cross became the road home for us.
You don't have to understand exactly how that works--it's hard for me to wrap my head around it a lot of the time--you just have to know that it was for you, too, and receive the gift of salvation from His hands.
CHILDREN, AND SO BECOMING SAINTSSo, because of God's love reaching out to us through Jesus Christ, we have been put into a new status with God: "Beloved, we are God's children now" (1 John 3:2) .
But the Good News doesn't end there:
"Beloved, we are God's children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when Jesus is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. And all who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure." (3:2-3)
We are children of God, and as His children, we are all heading in a certain direction. The details of where we're going aren't clear. There are probably lots of things we can't fully understand from our present vantage point. What's important is that we will be like Jesus.
John talks about "purifying" ourselves. I don't know about you, but hearing the word "purity" instantly makes me think of goody-goody, holier-than-thou types—the kind of people I tend to want to avoid.
(I think this is one of the devil's linguistic victories, actually, to associate perfectly good words like "purity" with mostly negative connotations. Kind of like "holy" is associated with "holier-than-thou" and "righteous" morphs into "self-righteous".)
So it helped me to me as I was thinking about this sermon to focus the phrase "just as He is pure." Just as Jesus is pure. I think of Jesus as someone who was able to laugh from the belly, but without mockery. Who was brilliant without being cynical. Shrewd without being jaded. Who understood the ways of the world and of the human heart better than anyone else on earth, but was always capable of experiencing simple joys.
Jesus said: "Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it" (Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17)
Maybe part of being a child of God means recovering this kind of purity--the ability to enjoy the simple blessings of life, the ability to take life as it comes...and the ability to obey in small, daily things.
Where we are heading is on a need-to-know basis. Simple obedience is all that's expected of us. (I'll date myself if I draw a comparison to Karate Kid: Wash on. Wash off. Or in the new Karate Kid--actually Kung Fu Kid: Put on jacket. Take off jacket. The boy didn't know what the destination was. He simply had to obey.)
Earlier in his Letter, John wrote: "Whoever says, 'I abide in Christ,' ought to walk just as he walked" (2:6). Here is where the Sermon on the Mount is PURE GOLD to a child of God, seeking to walk as Christ walked.
We read the introduction to the Sermon on the Mount this morning, the so-called "Beatitudes" of chapter 5. The Sermon goes on through chapter 7.
The Sermon on the Mount is a roadmap for living life with a child's heart, a child's purity. It's kind of like a GPS navigation system for aspiring to Christlikeness. It marks off the road of purity and joy, and it also warns against the dead ends and dangers of the world, which lead us away from God.
Leon Bloy, a 20th century French writer, once said “the only tragedy in life is not to become a saint.” Becoming a saint is about realizing our deepest, greatest potential, becoming who we were truly destined to be. What a shame it would be to miss out on that.
At the end of the day, becoming a saint is not about what you do--you can be a doctor, or a queen, or a soldier, or a priest, or whatever--but it's about how much love you do it with. And God--who is Love, as John writes in this letter--who comes to dwell with His children, and in us, is always ready to give us His love to do all the things we do to please Him.
The saint, the child of God who, with God's help, tries and keeps trying to walk just as Christ walked, has this to look forward to: He, she will see God as He is. And God is more beautiful, more delightful, more satisfying, than anything we can possibly imagine.
The saints we remember today are already there! Do you mean to be one too?
We're celebrating All Saints today. We're actually five days late. Somehow we manage to observe Halloween on October 31, but find it harder to celebrate the feast of All Saints on it's proper day, November 1...
Oh well, better late than never!
DO YOU WANT TO BE A SAINT? I remember a song we used to sing in Church when I was a child (singing): "I sing a song of the saints of God, / patient and brave and true, / who toiled and fought and lived and died / for the Lord they loved and knew."
Do you know that song? It goes on to list a lot of different vocations: One was a doctor, one was a queen, one was a soldier, one was a priest, etc.
The last words were (singing): "...and I mean to be one, too."
The question I want to ask today is: Do you? Mean to be a saint, that is?
CREATURES, BUT NOT CHILDRENSometimes you hear well-meaning Christians say things like "every person is a child of God." It sounds nice. I suspect such statements come from a desire to affirm the dignity and value of every person, and not to come off as arrogant or closed-minded.
These are good desires. We should affirm the dignity and value of every person. We shouldn't be arrogant or closed-minded
But when we say "every person is a child of God," I think we're claiming more than what the Bible allows us to claim. And when we start going beyond what God has revealed to us, we run the risk of actually obscuring the truth, replacing reality as it is with our own preferred version of reality.
And if we start out with a false or distorted version of reality, we have far less chance of making smart choices about things that really matter.
I think we can say with confidence that every person is a CREATURE of God, made by God, in His image, and therefore with inherent dignity. And we can go further and claim that every person is LOVED by God. "For God so loved the world (which means all people in it) that He gave His only begotten Son." (John 3:16).
But I think we're on very shaky ground when we say every person is a child of God...
Sons and daughters love their parents and seek to please them, make them proud. They seek ways to be helpful to their parents. They look to their parents for direction. They are quick to obey.
(That is to say, good children are quick to obey. My children, well...not so much. When I tell my seven-year-old to take his foot out of his sister's ear, I mean "now" but he thinks, "in a few minutes, when it gets boring.")
Sons and daughters come to bear a family resemblance, in terms of the way they speak and act, and set their priorities. Sons and daughters mature in the character of their parents.
In this sense, the Bible very clearly says human beings are NOT children of God. We do not seek to please Him and serve Him in the world. We do not resemble God in our words and actions. We do not reflect God's character.
At the very least, I think we have to say that, if are children of God, we are children who have turned our backs on our home, and squandered our inheritance, and are living as prodigal sons and daughters in a far country.
Like the prodigal son in Jesus' parable, if we are honest most of us would have to confess: "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son" (Luke 15:21).
I know that's been true of my life.
EVEN SO, CALLED CHILDRENThe amazingly good news of Jesus Christ is stated straight out in our Epistle today: "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God." (3:1)
I want you to take some time simply to savor that. "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God."
Even people like us, unworthy as we are, can be called children of God--and that is all down, not to anything we do or don't do, but to the sheer, incredible love of the Father. And because God in His love has called us His children, "that is now what we are."
Please get this, because it's important: We WERE NOT children of God, we WEREN'T WORTHY to be called His children, but now we ARE His children because out of love He has CHOSEN TO CALL us His children.
At the beginning of his Gospel, John puts it this way: "To all who have received [Jesus Christ]--those who believe in his name--he has given the right to become God's children." (John 1:12)
Notice there are no conditions attached to this. "To ALL who have received Jesus."
You can't get more inclusive than that. There is no discrimination here. Nobody is shut out or told "you can't belong."
In biblical terms, the "name" of Jesus signifies the meaning of His life work, and above all His atoning death on the cross. Jesus' name literally means "God saves," and to believe in His name is to bet the farm on the salvation He won for us through His death.
When Jesus came into the world, in fact, He was traveling into the far country where all of us prodigal sons and daughters live, far away from the love of the Father, spiritually starving, morally impoverished, dishonored, disgraced, caught up in a cycle of wounding and sorrow and selfishness and hard-heartedness.
Jesus came into this far country to lead us all home again. The cross became the road home for us.
You don't have to understand exactly how that works--it's hard for me to wrap my head around it a lot of the time--you just have to know that it was for you, too, and receive the gift of salvation from His hands.
CHILDREN, AND SO BECOMING SAINTSSo, because of God's love reaching out to us through Jesus Christ, we have been put into a new status with God: "Beloved, we are God's children now" (1 John 3:2) .
But the Good News doesn't end there:
"Beloved, we are God's children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when Jesus is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. And all who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure." (3:2-3)
We are children of God, and as His children, we are all heading in a certain direction. The details of where we're going aren't clear. There are probably lots of things we can't fully understand from our present vantage point. What's important is that we will be like Jesus.
John talks about "purifying" ourselves. I don't know about you, but hearing the word "purity" instantly makes me think of goody-goody, holier-than-thou types—the kind of people I tend to want to avoid.
(I think this is one of the devil's linguistic victories, actually, to associate perfectly good words like "purity" with mostly negative connotations. Kind of like "holy" is associated with "holier-than-thou" and "righteous" morphs into "self-righteous".)
So it helped me to me as I was thinking about this sermon to focus the phrase "just as He is pure." Just as Jesus is pure. I think of Jesus as someone who was able to laugh from the belly, but without mockery. Who was brilliant without being cynical. Shrewd without being jaded. Who understood the ways of the world and of the human heart better than anyone else on earth, but was always capable of experiencing simple joys.
Jesus said: "Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it" (Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17)
Maybe part of being a child of God means recovering this kind of purity--the ability to enjoy the simple blessings of life, the ability to take life as it comes...and the ability to obey in small, daily things.
Where we are heading is on a need-to-know basis. Simple obedience is all that's expected of us. (I'll date myself if I draw a comparison to Karate Kid: Wash on. Wash off. Or in the new Karate Kid--actually Kung Fu Kid: Put on jacket. Take off jacket. The boy didn't know what the destination was. He simply had to obey.)
Earlier in his Letter, John wrote: "Whoever says, 'I abide in Christ,' ought to walk just as he walked" (2:6). Here is where the Sermon on the Mount is PURE GOLD to a child of God, seeking to walk as Christ walked.
We read the introduction to the Sermon on the Mount this morning, the so-called "Beatitudes" of chapter 5. The Sermon goes on through chapter 7.
The Sermon on the Mount is a roadmap for living life with a child's heart, a child's purity. It's kind of like a GPS navigation system for aspiring to Christlikeness. It marks off the road of purity and joy, and it also warns against the dead ends and dangers of the world, which lead us away from God.
Leon Bloy, a 20th century French writer, once said “the only tragedy in life is not to become a saint.” Becoming a saint is about realizing our deepest, greatest potential, becoming who we were truly destined to be. What a shame it would be to miss out on that.
At the end of the day, becoming a saint is not about what you do--you can be a doctor, or a queen, or a soldier, or a priest, or whatever--but it's about how much love you do it with. And God--who is Love, as John writes in this letter--who comes to dwell with His children, and in us, is always ready to give us His love to do all the things we do to please Him.
The saint, the child of God who, with God's help, tries and keeps trying to walk just as Christ walked, has this to look forward to: He, she will see God as He is. And God is more beautiful, more delightful, more satisfying, than anything we can possibly imagine.
The saints we remember today are already there! Do you mean to be one too?
a call to arms (luke 4:14-21)
St. Luke's Hospital Anniversary Service
October 26, 2011 3:00 p.m.
(Note: This address was given at the worship service celebrating the anniversary of St. Luke's International Hospital. On this occasion, employees who have worked 10, 20, and 30 years were recognized, as were volunteers who have served from 100 hours to 22,000 hours. In attendance were the chairman of the board, the president and vice-presidents, and various department heads, as well the long-term employees recognized and many of the 380 volunteers who serve the hospital.)
We just read about Jesus declaring war.
Like many a politician, at the start of his public career Jesus returns to his hometown, to Nazareth, the place where he might expect his strongest support base. There, he gives his inaugural speech. He goes public with his agenda, lays out his vision for the road ahead.
And the vision he lays out is one of war.
But what kind of war? Not the kind of war his fellow countrymen were hoping for, one that would liberate them from the yoke of Roman imperial oppression. Not the kind of war that involves airstrikes, or guerilla attacks, or indeed any shedding of enemy blood. Not the kind of war that involves the toppling of governments or the seizing of territory.
Not that kind of war. But if not that kind of war, then what kind? Look at what Jesus says:
What do all these things have in common? They distort the human person. They make it impossible to live humanly, in freedom. Jesus is going to war to restore the human person, a being with dignity and value and purpose. A being, in short, made in the image of God.
This is the fundamental understanding revealed to us by God in the Bible: Every human person is a being of great wonder and irreplaceable value, beloved by his Creator, made with care and intent.
At the same time the Bible reveals that every human person, and humanity as a whole, is set upon by powers of darkness, powers that work against God's purposes and seek to deface and destroy God's creation. And, precisely because human beings are created in God's image and endowed by God with dignity and value, these powers of darkness strive hard to rob us of our humanness.
This is the understanding revealed to us by the light of Holy Scripture.
These powers of darkness wage battle on many fronts. They work through individual sin and moral weakness and greed, through self-interest and a disinterest in the suffering of others. They work through injustice, and social evils such as strife, hunger, poverty. They work through so-called tragedies such as sickness and natural disasters.
Jesus at the beginning of his career stands up against all these forms of evil and declares: No more!
And every thing Jesus did from this point on in his life was a full-scale assault on these forces of darkness. He healed the sick. He set free those who were in bondage to evil spirits. He befriended the friendless. He comforted the grieving and those who were afraid. He hung out with people society considered worthless, the losers. He taught generosity in the sharing of material blessings. He condemned leaders who failed in their duty to protect the weak.
This was Jesus' lifework, his mission, his war.
So this hospital is called to engage in the war. But so is each one of us. We fight back against the powers of darkness whenever we, as individuals, take hold of the life we have been given, and respond with gratitude in service to others. Each of us can become an outpost of light in the darkness when we use our God-given talents and time in the service of human flourishing.
God gives wisdom and courage to those who are willing to join in the fight against the darkness. Once again, let us pray together for that wisdom and courage, and ask God's blessing on our work in the year to come.
October 26, 2011 3:00 p.m.
(Note: This address was given at the worship service celebrating the anniversary of St. Luke's International Hospital. On this occasion, employees who have worked 10, 20, and 30 years were recognized, as were volunteers who have served from 100 hours to 22,000 hours. In attendance were the chairman of the board, the president and vice-presidents, and various department heads, as well the long-term employees recognized and many of the 380 volunteers who serve the hospital.)
We just read about Jesus declaring war.
Like many a politician, at the start of his public career Jesus returns to his hometown, to Nazareth, the place where he might expect his strongest support base. There, he gives his inaugural speech. He goes public with his agenda, lays out his vision for the road ahead.
And the vision he lays out is one of war.
But what kind of war? Not the kind of war his fellow countrymen were hoping for, one that would liberate them from the yoke of Roman imperial oppression. Not the kind of war that involves airstrikes, or guerilla attacks, or indeed any shedding of enemy blood. Not the kind of war that involves the toppling of governments or the seizing of territory.
Not that kind of war. But if not that kind of war, then what kind? Look at what Jesus says:
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor" (Luke 4:18-19)So, he's talking about fighting a war against grinding poverty; against debilitating sickness; against physical, emotional, and spiritual bondage; against social oppression and injustice. In other words, it is a war against the powers of darkness that rule the human race with an iron hand.
What do all these things have in common? They distort the human person. They make it impossible to live humanly, in freedom. Jesus is going to war to restore the human person, a being with dignity and value and purpose. A being, in short, made in the image of God.
This is the fundamental understanding revealed to us by God in the Bible: Every human person is a being of great wonder and irreplaceable value, beloved by his Creator, made with care and intent.
At the same time the Bible reveals that every human person, and humanity as a whole, is set upon by powers of darkness, powers that work against God's purposes and seek to deface and destroy God's creation. And, precisely because human beings are created in God's image and endowed by God with dignity and value, these powers of darkness strive hard to rob us of our humanness.
This is the understanding revealed to us by the light of Holy Scripture.
These powers of darkness wage battle on many fronts. They work through individual sin and moral weakness and greed, through self-interest and a disinterest in the suffering of others. They work through injustice, and social evils such as strife, hunger, poverty. They work through so-called tragedies such as sickness and natural disasters.
Jesus at the beginning of his career stands up against all these forms of evil and declares: No more!
And every thing Jesus did from this point on in his life was a full-scale assault on these forces of darkness. He healed the sick. He set free those who were in bondage to evil spirits. He befriended the friendless. He comforted the grieving and those who were afraid. He hung out with people society considered worthless, the losers. He taught generosity in the sharing of material blessings. He condemned leaders who failed in their duty to protect the weak.
This was Jesus' lifework, his mission, his war.
It is our war, too. This hospital was founded to be a stronghold, an outpost in the war against the powers of darkness that threaten the human person. So, as a hospital we are also called to fight, taking our cue from Jesus Christ:
- We are called to carry out medical approaches that foster health, cure disease, and aid long life.
- We are called to alleviate pain and improve the quality of life of those who suffer.
- We are called to help patients and their families face the end of life with courage and dignity.
- We are called to help realize the physical, emotional, and spiritual flourishing of each patient, in their particular family and social contexts.
So this hospital is called to engage in the war. But so is each one of us. We fight back against the powers of darkness whenever we, as individuals, take hold of the life we have been given, and respond with gratitude in service to others. Each of us can become an outpost of light in the darkness when we use our God-given talents and time in the service of human flourishing.
God gives wisdom and courage to those who are willing to join in the fight against the darkness. Once again, let us pray together for that wisdom and courage, and ask God's blessing on our work in the year to come.
- 人々の健康を促進し、病を治して、長寿の助けとなる医療を行うよう求められています。
- 痛み・苦しみを緩和して、病気にかかっている人のQOLを上げるよう求められています。
- 患者さんやその家族が、勇気と尊厳を持って人生の最期を迎えることを支えるよう求められています。
- 一人一人の患者さんの置かれている家族環境、社会環境で、その身体的、精神的、スピリチュアルな幸福(well-being)を支えるよう求められています。
changing course (Eze 18:1-4, 25-32; Matt 21:28-32)
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Year A, Proper 21)
St. Luke's International Hospital Chapel
September 25, 2011– 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Both the Old Testament reading and the Gospel today talk about changing course.
Arguably one of the most important words in Bible is the word "turn". The Hebrew is shuv. Shuv can be translated turn, go home, return, reconsider, regret, repent. It means to change course, to face in a new direction.
The idea of shuv is at the heart of the message of all the prophets. Return to the Lord! Turn back from evil and return to His ways, and you will find life and peace.
And it's at the heart of the New Testament. Both John the Baptist and Jesus began their work with the same call to shuv: Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.
+ + +
The message God gave to Ezekiel is very straightforward: You sin? You die.
It's not rocket science. One thing follows the other, cause and effect.
Remember that "sin" in the biblical sense doesn't mean just the Big Stuff like murder, robbery, adultery. It means turning your back on the Lord, straying from His path.
Note also: It's not that we die because our parents or our ancestors sinned. God clearly rejects that line of thinking. In Ezekiel's time, the Jews had been taken captive and forcibly relocated to Babylon. They complained that they were being punished because of what their ancestors did, saying: "The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge" (Ezek 18:2).
To that, God says, in effect, "gimme a break":
"Behold, all lives are mine; the life of the father as well as the life of the son is mine. The one who sins, he it is who shall die." (Ezek 18:4)
God isn't in the business of punishing the children of sinners. You sin? You die, not your children or your grandchildren.
We may--and, sadly, quite often do--suffer the fallout from the sins of our parents. A selfish father's adultery. An anxious mother's overprotectiveness. Abuse. A lack of affection. That's part of the tragedy of the world. But to say we suffer the fallout from someone else's sin is different from saying the sin and its punishment are ours.
You sin? You die. And this is not God's capriciousness, either. It's just cause and effect. St. Paul put it like this: "The wages of sin is death" (Rom 6:23). The recompense for working is money. The recompense for sin is death.
What kind of death are we talking about? Physical death, yes, evenutally, but even worse, spiritual death, which can begin even in life and which goes on…for all eternity.
So what is spiritual death? Many of you have probably tasted it already. The "symptoms" include:
And unless we turn back, it will go on forever and ever.
To become a Christian means to make this turn. To become a Christian involves turning away from darkness, from self-centeredness, from injustice, from emnity with God--away from everything that displeases God.
And it involves turning toward Jesus, toward life, toward justice, toward obedience, toward intimacy with the Father.
That is what Christian baptism is all about. Do you renounce the devil and all his ways? Do you turn toward Jesus and life in harmony with God's will?
The hitch is, we can't make this turn. We're like the Titanic heading toward the iceberg. Even knowing the danger was ahead, the huge ship couldn't turn enough to avoid it.
Human beings are actually worse off than the the Titanic. Because, given enough time, the Titanic was capable of changing course. But we're not. We don't have it in us to change ourselves.
Sure, we can change the clothes we wear, get a new haircut. We can train ourselves to take on new habits. We can learn to control ourselves and put on a presentable face.
But we can't change our hearts.
"Cast away from you all the transgressions you have committed, and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit!" (Ezek 18:31)
The people to whom Ezekiel relayed this message proved that they couldn't make a new heart and a new spirit for themselves. And neither can we. We are unable to save ourselves. Our wills are weakened, our hearts are bent. And we can't fix that.
But God can. God can make possible what was impossible. What God commands, He enables. God tells us to make new hearts; He gives us the grace to do it.
The Reformer John Calvin said "[God] invites all to repentance and rejects no one." (Calvin, Comm. Ezekiel 18:32). And because God invites all to repentence, He offers all the grace to enable such repentence.
St. Paul is on to this in today's letter to the Philippians: "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." (Phil 2:12b-13)
It is God who works in us. If we allow Him to, God will work in us, healing our wills so that we WANT to do what pleases Him. Notice the all-important repeated clause in the baptismal vows:
- Do you turn away from all the powers of darkness?
- Do you turn toward Christ and toward the light?
+ + +
The first son in Jesus' parable changed course. He went from not doing the will of his father to doing the will of his father.
Jesus confronts every person with this same question. Jesus' whole mission, today as well as back then, is to summon every one of us to the same obedience: Today, go and work in the vineyard. Today, go and live a God-pleasing life in harmony with the Father's will.
Two thousand years ago, tax-collectors and prostitutes heard this call and they responded to it. Like the older brother, with their lives they had been saying "I will not" to God's will. But, like the older brother, they "changed their mind" and began to follow Jesus. They changed course. They discovered in Jesus the power to change course. The grace to stop living in sin. The grace to enter into fellowship with God.
To be a Christian is to change course. If we are still living pretty much like everybody else in the world--if we are making decisions pretty much on the same basis, if we are using our time and our money and our talents for the same ends, if we are thinking mostly about ourselves, if we are just as comfortable in our sinfulness--then maybe we haven't really become Christians yet. Maybe we're more like the younger brother who says "Yes" to his father but then goes on with business as usual.
Jesus offers us the power to change course. The power both to say "Yes" and to live a life that also says "Yes" to God.
And what happens when we change course?
Life happens.
"Why will you die, O house of Israel? Turn, and live!" (Ezek 18:31b, 32b)
The tax-collectors and prostitutes repented and followed Jesus into the Kingdom because they saw that that's where real life was. Real joy. Real community. Fellowship with the living God. The sweetness of heaven, here on earth, and forever.
Turn, and live!
St. Luke's International Hospital Chapel
September 25, 2011– 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Both the Old Testament reading and the Gospel today talk about changing course.
Arguably one of the most important words in Bible is the word "turn". The Hebrew is shuv. Shuv can be translated turn, go home, return, reconsider, regret, repent. It means to change course, to face in a new direction.
The idea of shuv is at the heart of the message of all the prophets. Return to the Lord! Turn back from evil and return to His ways, and you will find life and peace.
And it's at the heart of the New Testament. Both John the Baptist and Jesus began their work with the same call to shuv: Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.
+ + +
The message God gave to Ezekiel is very straightforward: You sin? You die.
It's not rocket science. One thing follows the other, cause and effect.
Remember that "sin" in the biblical sense doesn't mean just the Big Stuff like murder, robbery, adultery. It means turning your back on the Lord, straying from His path.
Note also: It's not that we die because our parents or our ancestors sinned. God clearly rejects that line of thinking. In Ezekiel's time, the Jews had been taken captive and forcibly relocated to Babylon. They complained that they were being punished because of what their ancestors did, saying: "The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge" (Ezek 18:2).
To that, God says, in effect, "gimme a break":
"Behold, all lives are mine; the life of the father as well as the life of the son is mine. The one who sins, he it is who shall die." (Ezek 18:4)
God isn't in the business of punishing the children of sinners. You sin? You die, not your children or your grandchildren.
We may--and, sadly, quite often do--suffer the fallout from the sins of our parents. A selfish father's adultery. An anxious mother's overprotectiveness. Abuse. A lack of affection. That's part of the tragedy of the world. But to say we suffer the fallout from someone else's sin is different from saying the sin and its punishment are ours.
You sin? You die. And this is not God's capriciousness, either. It's just cause and effect. St. Paul put it like this: "The wages of sin is death" (Rom 6:23). The recompense for working is money. The recompense for sin is death.
What kind of death are we talking about? Physical death, yes, evenutally, but even worse, spiritual death, which can begin even in life and which goes on…for all eternity.
So what is spiritual death? Many of you have probably tasted it already. The "symptoms" include:
A narrowing of the heart. A sense of distance from people around you, the world around you. The inability to make real connections. A loss of yourself, your identity. A loss of meaning and purpose. A sense of emptiness. Boredom even with the pleasures of life. Anxiety. Anger at others, at God, at yourself. Hopelessness. A slowly deepening darkness in your heart.This spiritual death can begin here, now. It begins whenever we sin--whenever we turn away from God, whenever we pull away from His good will for our lives.
And unless we turn back, it will go on forever and ever.
To become a Christian means to make this turn. To become a Christian involves turning away from darkness, from self-centeredness, from injustice, from emnity with God--away from everything that displeases God.
And it involves turning toward Jesus, toward life, toward justice, toward obedience, toward intimacy with the Father.
That is what Christian baptism is all about. Do you renounce the devil and all his ways? Do you turn toward Jesus and life in harmony with God's will?
The hitch is, we can't make this turn. We're like the Titanic heading toward the iceberg. Even knowing the danger was ahead, the huge ship couldn't turn enough to avoid it.
Human beings are actually worse off than the the Titanic. Because, given enough time, the Titanic was capable of changing course. But we're not. We don't have it in us to change ourselves.
Sure, we can change the clothes we wear, get a new haircut. We can train ourselves to take on new habits. We can learn to control ourselves and put on a presentable face.
But we can't change our hearts.
"Cast away from you all the transgressions you have committed, and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit!" (Ezek 18:31)
The people to whom Ezekiel relayed this message proved that they couldn't make a new heart and a new spirit for themselves. And neither can we. We are unable to save ourselves. Our wills are weakened, our hearts are bent. And we can't fix that.
But God can. God can make possible what was impossible. What God commands, He enables. God tells us to make new hearts; He gives us the grace to do it.
The Reformer John Calvin said "[God] invites all to repentance and rejects no one." (Calvin, Comm. Ezekiel 18:32). And because God invites all to repentence, He offers all the grace to enable such repentence.
St. Paul is on to this in today's letter to the Philippians: "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." (Phil 2:12b-13)
It is God who works in us. If we allow Him to, God will work in us, healing our wills so that we WANT to do what pleases Him. Notice the all-important repeated clause in the baptismal vows:
- Do you turn away from all the powers of darkness?
- Do you turn toward Christ and toward the light?
+ + +
The first son in Jesus' parable changed course. He went from not doing the will of his father to doing the will of his father.
Jesus confronts every person with this same question. Jesus' whole mission, today as well as back then, is to summon every one of us to the same obedience: Today, go and work in the vineyard. Today, go and live a God-pleasing life in harmony with the Father's will.
Two thousand years ago, tax-collectors and prostitutes heard this call and they responded to it. Like the older brother, with their lives they had been saying "I will not" to God's will. But, like the older brother, they "changed their mind" and began to follow Jesus. They changed course. They discovered in Jesus the power to change course. The grace to stop living in sin. The grace to enter into fellowship with God.
To be a Christian is to change course. If we are still living pretty much like everybody else in the world--if we are making decisions pretty much on the same basis, if we are using our time and our money and our talents for the same ends, if we are thinking mostly about ourselves, if we are just as comfortable in our sinfulness--then maybe we haven't really become Christians yet. Maybe we're more like the younger brother who says "Yes" to his father but then goes on with business as usual.
Jesus offers us the power to change course. The power both to say "Yes" and to live a life that also says "Yes" to God.
And what happens when we change course?
Life happens.
"Why will you die, O house of Israel? Turn, and live!" (Ezek 18:31b, 32b)
The tax-collectors and prostitutes repented and followed Jesus into the Kingdom because they saw that that's where real life was. Real joy. Real community. Fellowship with the living God. The sweetness of heaven, here on earth, and forever.
Turn, and live!
方向転換をする(エゼキエル書18:1-4, 25-32; マタイ21:28-32)
2011年9月25日・10時30分 聖餐式
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+ + +
宗教改革者のジョン・カルビンが言いました:「主はすべての人を悔い改めへと誘い、誰をも拒まれない」と(Calvin, Comm. Ezekiel 18:32)。悔い改めへと誘ってくださる神は、悔い改めることができる恵みをも与えてくださるのです。
- あらゆる暗闇の力を退けますか? → はい、神の助けによって退けます。
- イエス・キリストへ、光へと向きを変えますか? → はい、神の助けによって...
+ + +
「イスラエルの家よ、どうしてお前たちは死んでよいだろうか...お前たちは立ち帰って、生きよ!」(エゼキエル18:31b, 32b)
2011年9月25日・10時30分 聖餐式
+ + +
+ + +
宗教改革者のジョン・カルビンが言いました:「主はすべての人を悔い改めへと誘い、誰をも拒まれない」と(Calvin, Comm. Ezekiel 18:32)。悔い改めへと誘ってくださる神は、悔い改めることができる恵みをも与えてくださるのです。
- あらゆる暗闇の力を退けますか? → はい、神の助けによって退けます。
- イエス・キリストへ、光へと向きを変えますか? → はい、神の助けによって...
+ + +
「イスラエルの家よ、どうしてお前たちは死んでよいだろうか...お前たちは立ち帰って、生きよ!」(エゼキエル18:31b, 32b)
2011年8月28日・10時30分 聖餐式
「こういうわけで、兄弟たち、神の憐れみによってあなたがたに勧めます」(ローマ12:1 )
栄光が神に永遠にありますように、アーメン。」(ローマ11:30, 33, 36)
I. オール・オア・ナッシング
II. 戦いであることを覚悟しなさい
A. 一つは、子どもに対する態度だと思います。日本は、実施される中絶の数において、世界のトップクラスに入ります。子どもにとって、母親の胎内でさえ安全でないことが多いわけです。
B. もう一つ要注意なところは、人間理解です。世の中で、人間の命は、その生産性や役に立つことによって評価されがちです。
III. 素直に自分を見詰める
投稿 (Atom)