
Showing posts with the label winter


Good evening, I am very happy to spend the rest of the week at home with my kids.   I am also planning the 2015 year of The Snowflower Diaries using a couple free printable planners I found on Pinterest and - of course - I had to buy new set of pens in all colours, stickers and tapes;-)   I must be more organised in the future and use my time wiser, this was the main conclusion of 2014.   Today I brought you a new design, friend of yesterday's Elise.  She is Josephine .   The pattern is 128 W x 95 H, the model was stitched with DMC and The Gentle Art Threads.    It is available in our Etsy shop. Tomorrow I am coming with a primitive design called Winter Friends:-) Happy stitching!:-) Hugs IN HUNGARIAN Szép estét!  Úgy örülök, hogy a hét hátralévő részében itthon lehetek a gyerekekkel.  A szabadság alatt a 2015. évi célkitűzéseket is szeretném összeállítani a Snowflower Diaries számára, le is töltöttem a Pinteres...


Dear Girls, I am happy to present you a new release each day till the end of 2014 :-) Actually I scheduled earlier release dates, but I was called to work in Brussels, Belgium.   When I was attending law school I was dreaming of working at EU headquarters one day, I am so happy my dream came true!:-)   I had designed two beautiful Renaissance style winter ladies, today please welcome ELISE !:-)  Stiched with DMC and The Gentle Art threads the pattern measures 126 W x 92 H. The pattern is  in our Etsy shop .  IN HUNGARIAN:    Kedves Lányok!  Örömmel értesítelek Benneteket, hogy 2014 végéig minden nap érkezik egy új minta:-) Korábbi megjelenési dátumokat terveztem, de közbeszólt egy munka Brüsszelben, Belgiumban.   Amikor a jogi karra jártam,  elképzeltem, milyen jó lenne az EU szerveinél dolgozni egy nap, jó érzés, hogy belekóstolhattam. Két szépséges reneszánsz, téli hölgyet terveztem,...

Winter designs

Dear Girls, I would like to show my new visitors the winter designs of 2013: Thank you for coming!:-)


Dear Stitching Friends,  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  I had some work to do, but now after some chocolate and mulled wine with my husband, I feel much better and relaxed.  I am very excited to share my second winter design this year, it is called ANGEL'S BLESSING. It is available in our Etsy shop or via emai in digital (pdf) pattern and it will be available in high quality printed form and in kits from November 29th! The model was stiched on 32 ct Zweigart linen hand dyed by Nina . Threads:   Nina's Threads Hunter, Brown Rust, Caramel, Clay, Soot and DMC 5200 I have used rusty-orange glass beads, too.  I wish you a nice week, happy stitching!:-)  IN HUNGARIAN: Kedves hímzős lányok! Remélem, jól sikerült a hétvégétek.   Nekem sajnos dolgoznom kellett, de némi csokoládé és a férjemmel történt forralt borozás után máris sokkal jobban érzem magam, és izgatottan mutatom meg nektek második téli mi...