Showing posts with label gourmet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gourmet. Show all posts

Monday, September 22, 2014


TASTE MIGF, the spectacular preview event for the MALAYSIA
RETURNS THIS 26th, 27th & 28th September

The spectacular preview event for the Malaysia International Gourmet Festival, TasteMIGF, will take place from the 26th to 28th of September 2014 at the Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre.
For one fabulous gastronomic weekend, food lovers can get a tasting preview of the Festival by partaking in a Super Gourmet Safari exchanging Gourmet Dollars for bite sized samples from all the
Festival restaurants as they gather in one specially created location – The Theatre of Cuisines.

They can also shop at the Epicure Gourmet Village and attend Master Chefs’ cooking classes and
enjoy wine appreciation talks and other culinary happenings.

A new inclusion this year is the LuxuryPlus Showcase which will display high end properties and
investment opportunities among others and provide those present with the opportunity to hear
from the industry’s best.

Go on a Super Gourmet Safari at the Theatre of Cuisines
In the specially created “Theatre of Cuisines”, where the Festival restaurants are showcased, visitors
can buy “Gourmet Dollars” and enjoy a “Super Gourmet Safari” sampling creations from Malaysia's
leading chefs as they serve up tasting portions from their Festival Menus. These special portions are
big enough to exhibit the creativity of the Festival chefs but small enough to allow tasting as many
dishes from as many restaurants as possible. Live music and cooking demonstrations take place,
providing a fiesta-like atmosphere for all visitors.

The Theatre of Cuisines will open to the public for a fabulous gourmet weekend from 11.00am to
10.00pm on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th September.

Get your Gourmet Dollars First!
To go on your Super Gourmet Safari, you will need Gourmet Dollars that have been created with the
benefit of diners in mind. They help to minimise queues and delays for people waiting for their
change. Gourmet Dollars will be available for purchase on the day of the event itself; however, you
can avoid valuable time on that day and enjoy a 5% discount if you pre-purchase Gourmet Dollars at
Epicure International Gourmet Village
TasteMIGF will also feature an “Epicure International Gourmet Village”, situated right next to the
Theatre of Cuisines. Here, more than 80 purveyors of the finest gourmet food, wines, cigars, and
much more, offer their wares in a festive, bazaar-like atmosphere.

The Epicure International Gourmet Village will open to the public from 11.00am to 4.00pm on Friday

26th September and again from 11.00am to 10.00pm on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th September.

Epicure Lifestyle Workshops

This is a unique opportunity to get to know the Festival Master Chefs as they share their culinary
secrets. There will also be wine appreciation, mixology classes and many other activities throughout
the 2-day weekend. The line-up is still being arranged, however to pre-register early to book your
seats, please log on to

Cooking Classes and Workshops will be conducted on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th September
from 1pm until 8.30pm. The full schedule of classes and workshops will be available at .

LuxuryPlus Showcase & Workshops

A new inclusion to TasteMIGF this year and located on the same floor as the Epicure Lifestyle
Workshops, is the LuxuryPlus Showcase & Workshops where all things luxurious will be on display
including high end properties, investment opportunities and much more. The workshops will feature
talks and invaluable advice by industry experts.
The LuxuryPlus Showcase will open to the public from 11.00am to 4.00pm on Friday 26th September
and again from 11.00am to 10.00pm on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th September.
Workshops are available on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th of September from 1pm to 8.30pm. The
full schedule of workshops will be available at

Another outstanding aspect to look out for a Taste MIGF is the appearance of Chef Wan, Malaysia’s
Food Ambassador cum Celebrity Chef whose boisterous spirit and colloquial mix of English and Malay
in his talk shows have made him a household name both in Malaysia and beyond. Chef Wan will
provide the perfect start to Taste MIGF on both Saturday and Sunday noon with his highly
entertaining – and highly professional – cooking demonstrations staring at 12noon, at the main
So mark these dates in your diaries – September 26th, 27th and 28th – as Taste MIGF once again
brings you a spectacular preview of the world-renowned Malaysia International Gourmet Festival.

I attended the launch of Malaysia International Gourmet Festival, I have written on this blog, click on the link to see more.