
Showing posts with the label SAL


My dear Readers,  How are you doing?  I have been away from my designing for some weeks: I am refurnishing my house, especially the crafting space.  I love how it becomes more beautiful and more like I had imagined it in my dreams.   This big cupboard I bought for The Snowflower Diaries office. It was a brown old German cupboard that I painted.  It is still not ready - some aging and antiqueing is ahead, but I already enjoy it!  IN HUNGARIAN: Kedves Olvasóim! Hogy vagytok?  Néhány hétre háttérbe szorult a tervezési munkám: átalakítom a házunkat, különös tekintettel az alkotói, kreatív részekre.  Nagyon élvezem, hogy egyre szépül és egyre inkább megvalósul mindaz, amelyet elképzeltem, megálmodtam.   Ezt a böhöm nagy szekrényt a Snowflower Diaries irodájának vásároltam.  Egy barna ónémet szekrény volt, amelyet átfestettem. Még nincs kész - még kicsit öregítem, antikolom, de már most nagyon meg vagyok elégedve!...


Dear Stitchers, I am happy to share the February pattern of my primitive cross stitch calendar SAL, Joyful world. I hope you will like my little ducks:-))) It is absolutely free for personal use. Happy stitching! If you would like to stitch the pattern in a stitch along (SAL) with us, you are welcome to join our facebook group here: You can also use the hashtag: #joyfulworldSAL You will also find the latest news about the SAL at my brand new INSTAGRAM profile: @majamatyas Happy stitching!:-)  Hugs!


My dear Stitchers, I am so overwhelmed how many of you have already joined the 'Joyful World' SAL that starts today!:-) I will share every information, instruction and pattern here, on my blog, too to help those stitching sisters who do not use Facebook or would like to stitch the patterns without the group. The Joyful World SAL is a primitive monthly calendar. All the 12 patterns are absolutely FREE to download:-) This morning we kicked off with the following multiple languages.  I am coming with the Dutch version today, too.   Please, feel free to contact me if you would like to stitch it on your mother language, if I can help you:-) Many of you asked how I stitch the model calendar.   I am stitching the 3 columns/4rows set that I designed to be a  proper square (307 W x 307 H) in the end.   Please feel free to stitch the way you enjoy the most and also you can stitch them as separate monthly ornaments, too. HAPPY STITCHING! ...

SAL 2016: come and join!:-)

Dear Friends,  I am happy to invite you to my first stitch along!:-)  I have designed a primitive monthly calendar: JOYFUL WORLD for my children that I am going to share with you this year, in 2016. There is no fee, you are welcome to join anytime from anywhere:-)  No obligation, no pressure, just the joy of stitching! YOU CAN JOIN IN THIS FACEBOOK GROUP: Everybody is welcome to join who would like to participate, stitch the whole (12-month) calendar or just one single month or who simply would like to enjoy the club and nothing else:-) The doors are opened, take a seat, dear!  I release 12 same size monthly piece in 2016, all for FREE to download:-)   I will give you the recommended linen and threads with the instructions, but please feel free to alter the colours and use your favourite brand of threads!:-)  Please, share your work and work in progress...