Showing posts with label Rose2Rose project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rose2Rose project. Show all posts

Sunday, June 2, 2013

2 June 2013 @MYDINUSJ

Today I was invited to attend the Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ) - a Rally of hope for all humanity at MYDIN USJ.
Women's March for the Palestinian Women and Children 2013.
This is organized by several NGOs: Mawaddah, PACE, VPM, Aqsa Syarif, R2R, QII, and PCOM.
Rose2Rose project, they are selling fresh roses at RM10 each. The fresh roses as a symbol of feminity, a part of their fund raising activity to ensure families in Paletine can have a reasonable Ramadhan and Eid this year. Each food basket for one family cost only USD50=RM150.
They will include:
1. 1 bottle of cooking oil
2. 2 kilo dates
3. 2 kilo sugar
4. 2 cheese tray
5. 2 meat tray
6. 4 packs of beans
7. 3 kilo of rice
8. 1 bottle jam
9. 2 packs of salsa and
10. 1 pack of sweets.
This meaningful event is about increase our awareness the plight of oppressed people especially the Palestinians.

Do you know that 7th June has always been remembered in the Arab World and the muslim world.
This year 2013, 7 June marked the 45th year of the rememberance of an-Naksah or setback of the Arab nations in the Six-Days War (5th -10th June 1967). 

You can see more picture in instagram sherry go.