Showing posts with label Condo Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Condo Life. Show all posts

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Oh My!

 Had not realized it had been THAT long since I last posted... I guess that is what happens when life takes over and runs with it all!

Where do I start? Won't/can't recall it all so basically, since my last post, we truly realized that condo life wasn't for us.  Having to deal with (mostly!) morons on a daily base and to "mother" them was really not for us.  Yes we are slow learners, you could say that, since we tried twice, once in a smaller syndicate for eight years and the second time a much bigger one with ninety-four co-owners... 

We chose not to be parents because we didn't want the responsibilities which come with having someone to take care of, the having to explain and re-explain and repeat over and over until either the kid gets it or we give up and do it ourselves... we didn't want that part.  Being in a condo association felt like that, explaining, repeating and having to keep cool at others stupidity and none caring attitudes... We tried.  I really did, I even got involved more than I ever thought I would, but it the end, before it got the best of me, I got out.  We talked about it all and came to the conclusion that we needed to start looking for a "stand alone" house.  We would look on Centris, spot a few houses and then do a drive-by to see the neighborhood, etc.  We made two different offers.  The market was (still) crazy.  One of the house we made an offer on had over ninety visits and almost fifty offers, among which ours was flat out refused.  The other house we bet on, our offer was also refused, but a week later we were informed by the agent the credit of the potential buyer had some issues, so we upped our offer and we got it.  The day the agent called Hubby to inform him our offer had been accepted, when he told me, my initial reaction was: "Fuck!"  Yep, you read that right, fuck!  I wasn't happy, excited or whatever else feeling one should feel when they buy a house, but my (sick) brain went directly to:  OK, get packing!  Time to stage the house, get rid of shit, put this place up for sale, what if we don't sell?  Shit!  Can we deal with two mortgages?...  Fucked up brain I tell you!  The thoughts that hit me weren't happy ones, trust me.

The way the Energy works is always surprising and interesting to me.  The day we were leaving to visit the house, I came across this lady walking her dog.  When I saw her, I smiled and kept on walking.  By the time I was making it to the garage's entrance, where Hubby was waiting for me, we had introduced ourselves, and she had told me she was a real estate agent, and she was friend with a couple living in our syndicate.  She lives a street over in the same area.  Since we had to sell our place, we contacted the agent who had sold it to us six years prior, and met with her.  We also decided to give this lady I met a try.  Long story short we went with the lady and her partner since they seemed more "willing" to get us the price Hubby was hoping for.  We got our price, and it sold within a week, one open house only, a few offers so that was nice.

We moved out July 14th to the house we were supposed to have July 1st.  The previous owners were so disorganized, it was unreal! I had thought I would be washing (walls, floors, kitchen) from the 1st to 14th, but we only got the house keys on July 10th!  They were moving out while our new appliances were being delivered!  They left the house in sad shape.  So fucking dirty... I was regretting our move, honestly.  I'm not afraid to work, hard, but I felt discouraged.  This is our first "pre-owned" house. All previous houses were bought on plan, while they were being built, so we always "personalized" stuff along the way, and made it ours.  When we moved in previous houses we had to clean from the construction not from savages who left so many dings in the walls and floor. Hubby left skin from both his knees from cleaning the baseboards, that's how bad it was.  We knew there were a few things we didn't like and would adjust, but once we were in, it turned out to be a different feel...  Neither one of us said anything about how we truly felt at first, but at some point we both came to the conclusion that if we were to stay here we needed to address certain issues right away.

The day we got the call for the real estate agent, I had contacted a friend, who is a house painter, and booked him for two weeks late August.  Good thing I did that.  The paint helped a lot to alleviate the feelings I was having towards the house.  The worst part was, for me,  at that point, the main bathroom:

It changed the feel whole of it, not only the look.  It was still on my "shit list" and would need to be redone, but I least it wasn't as depressing.  Hubby's main concern item on his "shit list" was the kitchen...  I wanted the closets to be redone, to be organized and practical.  We started looking at different organizing companies, draw some ideas.  Skip forward a few weeks, we decided to bite the bullet and have the kitchen redone, the bathroom, my office, and all the closets...👀  Yeah!  We are like that, all or nothing.

The demolition is starting this Monday (finally!), so I've been re-packing boxes, and running out of space as to where to put them...

Like Hubby often says: We have way too much shit for two people!! Today I was emptying the kitchen, all cabinets and pantry.  We have stuff everywhere:  the bathroom stuff is in Hubby's office, as well as lots of my office stuff.  The kitchen's boxes are stacked in the dinning area... our closet barfed out in our bedroom and Hubby's office closet.  I need to empty one more closet, which I will "store" its content in the garage, and tomorrow after running the dishwasher one last time, I will stow away our dishes for a good month.  It will be like camping, washing dishes (if we don't go for plastic!) in the garage sink and cook on the BBQ as much as possible... a fun month ahead!

Stay tune for the Reno Updates!

Sunday, March 14, 2021


 I've been brewing for a while, and I'm not referring to a bowel movement type thing, but more in a thinking kind of way about this post.  When I think, often it's in English, and other times it's in French... so this post will (most likely) reflect that. 

I came about a little video on Bacefook posted by a friend, which showed a march that was done in town (Montréal) to protest the confinement and curfew we've been under due to Covid.  To see this crowd of Covidiots, screaming and chanting "Liberty" and walking around by signs offering free hugs, and actually seeing them going up to strangers and hugging them, made me wonder if we have a chance... Watching the walkers in town, united for a cause, to not let the governments take over their lives, I can't help and wonder, WTF? It was a nice day for a stroll in town.  I wonder if they would have been as many if it was raining and cold?  The cops were present giving tickets to some for not respecting the social distancing rules and not wearing masks, but overall it seemed like a peaceful march.  They were Canadians after all.
The host of the little video, called upon everyone watching to join their movement and to stop our governments (both provincial and federal) from keeping us prisoners.  Prisoners, really?  I'm sure many people in actual prison would love to be home rather than where they are.

Yes the pandemic is getting to me, it is affecting me, I know that.  I also know, as kindly pointed out by the Husband, that this time of year is always rough for me.  I'm tired of having to wear a mask, to not hear properly when talked to (because of the darn mask or partition), to not be able to go to a restaurant and have a bite to eat with a friend, to just go to a mall for a stroll, all that is affecting me, but also I'm aware of the fact that there is something making people sick out there, and it is (might be) better for all to refrain from getting together too much. People died (are dying) because of this, so why not try to put the odds on our side, and try to avoid it... just 'saying. 

Earlier Hubby and I watched the new Disney movie "Raya and the Last Dragon" - I liked it.  The animation is really good, and the story is a Disney one, so...  The Druun are a threat humanity must fight to survive.  Fight as a united front, imagine that. Anyway...

I've been itching to get a fur ball... It will be eight years in June (the 21st) that we buried Tobi.  We often talk about him still, and remember things he did, etc.  A coworker of the Husband got himself a big Main Coon, a real cutie, but that much fur is a real turn-off.   I don't want a hairless cat neither; they are said to be really affectionate, but I think they only tolerate people near them to warm them up!  Anyway, between the two of us we shed a lot already.  Last week, since it was a gorgeous and warm week, I went on a walk with a friend, and again it triggered that thought that having a pooch would force me to go out for its daily walks.  The Husband thinks its ridiculous that I need a pooch to do that, and yet, I know myself, that little incentive would get me out of the house.  When we had Cathy, I went out daily with her for the short time we had her with us - from April to November 2006 - it did me good on many levels.  I want that feeling back, that unconditional love only a pet can provide.  I guess I'll have to start working on the Husband.  I was willing to wait for the next house, but the way things are going who knows when that will be, so... 

Yeah, we've been talking about moving again.  Condo life really isn't for us.  The market is red hot for sellers, but for buyers, yikes!  We've looked around some.  Even did some drives to look at different areas, cities.  We were thinking a cottage not far from the train, since the Husband still goes to town.  We did a tour of one house, in St-Jérôme (the end of the line for the train). I fell in love with the house, new construction.  The light in there was gorgeous, and there was nothing that bothered neither one of us about the place.  That is, except the price!  We'd have to buy the land and build the house... and in doing so, we would increase our mortgage, which is not our plan, since we would be moving further from the city to spend (hopefully!) a little less and reduce said mortgage.  When I talked with the Sales Rep and she did some calculation, etc. and told me the price, I was a little speechless...  like 250K over our "budget" - not in our price range at all.  I kept looking, and let's just say it wasn't that inspiring. We don't do renovation, so it has to be new, or a complete strip down and rebuilt.  We're not there, mentally, so...

For now, we will concentrate our efforts on getting the FIL damn house sold, get all his shit organized and then I'll get myself a dog, and then maybe at some point, life will return to some kind of normalcy.

One can hope, right? Right!  Glad you agree with me!  Until then, stay safe!

Monday, November 30, 2020

It might be time...

 It's been a while since my last post, and even if I've often felt the need to write, I decided against it for various reasons like I didn't want to aggravate a situation, didn't want to share what I was really feeling, didn't know how to word it all, but today feels like it is the day for me to empty my thought bucket... it might be due to the fact that last night Hubbly and I had a good conversation, or the fact that it is a dreary day, or simply because deep down I am fed up of putting up with people's bullshit on a personal and professional level.  

According to Hubbly I put myself in situations where I will get criticized, and will be an easy target - he's right. (
Shit!  Did I just admit this on the web for the world to see?  Oh well, shit does happen, right?) I do tend to join things like the condo committee or even better, me creating this Bacefook group for this postcards hobby of mine.  In doing so, I have to deal with people, many people.  And, I don't feel like it is my strong suit to deal with people.  I'm not anti-social I just have a VERY low tolerance to stupidity.  And having to deal with people it triggers that side of me a lot.  There comes a time when one has to ask themselves, is it time to call it quits, to walk away from it all?  

I think I'm reaching that point.  I've tried to be detached, to not take things personally, but after six years of managing a growing group (over 400 members), it is taxing on my mental, add to that this freaking pandemic and life throwing us some curve balls, and I see that little open door to leave as an invite, almost... 

The control freak in me doesn't want to let go, doesn't want to relinquish control, I see that clearly.  It was/is my baby, and I've put many, many hours into it for it to be an organized group.  I was told it was too structured, and yet I know that many like that aspect.  I know I can't please everyone, and somewhere I'm not trying to too much.  I try to make it easy for all and for me as well, and organization just comes naturally.  The idea of closing shop has been simmering for a while now, because having to deal with the drama and childish ways of many and their sense of entitlement and even many Dunning-Kruger Effect makes it all a heavy load to support. 

Plus to add to it all, we have to deal with Hubby's father situation.  The old man, he's 84, found himself in a real big mess from which we are working hard to get him out of.  All of his life he's had someone taking care of him (from his siblings, to his wife, to his girlfriend and now us) because on his own he is completely useless.  It is sad, really.  Yes he is old, but being old doesn't excuse being stupid and making bad decisions. Repeatedly. No, being old excuses him only so far.  I've had to use a lot of patience in my dealings with him, patience which is already running on low supplies.  Yesterday I had to spent part of the day dealing with the Airbnb host from whom we've rented an apartment for the past nine weeks, who wanted to basically kick my father-in-law out because he had not received the payment for the two weeks extension we had asked for in November. We had originally booked the apartment until November 30th, but because FIL's new place was to be ready in December, we asked the host to extend for the first two weeks of December, which he accepted.  I sent him a partial payment on November 19th to confirm the extension and didn't hear anything back until yesterday.  He sent me an email simply saying "I've received a reservation from Dec. 2nd to January 11th, and can't extent your stay.  Your reservation ends Nov. 30th."  I was surprised and wrote him back, asking for an explanation, etc.  It went on for over four hours, with me sending him proof after proof of the payments (made through PayPal/Visa), etc. for him to say that he never got any email from PayPal and that he couldn't access his account at the moment.  Let's just say, it is fixed for now, but man oh man, Airbnb might not be for me!

So, maybe it is the time of year, the cumulative of this past shitty year or whatever, but I really feel like I need a vacation, far away, where it will be sunny and warm and where nobody expect anything from me.  Having to deal with morons asking where they should put their garbage while standing in a garbage room is just too much for me.  I don't want to be patient anymore, or even try to be nice, I just feel like looking at them and say: 

“I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much.”
—Mother Teresa

Monday, April 27, 2020

Hair, Sneeze and Scares

It's been two weeks since I buzzed my hair off, and I must say I'm liking how easy it is to wash and dry.

It is still surprising me every time I catch my reflection passing by a mirror...  but I'm getting used to seeing myself.  I like it.

When I cut my hair I had sent a picture and a small lock of hair to my mother, as a joke, to show her what I've done - she's technology challenged - when she got my note with the picture she called me laughing.  Seems like no matter how old I am I still do stupid things, according to her.  I guess she did not like it.  I didn't ask.

I love the way it feels, even if I was actually surprised last week at how much insulation hair provides.  Never really realized that before, or really thought of it.  Now I know!  Hubby thought it was really funny when I experienced it.  Now I understand why he wears a tuque in fall, winter, spring.  It does get cold!

One thing I find funny is that even at this length I get up with pillow hair, weird huh?  There's always a spot or two that bend or went crooked, it's weird, as I notice it even more than I did with longer hair. 

Also, we (Hubby confirmed my suspicion) noticed that since I've cut it, my hair seemed to have gone whiter!  Maybe it is the shock of it all?  I'm definitely salt and pepper, with still plenty of pepper in my shaker though...

Self-isolation is going well.  Granted there are some days tougher than others, but over all, I'm good.  I like being home, and that hasn't changed.  I'm not really bored, there is always something to do.  I haven't been overeating, that has stayed the same.  The real big change really is having Hubby home all the time, working in the same office, but other than that, it is pretty much life as usual. 

This season my allergies are bad.  Once this pandemic is over and we can get back to some type of normalcy I will need to find myself an allergist and get some tests, because my eyes are leaking a lot, daily as well as my nose.  I've been popping pills, which helps, but still would like to know what the heck I'm reacting to, since I don't really know.  Some days my eyes are so bad.  It's not pretty.

Saturday I heard the funniest thing since this pandemic started.

Hubby was in the living room, and I was reading in bed in our bedroom.  Both rooms had windows opened. At some point Hubby sneezed. Loud. Like he often does. (His nose is also messed up).  I heard a kid outside, say: "A Sneeze!  Aaaahhh!  Run!"  The reaction and the way it was said made me cracked up out loud.  Imagine, we've now conditioned the kids to run from a sneeze!  It is a good thing, but at the same time it is a scary thought.  Anyway, Hubby's sneezes and the way he blows his nose are scary no matter if we're in a pandemic mode or not, 'just saying!

Speaking of scary, not sure what and why these things are happening, but it is scary to think of shooters like in Nova Scotia.  Sad times for sure.

Hang in there people, keep busy and do stay safe.

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Already in Week 2

Most of my Christmas decorations are down... still have a few things here and there and in all honesty I don't know where I should be storing them, getting new stuff wasn't a good idea when it comes to putting it away afterwards!

In other news my eyes are still bad.
I've made an appointment with an eye doctor, maybe he'll figure something out that will actually help...  Everyone I told I was allergic to winter, looked at me funny, but whenever (which is basically daily for the past week!) I take an antihistamine, the itchiness goes away (at least that helps!), but the red streaks and puffy bags are still there, no matter the cream I use.  Some seem to help more than others, but so very little... makes for interesting questions and looks, that's for sure!

It is our condo association's year end, and since I'm the one taking care of the books I've called a mini meeting for the three administrators we are.  There isn't really much that needs to take care of, except when something breaks, like the gutter and now preparing the budget for this coming year.  Our lovely government wants to pass a new Bill - Bill 141 - which is for co-owners to also have a Self Insurance Funds which will cover our highest deductible on the Condo's Insurance.   Going through our insurance policy, for water damages our deductible is 25K!!  Yep, you read correctly, we are insured but our deductible is $25,000 - I've been reading up on this, and we basically have two years to accumulate this new Funds... I can't wait to explain this to our co-owners who complain about the condo fees being high already... should be fun!

This time of year sucks all my energy and will to do anything.

Yep, that about sums it up!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Living my life and (trying) to forget my age!

My need to vent quite high, so here goes:

On November 1st, we had really strong winds, so strong they actually ripped the gutter covering the thermo pumps tubing making it to the top floors of our building.  Since that day, I've been trying to reach a contractor, in either gutters and/or roofing to get someone over to fix it.  To no avail.

I'm actually being ghosted by some!  They tell me: I'll be there tomorrow after 3pm, and don't show.  I've called a LOT of them, some simply refused to even come to look at the situation, saying they are too busy.  Some I've contacted have an emergency number, but that's not "serious" enough to come.  Others offered to send an estimator for the cost of replacing our gutters.  Name it, in the past few weeks, I've heard it all!  It is utterly ridiculous that contractors do not give a rat's ass and, and as Hubby often says "don't want our business".

Last night it was quite windy again, and the noise this dangling thing was making was quite nasty... almost as bad as nails on a chalkboard, it was bad, and it was windy.  I could ear it in our unit, I can only imagine the people living on that side.  This morning I decided to try another avenue, as suggested by a friend; maybe the firemen could help.  I didn't want to call 911 as it is not really an emergency as such, so I called 411 to get a phone number of a local fire station. The first respondent was kind enough and transferred my call to  Montréal Service (not quite sure where he transferred me to).  As I started telling the reason for my call to the lady, I very quickly realized she had no idea what I was talking about.

Me:  Hi, I'm calling to see if you could maybe direct me to a service or something as one of our gutter on the side of the house got undone and I'm afraid it will cause some damages...

Phone Help:  I see.  Is this inside or outside?

Me: ...

Phone Help: Madam, is this thing inside or outside and it this a commercial or residential building?

Me:  It's a gutter like a metal cover on the side of the building.

Phone Help: So, this is outside?

Me: You don't know what a gutter is?  Really?  It's that thing that collects rain along the roof of houses...

Phone Help: So, it is outside.  And if this is for a commercial building you're not calling the right place.

Me:  Yeah, I got that, thank you.  I'll figure it out.  Thanks anyway.

I hung up feeling almost dizzy.  This was like an episode of Outer Limits!

I'm happy I did not rip her a new one.  So after a few deep breaths, I called 911.  I explained the issue and mentioned the exposed wires, etc. and how I didn't want it to get worst and if maybe the firemen could do something.  I was transferred to the fire department, explained the situation once more, and was told they would come by to see the situation.  Within minutes I heard the sirens and saw the firetruck.  They looked at it, one fireman told me they were best at breaking things and unfortunately couldn't really do anything.  I did apologize for making them come over, and they were quite gracious about it and understood my concerns so they put up some yellow tape blocking the passage way near it, and left.

I'm hoping that on Monday at least one of the many contractors I've left messages with will call me back.

I've been single for the past fifteen days, and let's be honest, I'm enjoying it.  You see Hubby is a walking, breathing noise maker!  I kid you not, between his coughs, sneezing fits, his efforts to move his phlegm (ah! I've used that word!!) or whatever else he has stuck in the back of his throat, his burps and farts, and let's not forget his cracking ankles and knees, the man makes noise, lots of noise.  The house has been so freaking quiet, it's unreal.  The only thing I hear (besides the gutter clapping on the bricks outside) is the low hums of the computers.  I do miss his companionship, but his noises, not at all.  I enjoy being alone, and even when he's home, we both like our time apart.  I guess the only child we were is still there and remained comfy with being alone, in some ways.  Both of us find that the evenings and weekends have been boring.  We're used to each other's company.  We've been together for almost twenty-six years now (in January) and never really been apart except for ten days or so.  Do I miss his sweaty ass in bed?  Not really.  Do I miss him preparing dinner?  I do.  Yesterday I washed the toilets and I think it was the first time since we moved here over three years ago; he's been doing them.  He also generates a lot more laundry.  He could be called Sir Changealot.  Don't get me wrong, I love the man, and I'm very thankful he's in my life, but this little break will be doing us some good, I think.  We will appreciate it (or not at all, time will tell!) when we'll get back together in a few more weeks.

Today, I'm celebrating my fifty-third birthday.  Yep, I'm an old broad.  And yes this fact explains some of the crankiness.  At some point yesterday I've realized that it would be my very first time celebrating my birthday alone.  Without Hubby (for sure) and my mom (she's now a Snowbird and is now in FL.)  It dawned on me while at the hair salon where my hairdresser, who's also an old friend (we met when we were about 12 years old), brought out a birthday cake and had a salon full of people signing happy birthday, that I was going to be alone on my actual birthday...  It felt weird.  I know it is a day just like any others, and I don't care about it as much as I used to when I was younger.  Aging isn't all that fun really.  Our body changes, not always for the better; our mind changes too, also often not for the better, our vision goes down, our waist thickens, our memory slowly goes, we discover new pains on a regular basis, but the one good thing (for me at least!) is the fact that there is more and more shit that I do not give a crap about.  A lot of the things and people I cared about are gone.  Some I let go of, some let go of me, and some life took care of...

I will say/write this though, despite not being with Hubby today I'm lucky enough (blessed really!) to have good friends. I might be home alone, but between real life and social medias,  I know I'm not all alone...  Had a delicious dinner with a couple of friends last night, will be having a good time tonight too with other friends, and I'm pretty sure I'll be getting some phone calls and messages. I have a box waiting for me to be open from Hubby which I received a few days ago and four env. from Europe and two from Canada to be open on this day, so I know what I'll be doing when I get up later...  Speaking of which, I should hit the sack now, I'm not getting any younger and need all the sleep (and beauty rest) I can get.

See you around!  Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Catching up some...

I guess it is time for me to catch up some.  Life has been real, you know, daily routine, ups and downs, and everything is between, you know, life.

Summer took its sweet time to get to us, but then it hit us with such a heat wave, and oh so much humidity!  Thanks to all engineering gods for the A/C - wouldn't want to be stuck without that luxury.  In weather like this I'd say it is more a necessity than luxury, for me at least!

Still addicted to postcards, yep, that hasn't changed the slightest.  Even managed to drag Hubby for a road trip to Halifax for me to attend a meet-up!  Three thousand five hundred and one km later (or 2175 miles) we went to Halifax, did the Cabot Trail and drove...  You can read about it here, through Likki's Adventures.
Halifax Meet-up Participants - 10 of us from Toronto (2), Montréal (4) and Halifax (4)
It is always fun to meet people in real life after having chatted and written with/to them for a few years and actually click when you do meet them.  We, both Hubby and I, made new friends while visiting and that is always fun.

What else is new?  Oh!  I'm no longer member of the Executive for our condo association.  Gave that up after three years of being on.  Actually found out this week that we won our case against the Insurance company/builder for some of the issues that we were asking to be fixed under the warranty coverage which they had declined.  So I had opened a claim against them, built up a big file and called in a mediator who decided in our favor.  Had to testify and all.  Happy with the results of that, now time will tell how they will address the rest of it. I'm not holding my breath on this one!

The more I live here, in Pleasantville, I feel at home, this is a good place.  I love our home, we made it ours, and we enjoy the area, even if it is full of kids.  In all honesty, I would much prefer to live in a stand alone house, someplace where we wouldn't have to deal with moronic neighbors who throw their trash around the bins rather than inside.  At times, when I sit down and look at what is going on around us, I wonder how long the world has left, before it collapses on itself, really.  We, as humanity, are not improving, far from it. 

We have a whole new generation of phone zombies.
At first I thought it was aged based, but realizing, sadly, that it is not the case.  For example, Sunday we went to do a quick grocery run and ended up behind this lady (older than me, I'm thinking - at least she looked it!) who was playing with her phone.  I could not pass her on either side, we were in a grocery store, after all.  Ridiculous that she was so clueless of her environment and wasn't at all looking at what she was doing and where she was walking.  I expected that type of zombie-like behavior from a kid or young adult.  I just can't understand what is so important that they can't lift their nose from their phone.

People have less and less manners.  Watching people eat at the restaurant will confirm any doubt you may have about that.  From not knowing how to hold the knife and fork, to simply properly sit at the table and let's not get into the eating portion of this.  Man!  I swear, I've seen pets with more class than many in restaurants, no joke!  And don't get me started on couples sitting at a table together and both on their phone.  Whatever happened to people talking to each other?!

We did improve our lives with technology, science and such, but the people as such, and the way we treat others... not so sure.  One of my friend often says we are too many people and thus breaking the planet... when I think about it, he might be right... Something has to change, and since men (in general) won't, then the planet will, of that I'm sure.  It wouldn't be the first time, if we think of the Ice Age and such events, it is Earth's way to protect itself...

Few weekends ago, we made our way to a friend's place, he lives in the woods, really, by a late, really remote area.  While we were catching up, somehow the subject of weather changes came about (no big surprise there, since Spring was yucky and then we were hit with very high humidity, etc) and we all agreed that times were changing.  We all remembered when driving in the summer implied, without any doubts, bug splats. It was my job, whenever I went somewhere with my father, to clean the windshield when he would stop for gas.  In the summer, I remember having to use some elbow grease to get rib of all the dead bugs splat on the lights and windshield.  We we drove to visit that friend, we barely had any.  We we drove to and from Halifax we had some, but nothing like in the past. Granted, it also rained part of the drive, but still.  Times are changing, things are changing, we are too, but I'm just not sure it is all for the better...

OK enough venting for now.  Catch you around somewhere!  Enjoy what is left of Summer, be safe and enjoy each day.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Thank you! Fuck You! Bye!

Whenever I think I've seen it all, as far as stupidity goes, or worst when I think that people can NOT be THAT stupid, one more person comes along to prove me wrong...  It never fails!

Let me do my best Sophia (for the Golden Girls) impression:  Let me tell you a story, picture it! Montréal, 2018.  An attractive condo owner, who was also involved in administrating her condo association, made sure to share a bunch of information with her co-owners because, deep down, she knew most of them didn't really care about the rules and regulations as long as it was taken care of.  By someone else, of course.  In order to prevent many questions, she even put together a one page document (did her best to keep it as simple as possible), explaining certain responsibilities these folks had to assume. 

Imagine her surprise when one of the co-owners sent questions her way about something clearly written about on the document she sent a little more than a week before. She did remain calm, and did manage to remind the person of their responsibilities and role within the association and was pretty clear at letting them know they should clearly RTFM.

I don't know if my message went through, but man oh man, did I talk to myself.  Unreal.  People who have spent almost half a million dollars on a house to be so clueless is beyond me.  It is not rocket science.  They are rules, there are roles to be played by different people and yet, that seems to be too much.

Then, to add to my stupid of the day, in a group I manage, I'm told one person wants out.  So I ask why. (OK, that was my bad!  I'm not exempt from being stupid either, obviously!).  You see, in this group we send and receive things (read postcards, mostly).  I created that group based on a bigger group, an official group, let's say.  In that official group, whenever you receive something you have to register it.  The way the site is set up, you can (strongly suggested) write a note to the sender thanking them or whatever.  For each item received you need to register it.  Some people don't, because people are assholes like that, but generally speaking more items sent do get acknowledged when received. 

So, in this little group I manage items are being sent and received as well. As for the the official group, some members are assholes too.  When that one person she wanted out because she felt it was overwhelming to have to acknowledge reception and was taking the fun out of the activity, I could not really bite my tongue.  I did tell her that it was no different than the official group... she gets that we have different views on this... Really?  There are different ways of looking at things... No shit!  Talk about being one of those ass wipes who loves to receive but never says thank you.  One of those people who takes but rarely gives.  One of those who complain but never get fucking involved.  One of those who as long as they are happy everything is fine. 

Yep, really, it's been that kind of day, covered in a nice thin layer of ice to top it all off!  Just a fucking perfect stupid day!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Alive She Is!

Well hello there!  Yep, still alive!  Don't really know why I feel the need to write today, but I do!

It's only been four months or so, not that bad, really.

Life has been keeping me busy, somewhat, and I managed to stay out of trouble, so trust me that does take time, and skills!

I think I'm starting to master the art of avoiding some people, you know those juice suckers and always drama happening.  I've been keeping to myself, and even if one could think it might be lonely, one would be wrong... it is actually nice.

Our condo association(s) have been keeping me somewhat busy too, and having to deal with people who want everything and expect it all, makes it hard for this one to remain calm and quiet.  There were some rocky times, but overall, it is turning out good.  It's a slow process but changes are happening and for the better, so one has to remain positive.  I'm not really hopeful, because, after all, I do know who I'm dealing with, but having lowered my expectations helped a lot.

I'm still writing postcards and enjoying it.  If only I could get this enthusiastic about going to a gym, ah! not happening!  Deep down, I know, I've trained for so many years, that I fell like I've given all that I could, and now the thought of dragging my ass to a gym makes my skin crawl.

Last week, I played tourists with some friends in town for the week.  The weather was nice so it was pleasant, even if it was here, not some exotic location or new place to discover.  I'm not used to do that much social in a week.  They think we're acting old, and maybe we are at times, but both Hubby and I like our time at home, and if that makes us old, than be it.  I don't care.  There is nothing wrong with enjoying being home.  And if there is, then call me wrong!

Oh and I've come to the conclusion that some people, even if they do say nice things to you, will let their actions speak louder than their words.  I'm sure we all have that type of friend who often says ''I'll call you'' and never does, or that one who comes to town but doesn't say a thing nor try to get together with you... I have a few of those, and sadly decided not to let them play with my feelings anymore.  If I get to see them, good, if not, too bad.  I'm often the instigator of get together with people, not sure I want to call them friends anymore, and I've made a conscious decision not to do it anymore.  I've made enough effort and I'm tired of being the one trying... so if they want to see me/us, they I'll give them the chance to do so.  I'm not holding my breath though!

Monday, March 20, 2017

International Day of Happiness!

Today is so many things to celebrate.  Who knew March 20th was such a busy day!

  1. First Day of Spring
  2. International Day of Happiness
  3. Alien Abduction Day
  4. Atheist Pride Day
  5. Bibliomania Day
  6. Franch Language Day
  7. National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  8. World Sparrow Day
  9. National Bock Beer Day
  10. National Jump Out! Day
  11. National Kiss Your Fiancé Day
  12. Won't You Be My Neighbor Day
Those are the events being celebrated on March 20th, there are more for today being the First day of Spring or today being the third Monday of the month of March, unreal how we need to mark things.  Anyway, today being the first day of Spring, I thought I'd show you what Spring looks like in Pleasantville...

View from home office, March 20th, 2017 @ 1 pm
Nice and Springy, isn't it?  Today being the International Day of Happiness, that view doesn't convey that for me at all!  Quite the contrary.  I'm done with snow, I'm done with winter really!

I hurt myself thirteen days ago, in the back yard which at the time was all grass and ice.  I was touring the property with engineers and a representative of the builder as I slipped on the grass/ice.  I fell hard, and since I have a really hard time sitting down or getting up.  I've seen my osteo twice thus far, and according to her it was a good thing I fell on the grass rather than the cement, but still did some damages to by lower back.  2017 really sucks this far health wise for me, but I'm keeping at it, slowly and on pain killers but still not giving up.

Let me tell you about what brings me happiness these days, in no particular order:
  • my lovely husband, who takes care of me and makes me laugh daily
  • where we live, I like this place, our home...
  • being able to be home...
  • writing
  • my postcards
  • our friends
  • getting closer to cousin's kidlets
  • reading
  • creating (postcards, scrapbooking)
So, you see overall every day  is a good day to celebrate!

Sunday, March 05, 2017

The Paw is Alive!

Despite a very rough start to 2017, I'm happy to report I'm still alive!  After two full runs of antibiotics which made me dizzy and really nauseous and the other gave me diarrhea, and felt like shit for many, many days, and lots of sleep, I'm starting to feel human again.  Well, let's face it, as human as I can be or feel.  I was home for almost two months, doing nothing be read, sleep and eat a bit.  It wasn't a fun time, that's for damn sure!

We did very little socializing.  Managed to catch up with some people we met during our trip in Dominican Republic in November.  A very nice couple who actually live about five minutes from us, small world.  We met up with them for a drink (while I was finishing my second runs of drugs), it was nice to catch up and to see that we still clicked even dressed and sober, ah!

Managed to go see, with a girlfriend, ''Fifty Shades Darker''.  It's a love story with a bit of very soft porn.  I liked it, but then again I liked the books too (sue me!).  We also started watching ''The Fall'' with Jamie Dornan (oh man!  Just googled him for a cute pict. to put up and just saw he was born in 1982, O.M.F.G. I could be his fucking mother!!  Geez!  That's a kick in the teeth!!) - a series he did before the Fifty Shades movies, and he's fucking creepy in it, but I love it!  He's so twisted, and in a way not that far off from Christian Grey... If you haven't and want to hear what he really sounds like, with his cute Irish accent, I strongly suggest watching 'The Fall.'

Anyway.  Despite having quite a bit of snow at some point this winter, we haven`t done one single outing of snowshoeing, either because I was sick, felt sick or by the time we felt like we could go, the weather turned, got really warm and melted a lot and then froze over. So no snowshoeing!

About two weeks ago, we went to our jeweler to get a new battery for one of my watches and noticed that he made some silver bracelet like the Ani and Alex ones - which I have a few - and since he had done a little paw for me as a charm on a chain, I asked to have a bigger one done and to have it mounted on the bracelet.  Today we went to pick it up... and I love it!  I love my paw!

Ain't it purrrdy?!
Other than that, life is good.  Can't complain too much.  Hubby is busy, we still enjoy our new place, and liking the neighborhood more daily, so life is pleasant in Pleasantville, and I'm thankful for it all!

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Another one bites the dust...

What a year we are about to close, and I would lie if I'd write that I'm sad to see it end.  It wasn't the worst year, but it sure wasn't the best either.  Weird how it feels like many things happened and at the same time, it seems like a relatively quiet year, busy but with no big drama, which is for sure a nice thing!  I like the drama-free part!

If I look back at 2016, I can say that January was not drama free, but we did manage to get away from it all by putting our condo up for sale, and actually finding a buyer! It went up for sale fast and we were lucky enough to also sell fast.

The initial move and storage of our stuff went relatively well, and having to move to a furnished place for a few months wasn't really fun, but during our time in the rental place we did manage to escape for a week in Toulouse and a week in Vegas, so it wasn't all that bad.

During our time in Vegas we went to see Rod Stewart at Ceasar's Palace and what a treat that was.  The old man still got it!
We moved in our new place in April, as promised by the builder, and that was quite a freaking nightmare.  Besides most of our furniture being damaged (either in storage or during transits), we ended up with a shit load of boxes and not enough room, again.  Let's just say that eight months later we still have some boxes that have not been unpacked.  I don't care (at least try not to!), there is so much stuff for so much room, right? Right!

Since we've been in the new place, things are good.  Busy but good.  We're now away from the toxicity that was our old place, and are enjoying our new bled.

During the summer months, we actually managed to catch up with some people from out of town passing by, like a friend from Switzerland we hadn't seen in over ten years if not more.  We also met up with the kid who had stayed with us for a few nights while passing through Bodø, Norway last year.  We've managed to also get together with some local friends which we hadn't seen in a while, show them the new place.  It has not been easy keeping up with friends for some reasons.  Between life, the daily buzz and whatever else thrown in the mix we both feel that it is getting harder to keep in touch. We do manage to see people, still have a social life, somewhat...

I naturally kept up with my postcard addiction, that has not gotten any better, I'm afraid.  If I look at my stats (generated by the site), I've sent 524 cards (that have been received as well), but my stats say that I actually sent 555 cards.  That is to 45 different countries.  I've received 514 cards from 45 countries as well.  The country I've sent and rec'd the most from is Germany followed by Russia.  If I look at my stats for the cards I've sent through games, trades, and just because, I've sent close to a thousand cards!!

This could explain why this year, for Christmas I've filled out not one but almost two doors full of cards!  I know it represent a lot of money, but the joy I get out of it, and the people I get to meet, some I actually do meet in real life not just through cards, like the friends we've met in Toulouse because of this, it is well worth it.

Many think of it as a crazy hobby, a waste of time and/or money.  That is fine.  Some people smoke, others drink, or shop, I write and send postcards.  At Christmas time, I love to write and send cards too, always have and probably always will too.  What can I say I'm a paper kind of gal!

Fall brought a tooth ache and a serious wallet ache.  What started out with a little discomfort after my annual check up at the dentist, turned into a root canal, an infection, a trouble adjusting to the new bridge, crowns, etc.  I had reached a point where I was thinking of having that tooth pulled out, despite the thousands of dollars already spent.  The pain had to stop.  It did eventually, but man oh man, those were rough weeks.

November also marked another big milestone, in my life, anyway.  We escaped for a week in the sun to celebrate me turning fifty...  I don't feel it, most days, but the days I do, damn, I know what hit me, the BIG 5-0!  We had a good time, ate well, relaxed much, and enjoyed our time away.  The reality remained the same though, time only goes one way, and it is going fast in that one direction...

Just thinking back of all those known people who past away in 2016, it seems unreal...  Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia), George Michael, Alan Thicke (Mr. Seavers from Growing Pains), Castro, Florence Henderson (Mrs. Brady), Leonard Cohen, Gene Wilder (the original Willy Wonka), Gary Marshall, Muhammed Ali, Prince, Doris Roberts (the mother on Everybody Loves Raymond),  René Angélil (Céline's husband), Alan Rickman (Professor Snape), David Bowie... and then there was an aunt of mine, the daughter of a cousin only 21, a friend from karate who was in his fifties, the wife of a cousin also on Christmas day... it makes you think and reevaluate time, that is one thing for sure.

Life is short, we should prepare and live accordingly.  Be in the moment, enjoy the day, we don't know what tomorrow has in store for us, live like it is your last full day with that special someone, tell people you love them and don't be shy to do what your heart desires.  Be yourself, but be your best self.  Wishing you all the best 2017 has to offer, with health, peace and time to enjoy life!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

It's Christmas Time... already...

As I sit here, not moving too fast, since every time I move a wave of nausea hits me or I get very dizzy, and this for the past two days now, I think it is time for me to post about me hitting the BIG 5-0.

Despite the way our trip started, with a six hours delay leaving YUL and the three first days of rain, we did have a great time during our week away in Dominican Republic.  The resort was nice, beautiful property, and the staff was really pleasant. We met some interesting people, relaxed and enjoyed being away. 

While we were away, we missed the first snow fall - what a shame! - we came back in time to get ready for Christmas.  Since my mother is now a snowbird, it simplifies the family visiting time a lot. Not a bad thing, really.  Makes life simpler, less coordination and feeling like we have to, rather than want to.  I've had two Christmas parties this far and one more is planned between Christmas and New Year with his mother's side of the family.  It will be a calm and somewhat quiet Christmas this year, especially since it looks like Hubby will have to be available, if not working.

We had decided to get that Murphy bed unit a while back, for the spare room, and it was delivered and installed the week of our return.  We are very happy with the end result.  It not only looks good but will contain a lot of stuff, and our visitors will have a bed to sleep in!


Following that day of installation, our house feels, to me at least, cluttered, since all the stuff (and there was a lot!) that was in that room was dispersed throughout the house.  I've been filling up the new unit, but some of the things left to be put away don't fit, so I'm stuck with things that I don't know where to put.  Plus, to add to everything else, I wanted to do our Christmas tree, so after a visit to our storage unit we came home with more boxes.  Long story short, the guest room is back to being full of boxes.

It's not easy.  I want to get rid of stuff, and we did in between moves, but like Hubby so often says: ¨We have way too much shit for two people¨.  He's right, but how do we get rid of it all?  I have many boxes of Christmas ornaments, collectables, to name a few.  I'm planning to re-evaluate my ornaments as I take down the tree in January.  Things I haven't used in the past few years will be leaving the house, one way or another.  I've started sorting as I put up the tree and will do some more later.  It will not be an easy task for me, given that the ornaments I have were chosen, one by one, as souvenirs from different trips or received.  When we had the space (to store) I did a rotation, some year I would use some, and not the following year, but if our storage space will now be limited, I have to think about this better.  I will keep what I use, and will get creative with what I keep. Challenges up ahead!

On this challenging note of what is to come, I want to wish you a very merry Christmas!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Yeah, it's about time for me to catch up some... We are now in week 25 and changes did occur since my last post.  Eight weeks since my last visit, wow, time does fly, fun or not, it only goes one way, as Hubby often says.

Since our last chat, we have moved in our new place.  It was a nightmare from Hell, really.  No jokes, never had such a horrible experience moving.  This wasn't our first move, but this sure was our WORST move.  All of our wooden furniture was damaged.  The degree of damages varied from one piece to the other, but ALL were damaged.  The company we used, Go Transport  came recommended by a friend who moved from Montréal to Calgary and she was happy with them, had no complaint.  I wish I could say the same...  On the day of packing, the team that showed up worked well.  There was one guy who seemed to be a little more cowboy (read careless) than the other two, but it went well.  They wrapped our furniture with bubble wrap, some covers and some type of clingy paper.  When we did ask about some pieces, we were told not to worry they would get re-wrapped at the warehouse, before storing them. On top of moving we were also storing all our stuff for two months, while the new place was being completed, thus the rental apartment.

Right from the start, first box they brought in, we noticed some damages...  That was our first alarm... 
Things were coming in and showing abuse, it did not convey care at all.  I did mention it to the guy (a new one, since the previous team leader who was there at packing, was sick) in charge and he couldn't tell me much.  I did contact the manager, and my contact at the GOT.  He even came for a visit the following day.  He was really apologetic and seemed genuinely concerned, but that didn't repair the scratches or broken dishes.  He even fired the one I referred to as Comboy, since he seemed to be the source of most damages.  That box was made by Cowboy when they packed in February.  It contained the four legs of our dinning room table and... the two lamp shades of our nigh table lamps.
Yep, that is only in one box.  We had over two hundred boxes and that is not counting our furniture.  It was a nightmare, really.  Every thing we unwrapped we found new damages.  Even last week, we installed a big picture frame that had not been unwrapped yet (waited for the paint to be done, etc), and that too, have one corner chipped and the frame is cracked.  We didn't add it to our claim, because at this point we just want to put this nightmare behind us and move on to better things.  We've had a woodworker come in to fix all our wooden pieces as best as possible, we had our lamp shapes re-done and this week the sub-contractor of the builder will be coming in to change the carpet in the stairway, since they pulled a big thread in it.  There is about $1,500 worth of damages and that doesn't include our console table which was wrapped so tight they bend the legs and cracked the wood!  Hell, I tell you!

Good thing we did not have the place painted before the move in since not only was our furniture damaged the walls took a beating too.  But not it is all done, almost, we have curtains and blinds on all windows, the food pantry and our walk-in have been done - and we love them both - most boxes are unpacked, we even have pictures on the walls so this is really starting to feel like home!

Last weekend, I drove with a friend, to Rimouski - we had a Postcrossing meet-up.  The drive there was pleasant, since the weather was nice.  I even took the road along the shore, such scenery.  Took us six hours to get there.  Walked around a bit that first night.  We were facing the St-Laurent, where the Empress of Ireland went down in 1914 (1,012 victims sank on May 29th that year).

Pointe-au-Père (museum and lighthouse)
We stayed at this very little motel, our room was so tiny we didn't have chairs to sit (to give you an idea), tiny! 
June 11th, while I enjoyed my breakfast Likki took in the scenery.

We were really along the water, the last road before the beach. The smells reminded me of when I would go for walks along the pier in Bodø.

We had a nice big meet at the local post office, since the post mistress is an avid participant in Postcrossing, and twenty of us showed up, mostly from the region, but one girl came from New Brunswick, one from Toronto, a few from Québec city and four of us for the Montréal area.  We manage to sign and send 433 cards!
Likki with Postman Pat and Jess the Cat with my stack of cards: 43 cards!

Likki with the stacks of cards being mailed from the meet
It was a fun, but long day.  I did manage to "escape" a little, went to visit the Empress of Ireland museum, walked some on the beach and did some socializing too.  A busy weekend overall.  We drove home Sunday morning and had heavy rain most of the way back.  It took us ten hours, granted we did make some pit stops, I needed to wake up from the wipers hypnosis!

Rimouski is a very nice region of our province.  The people are friendly and the scenery is gorgeous!
The lighthouse, with a meringue sky!

Sunset on Sat. June 11th, 2016

The interesting rocks along the shore...
Since my last post, one of my aunt passed away as well as the daughter of a cousin.  Sad that we often only get together for a death...  But at least some a bunch of us (six to be exact!) got together for dinner after that and managed to catch up some.  We said we would try harder to get together more often... let's see if that works.  Besides that, life in Pleasantville seems to be just that, pleasant.  Getting use to it, and so far liking it. Starting to know more than one path to get home, woohoo!

I think this will be it for now, and I will try to be better at keeping up... trying being the key word here...

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Week Ten: Moved, Cleaned, Deposed, Served, etc.

Part one of the move is done!  Yay!  On a really crappy weather day (freezing rain, ice, windy and cold), we moved out of our condo.  We have too much stuff, no joke!  They filled out the truck and had to go unload and come back to finish off the loading.  It took them seven hours, at 3 men.  After I've washed the floor, we meet up with the new owners for a last tour, handed them the keys and that closed a chapter of our lives.

Our temporary apartment is finally acceptable.  The place wasn't just dirty, it was fuckin' filthy!  The counter and cupboards were sticky to the touch that's how bad it was!  After my first visit, with the friend who suggested her friend's place, when she asked what I thought of the place, I had told her it was dirty.  I had no clue it was that dirty.  When I came back with Hubby, to have a tour of the place and get the instructions for the heating system, regarding her tenants, the garage, etc.  Hubby also noticed the place wasn't spick 'n span, but it would do.  The price was right.  We are paying fifty dollars/day instead of one hundred thirty/day for a furnished (electricity, heating, internet, etc. included) apartment, with a garage.  It is not new, and there are some irritants but overall it's not too bad.  The cleaning I did in Bodø was nothing compare to what I did here.  In Bodø, the worst of the place was its smell (leftover from previous tenants who were smokers).  Here, it just was dirty.  Let's just say that when we will leave, the owner will come back to a fresh cleaned place, an early Spring Cleaning!

Since week one things have been moving fast.  We've done things to adapt to the speed of it all.  Despite being in boxes, and running around we managed to do our duties as administrators of our condo association, meet with the new administrators, get the banking in order, and deal with troublesome co-owners.  Thursday night we had a meeting with said administrators.  Like every time we've met this far, it always takes about +two hours.  This time, we weren't hosting it and drove to Laval.  At the end of it, the administrators showed us a document they had received - some of the co-owners of our condo association want us off, not just us (Hubby and I) but all three of us.  I was a bit surprised at first, and then laughed it out.  The other admin took it personal.  She's been on for over two years, and to be deposed like this, hurt her.  I've tried contacting one of the person who did sign the document (upon suggestion of the administrators) to find out the reasons why (which I'm sure is related to the upcoming changes in the condo fees), but I haven't heard anything back.  I will say this, if they do want me out, I will gladly leave, and be done with that.  I wanted to finish my mandate, until September, but thinking about it, I think I want out and really close that chapter.

Friday afternoon I was surprised by a knock at the front door.  There stood a man who handed me a subpoena!  I now have to go, as a witness, to a local court for a case between the tenants and the owner of the condo above our "old" place!  Just when I thought I was about to be done with that place, I'm being dragged right back in!

This afternoon we had lunch with the FIL.  It was a combo of late birthday lunch for Hubby, catching up about the sale of our condo and move to the apartment and some news he wanted to inform us about.

Turns out he will be going for surgery within two weeks, for colon cancer. Just like his wife... wonder if it has something to do with how they fed themselves?  I find it reassuring that Hubby has gone for colonoscopy already and will keep doing so giving his genetics history.

Damn cancer, it's everywhere!

And how about you, is life treating you good?  It is is, enjoy it!  Fully!  'Cause we never know what it has in store for us, that is for darn sure! As I've been telling Hubby, can't wait for the month of May!  Maybe by then, things will calm down some, and we will be able to relax and not constantly run to, for or from something!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Soon to be on the road again...

Would you look at Likki getting ready for another road trip... Granted this one will not be as grand as the Norway one, but it will be new surroundings for sure!

She almost got packed away with office supplies, but I managed to get her out just in time not to be taped in a box for a few months.

While packing boxes (again), I came to realize this upcoming move will be the most I've ever packed in all of my life!

1- I've packed for our three months move to Norway - cleaned up the place before unpacking
2- I've packed after our water damage and for our temporary move to an apartment while our place was being fixed - which I also cleaned up before moving in
3- I've unpacked after our move back to our place and I also had to clean up before we moved back!
4- I've been packing for our upcoming move, and since this is a "temporary" move until our new place will be ready, I will have to clean (again!) the place we will be moving to for a few months...
5- Once our (new) place will be ready, by mid-April (hopefully!) I will have to pack again, from the apartment to our new place and then settled in for good (I pray it will be, for good!)

I didn't think I was a neat freak but I`m realizing that I may not have the same standards of cleanliness as others, so rather put it up to our levels, with all it involves!

To add to this pack/unpack fun game, we had also planned a week away in April (to go see Rod Stewart in concert in Vegas  -  can't wait for that!!) so I have to keep that in mind while I throw my clothes away in a box - I might want to dress up while in Sin City, since if not there, where?

So many things to do, to undo, to think about, hours of fun! I tell you!