Showing posts with label Online clothes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online clothes. Show all posts

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Membeli barangan online di Malaysia

Siapa belum cuba membeli baranagan secara online di Malaysia? Saya dah cuba beberapa online stores, boleh tahan. Tapi bukan semuanya sama seperti dalam gambar yang ditunjukkan.

Baru-baru ini baru beli baju dan skirt panjang dan seluar panjang. Seluar panjang XL yang saya pilih memang besar jadi saya bagi sister in law saya untuk memakai. Saya rasa ia lebih sesuai untuk dia.

Membeli bag online I pun ada cuba tapi kecewa bag datang macam baru tapi ia sudah berkarat.

Online shopping in Malaysia, I have tried several stores and I can say not all that I shopped is everything I expected. The material and size I get online, one of the pants I bought too big for me so I given my sister in law to wear.

Online bag shopping I tried too but it's rusty steel at the side, sad bout this and there's no exchangeable at all.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Fashion online

I like to check out clothes oftern i think thats what woman do. I found some nice clothes and now i am into lace clothing no kidding. I am not sure if i want to purchase now as it is nothing special. I can wait until next year to ourchase but i am not sure if i still purchase it by then. My sis called that day saying there is charity on 23 June ask me to go temple there for a look. You can choose whatever you want to eat there. I miss her so much, she has left home for three year now.