Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Post Christmas Blues

Ok, so, Christmas is over.  Already.  All this preparation for one day.  Each year, despite me loving this holiday, I can't help but think it is crazy to put out all these decorations, spend all this money not only on gifts, but on food, clothing, etc. for one day!  It's crazy when you really think about it.

We celebrated Christmas' Eve with Hubby's side of the family, at a cousin's.  It was a pleasant evening; good food, good talks, good company, the kids seemed happy with the gifts, so overall a pleasant evening. Today we (Hubby and I) did sweet nothing but watched TV (finished watching "Bad Blood" - watch it if you can, a series about local (as in Montréal) Mafia), also watched a few movies; we took it easy and enjoyed our time alone.  Spoke with my mom, she called from Florida.  Christmas isn't what it used to be... I have very fond memories of past Christmas, as a kid, and even older.  It used to be a fun (but stressful) time.  We got to see relatives that often we only saw at that time of year.  Now that my mom does the Snow Bird thing, we don't really do anything with on her side of the family.  It's a shame really but since they all live far away (as in six+ hours from here) we don't visit often and we all have our families, so it is what it is.

This year again, I kept true to myself and sent many Christmas cards, and got many back as well.  Between the cards I got through Postcrossing and those from friends and relatives I almost filled up both my doors, check it out!

I will be sad to take down the lights... I love how everything looks with Christmas lights, not only indoor but outside too.  It makes everything prettier...

We've had a few parties leading to Christmas, starting with my birthday one month before.  Had invited a bunch of friends over, played games and spent a few hours together which was nice.   One of the parties we had was for my meditation group.  That is always a fun night.  We do a big pot luck and a gifts exchange.  It is not really a dance party or anything of the sort, but more a fun night among people sharing an activity together and getting together for Christmas.  This year, I had made thirty of these Santa sleighs, as a gift for each member.  They came out really nice and were well received.

I think the worst party this year, was Hubby's company.  After being there a few hours I left him there and went back to our room.  He had reserved a room at a hotel nearby (thankfully!)  and that was great; I could escape and he didn't have to drive back so he could party on...  Corporate parties are often a bore for the spouses, and that one sure was!  For me at least!

I've been thinking about this past year overall, and I won't be too sad to see it end... it's been an interesting year to say the least.  A few things have changed, hopefully for the better (time will tell!), some friendships were lost, new ones were created, and who knows what the future holds... One thing for sure, time is flying by and before I know it I will be taking down my Christmas decorations and feel a little sad... I'm most likely to have the Post-Christmas Blues... not because of what I've spent, but because the most wonderful time of the year is now over...


Thursday, April 27, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 30 - Reminds me of me

Day 30 (finally!): A song that reminds me of myself

I will have to go with Van Morrison's "Brown Eyed Girl"

followed by R.E.M.'s "Everybody Hurts"

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 29 - Remember from Childhood

Day 29: A song I remember from my childhood

There are many my mother used to play on our old record player, like Claude Valade's "Aide-moi à passer la nuit"

ou Claude Francois, "Le téléphone pleur"

and finally, this one, which turns out to be an ear worm! Soeur Sourire's "Dominique"

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 28 - Voice I Love

Day 28: A song by an artist with a voice I love

Well, all the songs I've posted this far were from artists which voices I love, but anyway, here goes with Pink's "Just Give Me A Reason"

Monday, April 24, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 27 - Breaks My Heart

Day 27: A song that brakes my heart

It doesn't break my heart, but it sure pulls on the emotional strings, especially when sang by Florent Pagny "Caruso"

Sunday, April 23, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 26 - Want to Fall in Love

Day 26: A song that makes me want to fall in love

For this one I went with a recent song, from John Legend "All of Me"

Saturday, April 22, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge - Day 25: No longer Living

Day 25: A song by an artist no longer living

There are a few of those I could go with, but I'm going with a song I would like to be played at my funerals, by Frank Sinatra "My Way"

Friday, April 21, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge - Day 24: Wish Were Still Together

Day 24: A song by a band I wish were still together

There isn't really any band I wish were still together, like the Spice Girls or the Beatles, but I will again go with a classic, from Led Zeppelin with  "Stairway to Heaven"

Thursday, April 20, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge - Day 23: Everybody Should Listen

Day 23: A song that I think everybody should listen to

Also have a few of those, but I will go with this classic, from John Lennon "Imagine"

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge - Day 22: Moves Me Forward

Day 22: A song that moves me forward

Hard to say if it moves be forward, but I like it lots, by Jann Arden "Sleepless"

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge - Day 21: Person's Name in the Title

Day 21: A favorite song with a person's name in the title

Didn't really have one, so went with a classic from the Beatles' "Michelle"

Monday, April 17, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge - Day 20: Has Many Meanings

Day 20: A song that has many meanings to me

If only it was that simple, and all we needed to do was to love or show love...  Céline Dion's "S'il suffisait d'aimer''

Sunday, April 16, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge - Day 19 - Makes me think about life

Day 19: A song that makes me think about life

Wow! That's a heavy load for a song, and yet... some songs do that, don't they?

I went with a song that states many of the wrongs in life, and yet there is still hope... Céline Dion's "L'amour existe encore"


I hesitated for this one too... Claude Dubois' "Si Dieu existe"

Saturday, April 15, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge - Day 18 - Year I was born

Day 18: A song from the year I was born

Had to look for this, since I didn't know what played when I was born... I went with a classic, from the Beatles' "Yesterday"

Friday, April 14, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge - Day 17 - Duet on Karaoke

Day 17: A song I'd sing a duet with on karaoke

For having it done, twice, once in Japan (what better place to karaoke for the very first time!), and once in Hawai'i at our wedding reception, I give you Dionne Warwick's ''That's What Friends Are For''

Thursday, April 13, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 16 - Classical Music

Day 16: One of my favorite pieces of classical music

I'm really not a classical fan, even if I do enjoy the calm and all, but here's one I do enjoy, Lakmé's " The Flower Duet"  

(I will say this, Fifty Shades of Grey did make me a little more interested in classical 😈)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 15 - Cover by Other Artist

Day 15: A song that is a cover by another artist

There are a few for this one, like "Over the Rainbow" by Iz (a favorite of mine), "Hallelujah" by Cohen,  but I thing I will go with "Always on My Mind" which has been sang by Willie Nelson, Elvis, The Pet Shop Boys and even Michael Bublé...

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 14 - Song at Wedding

Day 14: A song that I would love played at my wedding

It actually did, for our first dance together, Nat King Cole's "I Love You For Sentimental Reasons"

Monday, April 10, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 13 - Favorite 70's

Day 13: One of my favorite 70's song

I think I will have to go with the Bee Gees "How Deep is Your Love"

As soon as it starts I fee myself dancing a slow in a basement... ahhh some souvenirs...

Sunday, April 09, 2017

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 12 - Preteen Years

Day 12: A song from my preteens years

One I remember listening to a lot, was Soeur Sourire  "Dominique"

But then again, there was also Patrick Hernandez's "Born To Be Alive" - the first 45 I bought!