Showing posts with label gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gifts. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Changes of plan in September

I am glad I have purchase a gift for my mom in law, yeah her birthday is next month. But they have plan to celebrate it this month. This will buy me time to make choice of which clothes I like to wear.

My sister-in-law is happy and she has purchase a pair of shoes.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Gift can change a person?

Do you know that buying gift for a friend can change the person attitude? I know because I was very moody and unhappy and I my friend told me she is getting a gift for me. I am so thrilled and excited and my mood changes.

Yeah she bought me expensive gift which is skin care products for me. There is pigments on faces so the skin care product is mean to reduce them. I was told that I need to eat more vitamin E.

Yesterday I was at a fair and the there is promotion there which I need to eat for three months. It is not cheap the cost is MYR$180, I not buy any at all even though it is promotion during the fair.

I am not sure what is the brand name, there is pear on the brochure. I think most of you can guess what brand it is.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Tiffany for me?

I saw marvelours and pretty eye catching jewelry and where is that? I am sure you have heard it all.

I just fall in love with the piece, you can view at

You can view it there...

So many that really eye catching and making my heart popping... really fast...

Howa bout you?