Showing posts with label Blicks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blicks. Show all posts

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ink Techniques, Work's In Progress & Etsy Shop Update

Greetings and Salutations!

I hope all of you had a great week and that you are all creating art! Weekends go by so fast and if you are like me, where you can't get into your studio until late Friday nights, make the most out of the time that you have. Even if you create in your journals and only have 10 or 30 will feel better and after awhile, you will make time...even if it means going without sleep! LOL

Okay, now on for some new techniques I was trying! I hope you like them! With the costs of art supplies now, and the fact that we have to have it all, and everyday there is something new coming out for all of us to go crazy with, I thought I would see if this new line of Ink from Liquitex would do the same job as all of those Glitter Mist Sprays, Tim Holtz's Spray Inks, etc.(Because let's face it, when ordering those sprays, you can't just get one color and they are expensive!) This technique works just as well as those expensive sprays...well at least they did for me and it's a heck of a lot cheaper. All you do is get yourself a little spray bottle (they sell them at Blicks for $1.19) I put about 12 drops of ink in the bottle and added about half water. You will get so much for your money and these inks go along way! Try mixing the colors...I haven't done that yet! I bet you can make all kinds of colors. The ink will last a long a long time and you don't need very much. I also tried using it directly out of the bottle for a drippy effect. I was very happy with the results. These little spray bottles are great for this process. They even come with a stick on the front so you can write the color on it. (

I tried the same process with the wonderful and to die for Golden Fluid Acrylic Paints. These work just as well. Just add a little bit more water because the sprayer head gets a little clogged, but it does the job.

I just added three Witches to my Etsy Shop.

I have been working on some new Cloth & Clay Art Dolls and they are still in the "WORKS IN PROGRESS" Mode! This little girl is a custom order from a lady in Austria. She wanted a cloth and clay art doll, and requested that she have a big "X" for an Eye. Do you think I got that? LOL
My Sitter Dolls. Man...are these fun to make! They are in the process of drying.
Here are some that have moved on from the drying stage and now are getting sculpted with clay!

Just got my BIGGIE BOARD and BIGGIE PAPER! If you don't have one of these and are interested in just practicing your drawing, these are absolutely great. I got both at Blicks. They are having a great sale (well they always do)! LOL

I'm getting my supplies ready for Art School. I start January 18th...Can't wait!

My good friend Anita told me about this amazing new Art Book. If you love drawing and using colored pencils, this book is MUST HAVE! It's brilliant and is filled with amazing works, techniques and demos. Who knew you could use mineral spirits with colored pencils!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and creative weekend and remember to take time out of your day to create ART!
Until Next Time

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Art Books & Workshop Sketches

Greetings and Salutations...
I wanted to share with all of you some really wonderful Art Books that I ordered off of Amazon. However, I haven't been able to actually dive into them, but this weekend I think I'm taking the time to go through them page by page. I glanced at them, and I have to say... I'm really excited about the pencil drawing ones. I'm taking quite a few workshops this Summer, which has me pretty busy with homework, watching videos and doing a lot of practice work. The trick with pencil drawing is that you HAVE TO DO THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY! (and believe me, if I can do this anyone can do this) I never in a million years thought I could actually draw something, and have it look somewhat human! LOL I've been practicing and really taking the time to learn this wonderful art form. Not only are my workshops teaching me how to use a pencil, but it's also teaching me about perception and color, which I've been experimenting with my paints. I absolutely love this new art form that I'm learning and it will also help me as an Art Doll Artist in the long run.
So with that said, I challenge you out there to pick up a pencil and just DRAW! Don't worry about how it looks, just get the pencil to met the paper and have FUN! Trust me... you will so enjoy it, and it will become part of you!

These Pencil Drawing Books are freaking awesome. Especially the ones to the Left. You have to get the workbook that comes with the book. I'm very interested in how the Masters started, so I'm building up my library with all kinds of amazing and wonderful books. You can't have to many books around! LOL

The Journal Bliss book gives you a lot of techniques about journalling...which you all know I absolutely love doing!

Here is a "Work In Progress" that I have been playing around for months now. Every time I walk by her, I throw something on her! LOLPictures from my Sketch Book with My Progress. I just love drawing faces and the more I do it, the better I will become!

Here is a tip...Write down all of your art supplies in a journal and take it with you where ever you go. You never know when you will pass an Art Supply Store or be out and hit the jackpot on sales or a new Art Store that you never knew existed...There is nothing worse then getting home to realize that you already had the things that you bought! LOL

I hope everyone is enjoying their Summer and being creative! Have a wonderful weekend! Until next time...


Saturday, June 20, 2009


Greetings and Salutations Everyone! I hope that you all are having a wonderful, creative weekend! It's been raining here all week! I don't mind...I actually really enjoy hearing the rain. I find it extremely peaceful.
So, remember last weekend when I posted the mini workshop from Cloth, Paper & Scissors? Well, I made you all wait for step 9, the finished piece of my painting. It actually turned out to be Step 10! LOL
Here is STEP 10...The Finished Piece.

I'm very happy how this piece turned out, considering it was my first painting in this style. The Artist, Pam Carriker who did the Mini Workshop for Cloth, Paper & Scissors, is starting a Workshop on July 7, 2009 over at Creative Workshops ( entitled "Pursuing Portraits. If you haven't been over there, and have always wanted to learn portrait painting, check it out! I know I'll be taking the Workshop. I am currently taking two (2) other Workshops with Pam, Visual Journals and Shades of Grey. I can't say enough about these courses. WOW...I'm learning so much! Fun, Fun, Fun!

Hey remember the Manila Folders????? hmmmm ....Have you guys started doing this yet? LOL Here is one example of how to clean your paint brushes and not waste the paint! Just take your paint brush and clean it on your Manila Folder...Look at the texture and colors you get! This simple technique will make great backgrounds on your pages and even on your canvas!

Now, here is another really cool technique. Take Watercolor paper, sketch paper, your manila folders and take only 5 or 6 colors that you like and make your scrap pages for your journals. What a fun and exciting way to add to your collages and journals and it's your own hand in your pages!


OLD BOOKS, I know you all have them laying around or you can get them at Garage Sales...Tis the Season for Garage Sales! Get yourself some old books and go to town with them. Collage, paint, stamp, doodle, create ART...JUST DO IT! Even if you just throw Gesso on them...for now! Go back and just keep adding layers, layers, and layers...You will be amazed at what you can do with old books...BREATH NEW LIFE INTO THEM...CREATE A STORY...LEARN, GROW...JUST DO IT!

I know I have been talking about Workshops and the amazing things I'm learning, and I'm so excited as I walk down this new path of learning a different skill...However, I'm scared, frustrated and little sad at times, but ...A BIG BUT!!!!! It's a CHALLENGE, and therefore we must push forward and JUST DO IT! FACING OUR FEARS of the unknown sometimes is a little scary, but if I can do this, SO CAN YOU! If you have been thinking about any type of Art Form (i.e., needle felting, painting, drawing, sculpting, mixed-media, knitting, quilting, etc.) there is a reason that you are thinking about why not JUST DO IT! Hey, and if you think you aren't good enough, or you can't do it...Then read the quote from Vincent Van Gogh


Three Cheers to Van Gogh!

This saying goes for any type of ART FORM!!!!
One last thing before I go and Paint my Butt off! LOL I'm involved over at Hands and Heart. (Website- Monica Zuniga has started a Ning Group and is offering AMAZING WORKSHOPS. I'm actually signed up for all of her workshops and I can't wait until my pieces are done so I can show you all what I have learned from this very talented Artist. She has breathed new life into me and has changed my life forever...For that, I will be FOREVER GRATEFUL! Monica is simply wonderful with her approach to teaching. Her videos will knock you off your chair while you are watching them! They are very clear and you feel like you are sitting right next to her! Simply wonderful!
I can share with you some of my Altered Book Pages that I have been doing over there on one of her Groups entitled "Altered Books." Please make sure you stop by and just check out what Monica is offering...You won't be sorry and I guarantee it...IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!

I can't get this picture right...arrrghhh...Oh well, you can still see it! LOL

So with that said...I'm off to Paint those fears away!

Until Next Time...



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