Showing posts with label Dirty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dirty. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2012

K. Flay Gets Dirty in So Cal (and Bonnaroo)

Former Stanford student and tom-boy k.flay brings her dirty lyrics and sneakerhead steeze to the left coast next week before heading east for Bonnaroo and more.  To celebrate her trip South, which includes a stop at The Constellation Room in Santa Ana and The Central SAPC in Santa Monica, we're paying homage in a blog post (and dishing out some free tickets to The Central show....)

If you don't know much about Kristine Flaherty - she's originally from Illinois and got the rap bug after moving to C-A to attend Stanford.  She claims her latest offering, Eyes Shut, is a response to 20-something apathy and an introspective nature.  With a colorful experience (she's toured the country as a solo white female rapper, her father died at age 14, etc.) - there is probably a lot of truth in her lyrics too.   You can witness first hand for yourself in SoCal this coming week or at Bonnaroo, where she drops 3 performances including That Tent at 4:15 pm on Thursday, and then later that night at The Silent Disco and again on Friday at the Silent Disco around 4 pm.  

Don't miss your chance to catch this little spark plug before she releases a full length and blows up!  If you want a chance at winning tickets - send us a picture of a dirty street name similar to this k.flay photo.  Submissions should be sent to  Alternatively, you can tweet out @supergoodmusic @thecentralsapc and @kflay along with a hashtag of your most creative dirty word!

Download her mixtape - I Stopped Caring in '96 - here.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Pu$$y - Iggy Azalea

Dirty subject matter. Check.

Kid with mad swagger. Check.

Gratuitous shots of kittens. Check.

This video is a winner and I'm actually impressed with Iggy Azalea. Her raps come off casual, smooth and effortless. As long as she is better than Kreayshawn live - I'm down.

Pu$$y - Iggy Azalea

Dirty subject matter. Check.

Kid with mad swagger. Check.

Gratuitous shots of kittens. Check.

This video is a winner and I'm actually impressed with Iggy Azalea. Her raps come off casual, smooth and effortless. As long as she is better than Kreayshawn live - I'm down.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kreayshawn - Gucci Gucci

Kreayshawn, the female hip-hopper with some friends in Odd Future and and a decently annoying voice, has stumbled into a hit by reciting popular clothing brands and making references to drugs all over a kicking wobbly bass track. Who came up with that formula? and knew it would be successful?

While nothing that seems all that original - clearly the "Gucci Gucci" has caught on quite well, averaging a little over 100,000 views a day. Nastiers, dirtier and possessing less pop appeal than Kesha - I'll admit that Kreayshawn is a bit of a guilty pleasure. Despite the wack hook and her voice, I still enjoy this song.

"I got the swag and its pumping out my ovaries...". The lyrics are clever....