
Showing posts with the label Nina's Threads

Free pattern update and planning 2015

My darlings, Thank you very-very much for all your comments to my last post.  I am one happy person to have such friends both online and offline!:-) How are you doing in these first days of 2015? I was busy planning The Snowflower Diaries new year.  I have a book of secrets every year with all the plannings and scheduling. This year it is much more detailed, I made a yearly, monthly and daily plans to, a blogging and a business plan, too. I show you my desk today when I finished...  Some truffles and bonbons for happiness:-)  Below the planner lay the sketches of new designs. ...and now let me upload here the new pattern of one of my very first designs, SPRING BUNNY LOVE that was designed exactly 2 years ago in January.  I had improved my style and the quality of digital patterns, so I redesigned the pattern, please, welcome!:-) It is free to download for personal use. The model was stiched with Nina's Threads and finished with her...

New Design: You Are So Loved

Please welcome my latest design, You Are So Loved. It is dedicated to the strongest and deepest love between human beings: the love between mother and child.    The model was stitched on 40 ct French Vanilla hand dyed Zweigart Linen by Nina with her threads (Coral, Artichoke, Iris, Caramel, Ginger, Espresso and Cigar).     It will be another free pattern if you would like to, I can upload the pattern in a couple days. Happy sunny day to everybody!:-) IN HUNGARIAN : Kérlek, fogadjátok szeretettel legújabb mintámat Nagyon szeretlek címmel.   A legerősebb és legmélyebb emberi kapocsnak, az anya és a gyermeke közötti szeretetnek dedikáltam. A modelt Nina 40 ct French Vanilla kézzel festett Zweigart lenvásznára hímeztem a fonalaival (Coral, Artichoke, Iris, Caremel, Ginger, Espresso és Cigar) Ha szeretnétek, szívesen megosztom ezt a mintát is veletek, de szükségem lesz pár napra a feltöltéséhez.  ...


This Easter I decorate our house in white and shades of purple with a hint of yellow here and there.   Of course ot of the million tulips I had planted in our garden during the cold autumn days none is happened to blossom in purple, but well, let's stitch some, right? :-) My latest design is called: TULIPS WITH CHICK.   (You can check its twin pattern: Tulips With Bunny here ). I have stitched the model with Nina's Threads (with the extraordinary and amazing Punk that is only for the bravehearted stitchers, Butter Squash, Artichoke, Daffodil and Oak) and black and white DMC.   I am the half-blood prince little white flower:-) IN HUNGARIAN : Idén húsvétkor fehérbe és a lila árnyalataiba öltöztetem a házunkat itt-ott némi sárgával fűszerezve. Természetesen abból az egymillió tulipánból, amelyet a hideg őszi napokon ültettem a kertünkben, egy sem bont lila szirmokat, de majd legfeljebb hímzünk párat, nem igaz? :-) Legutóbbi mintám c...


First of all I had almost passed out how many visitors came to my little blog in the first two days! Thank you very much, I am truly honoured.  (I thought by the end of March I will have five followers, and three out of this five would be an uncle or a cousin expressing their support for the poor girl.) My third design is called:  TULIPS WITH BUNNY. The model was stitched on 40 ct French Vanilla hand dyed Zweigart linen by Nina  with her threads (Hibiscus, Rooster Combs, Amber, Grizzly, Old Jeans) and black DMC for the eye. Again, my friend, Tímea Tanner saved this piece from getting forgotten and lost in my drawer where I am building a pile of various stitched items waiting their good faith to become an ornament, a box cover or something nice one day.  Without her help to finish some of the items I could have written only about the weather here. On the cover photo, under the ornament you can have a peek of one of my sketch books.   Maybe I will show you...


I designed and stitched these lovely bunnies in winter when it was freezing January outside.   I love seasonal designs so much, because they give me another excuse to redecorate the house which I practice a lot.   The title of this first spring design is: Spring Bunny Love.   The model was stitched on 40 count "French Vanilla" Zweigart hand dyed linen by Nina with her  threads: Daffodil, Amber, Rooster Combs, Grizzly, Hibiscus, Nutmeg and black DMC.   My dear friend, Tímea Tanner was so kind and finished it as an egg ornament I can hang anywhere. The ribbon is hand dyed 'Petal' Pure Silk Ribbon by Nina.   I hope you will like it, Easter is on the way!:-) Please, feel free to download it!:-)  Click to enlarge the picture.  It is free for personal use, happy stitching!:-) Nina has created a thread pack for this pattern, it is available in her etsy shop . IN HUNGARIAN:  Ezeket a kedves nyuszikat ...