
Showing posts with the label tulips


This Easter I decorate our house in white and shades of purple with a hint of yellow here and there.   Of course ot of the million tulips I had planted in our garden during the cold autumn days none is happened to blossom in purple, but well, let's stitch some, right? :-) My latest design is called: TULIPS WITH CHICK.   (You can check its twin pattern: Tulips With Bunny here ). I have stitched the model with Nina's Threads (with the extraordinary and amazing Punk that is only for the bravehearted stitchers, Butter Squash, Artichoke, Daffodil and Oak) and black and white DMC.   I am the half-blood prince little white flower:-) IN HUNGARIAN : Idén húsvétkor fehérbe és a lila árnyalataiba öltöztetem a házunkat itt-ott némi sárgával fűszerezve. Természetesen abból az egymillió tulipánból, amelyet a hideg őszi napokon ültettem a kertünkben, egy sem bont lila szirmokat, de majd legfeljebb hímzünk párat, nem igaz? :-) Legutóbbi mintám c...