Showing posts with label Autumn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autumn. Show all posts

Saturday, October 24, 2015


It's that time of year again . . .

A couple of fun finds at the thrift store this past week:

I'm planning on making a Christmas banner using my vintage hankies. I scanned them, and a few floral ones, too. I'm sharing them with you in case you would like to make your own banners! There are 7 Christmas designs and 5 floral. These are PNG files and are 1000 px wide. Enjoy, and feel free to share them, too!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015












Monday, October 5, 2015


I copied these from an Aunt Martha's vintage transfer I have. Enjoy using them!

Monday, October 20, 2014


First, the birds! Mister picked up this ceramic box at the thrift store the other day, and I'm thrilled with it. It has been added to my ceramic bird collection which is now in my half-bath!

I'm sure many of you have seen white pumpkins blinged out. I love that look! While I was at Michael's craft store this past week they had some of the fake ones. Here's what I did with mine:

I love glue guns! :)

Monday, October 13, 2014


I don't celebrate Halloween, but this picture in one of my vintage children's books, We Like To Do Things, is just too cute to keep in hiding. Enjoy!

While I'm at it,  here is another Autumn pic from the same book:

Monday, September 29, 2014


I participated in Sandy and Deb's HALLOWEEN/FALL COOKIE CUTTER SWAP. They were a bit strict, mind you. Things like, "Make the package fun to open" and "Manners count, saying Thank You is a must". I dunno . . . I did my best! 

My partner was Pam of Virginia Retro. She sent her package to me a bit early as she was going on vacation. I was dying to open it, but I hadn't finished up mine yet and didn't want to be influenced by what she sent. It was hard to wait, but I sent her box out this past Saturday and opened mine on Sunday. That worked out well because the New England Patriots weren't playing yesterday (they're Monday Night this week) and I needed something fun to occupy my afternoon (although it didn't take 3 hours to open the box!).

Everything was wrapped up so cute in pretty colored tissue papers and tags of all sorts.

Here's what she sent:
This is the cookie cutter decoration she made. It's so lively with all the little punkins and buttons. I love the color combination!

She made a few cute little magnets:

Aw heck! I was gonna photograph, then open, each little package but I just plumb ran out of patience! Here's all the rest of the goodies: Pam went tag-happy and I'm glad she did - they now decorate my house!

Look at all that fun stuff! Vintage playing cards, yo-yo's, Fall-themed ribbons around spools, buttons, CANDY, and more!! Isn't that pumpkin face the happiest looking little guy? Of course, my favorite is the fat quarter of cherry-printed fabric!

Thanks so much, Pam, you did a great job with what you sent me - I'm happy and content (especially after eating the candy bar!). :) SPOILER ALERT: Pam, don't go below this paragraph if you haven't opened your package yet!

This is the cookie cutter and large tag (along with other goodies) that I made for Pam. I didn't have, and couldn't find, a round vintage cutter so I used a leaf-shaped one that I had. I just love craft swaps!

Friday, September 26, 2014


I was asked to show the small Avon thermos decanter with my thermos collection, so here it is!

Here is an Autumn-colored vintage hankie that just fits on my "lazy Susan"!

And, speaking of vintage hankies, these are some that I picked up over the summer.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Thanksgiving greetings to all you U.S. citizens! Enjoy your food 'n football tomorrow!

Hey, don't forget about my Christmas Swap! Sign up in the post before this one.

Hello, Sunshine! I went outside early this morning before school and snapped a photo of the frost that covered everything. It was so beautiful! Of course, pictures don't do it justice. (It was so thick that Becky thought it had snowed out!) I cropped this photo but, then afterwards, noticed on the original pic that there was a pretty little rainbow down in the corner . . .

The sun reflecting off the frost! And there's the red - in the rainbow! God's promise that He'll never cover the entire earth with a flood again.

I filled a shoebox for the annual Operation Christmas Child. I was feeling all pleased with myself as I left it on the table at church but then when I was going to the parking lot in walks a family carrying 6 boxes! Well, that humbled me pretty quickly!

My sister always gives me a bag of little goodies for my birthday each year. Last week she included some cupcake papers - Mary Engelbreit and cherries. Made my day!

Here is an Autumn vignette on my craft table. Except for the spotted feather, they are collected on the ground under and around the bird feeders.
I guess that's enough for one week! Enjoy your holiday!