Showing posts with label Hands and Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hands and Heart. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2009

Today is Friday, Workshops to Discuss and WIPs!


We made it through another week , and I hope you are getting your creative juices flowing for the weekend!
As you all know, I've been spending time taking some workshops on line. With the overwhelming presence of "NING" so many artists out there have set up Ning Sites, and are offering such fabulous workshops. I'm actually taking quite a few workshops from various Artists. I have learned while taking certain workshops that if you pay for a workshop, you should be able to download the videos for future reference. The one's that I have signed up at Creative Workshops were great workshops, however due to the fact that you cannot download the videos and I had such a hard time viewing the videos (the stop and go), I will not be taking any other workshops over there. I have searched out workshops where the instructor has a presence on the site and allows you to download the workshops. I think it's important that if you pay for a workshop, you should be able to download it for future reference. I know life happens, and it's nice to know that when your schedule frees up a bit, you can still take the workshop without having it disappear on you! With that said, Monica over at, Nancye Williams,, Gritty Jane,, Suzi Blu,, and Marie, are absolutely fabulous instructors and artists and all of their workshops that these artists offer are freaking incredible and well worth the money! I might have gotten the websites wrong, so if you are interested in taking workshops, just click my badges on the sidebar of my blog and it will take you the Ning Group that you are interested in.

Right now, even though I'm signed up for numerous workshops, I'm concentrating on my workshops over at Suzi Blu's Les Petite Academy. (One at a time! LOL) I can't say enough about Suzi Blu. This little firecracker of an artist is incredible and so giving of her art. I have really enjoyed her workshops and learning from her. For someone who never tapped into drawing and painting before, her "Goddess & The Poet" workshop is absolutely amazing. The videos are clear and step by step instructions. Her PDF's are out of this world. If you are thinking about taking an online workshop, I would start with Suzi's Workshops. I know I have along way to go, but I'm looking forward to the journey.

Here are some of my Works in Progress from her Workshops that she is offering!

Now, onto Ornies...I love searching for new ornies on the internet that various artists create, and I'm very excited that Colleen over at has created a new line of ornies. Check her out other there. They are wonderful and have that LoopyBoopy Style! LOL

As Friday... I actually have a THREE Day Weekend ahead of me, WHOOOHOOO!!!!! I woke up this morning and walked into my studio to find this waiting for me!
As you can see, I WILL BE BUSY FOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS! I'm running a little behind in getting my works into some of the local shops here and galleries, so with that said....I'm off to brew another pot of JAVA...stay tuned...for the finished works...LOL
Have a wonderful and creative weekend and do what you love, whatever it is....JUST DO IT and GIGGLE WHILE YOU ARE DOING IT! LOL
Until next time...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

Wishing you all a very Happy and Safe July 4th!

Don't forget, if you have time, make sure you work on your Art Journals or do something creative! I'll be working on my workshops that I'm currently enrolled in and catching up with my bloggers. Here are a few things that I have been working on. I hope you enjoy them.

This Journal below is heading to Australia and should be there by Tuesday of Next Week. I'm involved with a Round Robin over at and this was the first Journal I ever made. I think I'm going to stick to buying my journals instead of actually trying to make them. The signatures took me forever to figure out! LOL

Still working on my Pencil Drawing Workshop. This a lifetime Workshop! LOL


Saturday, June 20, 2009


Greetings and Salutations Everyone! I hope that you all are having a wonderful, creative weekend! It's been raining here all week! I don't mind...I actually really enjoy hearing the rain. I find it extremely peaceful.
So, remember last weekend when I posted the mini workshop from Cloth, Paper & Scissors? Well, I made you all wait for step 9, the finished piece of my painting. It actually turned out to be Step 10! LOL
Here is STEP 10...The Finished Piece.

I'm very happy how this piece turned out, considering it was my first painting in this style. The Artist, Pam Carriker who did the Mini Workshop for Cloth, Paper & Scissors, is starting a Workshop on July 7, 2009 over at Creative Workshops ( entitled "Pursuing Portraits. If you haven't been over there, and have always wanted to learn portrait painting, check it out! I know I'll be taking the Workshop. I am currently taking two (2) other Workshops with Pam, Visual Journals and Shades of Grey. I can't say enough about these courses. WOW...I'm learning so much! Fun, Fun, Fun!

Hey remember the Manila Folders????? hmmmm ....Have you guys started doing this yet? LOL Here is one example of how to clean your paint brushes and not waste the paint! Just take your paint brush and clean it on your Manila Folder...Look at the texture and colors you get! This simple technique will make great backgrounds on your pages and even on your canvas!

Now, here is another really cool technique. Take Watercolor paper, sketch paper, your manila folders and take only 5 or 6 colors that you like and make your scrap pages for your journals. What a fun and exciting way to add to your collages and journals and it's your own hand in your pages!


OLD BOOKS, I know you all have them laying around or you can get them at Garage Sales...Tis the Season for Garage Sales! Get yourself some old books and go to town with them. Collage, paint, stamp, doodle, create ART...JUST DO IT! Even if you just throw Gesso on them...for now! Go back and just keep adding layers, layers, and layers...You will be amazed at what you can do with old books...BREATH NEW LIFE INTO THEM...CREATE A STORY...LEARN, GROW...JUST DO IT!

I know I have been talking about Workshops and the amazing things I'm learning, and I'm so excited as I walk down this new path of learning a different skill...However, I'm scared, frustrated and little sad at times, but ...A BIG BUT!!!!! It's a CHALLENGE, and therefore we must push forward and JUST DO IT! FACING OUR FEARS of the unknown sometimes is a little scary, but if I can do this, SO CAN YOU! If you have been thinking about any type of Art Form (i.e., needle felting, painting, drawing, sculpting, mixed-media, knitting, quilting, etc.) there is a reason that you are thinking about why not JUST DO IT! Hey, and if you think you aren't good enough, or you can't do it...Then read the quote from Vincent Van Gogh


Three Cheers to Van Gogh!

This saying goes for any type of ART FORM!!!!
One last thing before I go and Paint my Butt off! LOL I'm involved over at Hands and Heart. (Website- Monica Zuniga has started a Ning Group and is offering AMAZING WORKSHOPS. I'm actually signed up for all of her workshops and I can't wait until my pieces are done so I can show you all what I have learned from this very talented Artist. She has breathed new life into me and has changed my life forever...For that, I will be FOREVER GRATEFUL! Monica is simply wonderful with her approach to teaching. Her videos will knock you off your chair while you are watching them! They are very clear and you feel like you are sitting right next to her! Simply wonderful!
I can share with you some of my Altered Book Pages that I have been doing over there on one of her Groups entitled "Altered Books." Please make sure you stop by and just check out what Monica is offering...You won't be sorry and I guarantee it...IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!

I can't get this picture right...arrrghhh...Oh well, you can still see it! LOL

So with that said...I'm off to Paint those fears away!

Until Next Time...


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Weekend Madness and Now I'm Drinking Some Wine!

Well Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Night...! I'm wrapping up Studio Madness, going out to our porch with a fine wine, kick back with my sketchbook and pencils in tow and listen to some Pink Floyd! I hope you all had a wonderful, creative weekend, and you are relaxing like I will be in about 30 min! LOL
So here we go....

First, on my Blog Post on Saturday Morning, I told you all that I recycled some of my earlier Art Dolls. Well, I finished another one. Meet "Miss Whiskers." I gave her a more old world look to her. I'm really loving this old style lately and I'm seeing it more and more in my work.

I'm trying to finish up some Work In Progress pieces and I started some new Folk Art Dolls. Once these are done, I will be putting away the Art Dolls for the Summer and really focusing in on my drawing and painting techniques. I'm really looking forward to it. However, you might see one or two little creatures pop-up here and there over the Summer! LOL

Look at the one in the splits...Man I wish I could do that! LOL I use to be able to do that...not anymore!

Here are some pieces that I have finished. These little guys will be going in my Etsy Shop on Wednesday Night, so make sure you check them out at

Now ... how are you guys doing with the Art Journals that all of you should be keeping? LOL Well, this weekend I have been playing and having fun with some new techniques. Make sure you try these...the technique works on canvas, journal pages, watercolor paper, cigar boxes, etc... Absolutely fun and wonderful outcomes!
Elmer's Glue is our FRIEND! Below you will see the Big Cracks it gives on your pages!

Now this technique will make your pages look like the Paris Subway!
Use Old Magazines for this technique!

Here is the cover of my Altered Book that I'm using in my Workshops over at I used modeling paste and used my rubber stamps to get the images to pop off the cover! I absolutely love Golden Fluid Acrylic Paints...Just look at the warm colors they have...ohhh la la!

Here are some sketches and a journal page I did today. The first one I did in charcoal pencil and added Tim Holtz's Distress Ink Pad to the page to give it depth! I have a long way to go, but I'm learning everyday and so enjoying this new journey!

Well, now that I have probably exhausted you all...GET UP AND CREATE ART, DRAW, PAINT, SCREAM, DANCE and MAKE ART NO MATTER WHAT IT IS...MAKE IT and LOVE IT!
Until Next Time!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Whimsies, Sketching & Painting...Oh My!

It's the Weekend...Yeah for Us! LOL I came home from work and got started on some "Work In Progress" Pieces that needed to be finished up. When I first started playing around with the "Art Doll" form, I developed a Series entitled "Whimsies." As I developed my skills, practiced and just played around, my style has changed and continues to changes as I grow as Artist. I recently received a packaged from my friend Anita Van Hal, who I have gotten to know through numerous workshops that we are taking together online. In the package that she sent me, she included the recent issue of Cloth, Paper & Scissors May/June. In this issue there is an article entitled "10 Tips To Sell Your Art."

One of the tips that was suggested was to look through old pieces that you created and re-event them. Update your pieces, etc. Well, I took this literally, and here are some pieces that I "recycled" last night. These pieces are sculpted out of papier mache and cloth over a bottle and wire. I like their new look. I totally changed their faces! Unfortunately, I was so excited to work on them, that I didn't take before pictures, so here is what my Whimsies look like now!

They all have long braided hair that flows down their entire back! I used heavy wool yarn for their hair and just wrapped it around their head starting in a circle.

Look through your pieces to see what you can re-event! It's a fun process, and it's exciting to see the changes that occur.

I have started taking a workshop entitled "Mixed-Media Girls" with Wyanne. I watched the first 2 videos last night and began working on my canvas. I absolutely love this workshop and she offers up to 26 different videos to help you step by step and gives other exciting information on how to develop your own style and other art techniques.

I am also taking a few workshops over at with Monica. I'm loving these workshops and here is a picture of my pencil sketch that I have been working on over there. In order to learn how to draw, you must practice everyday! Even if it is just for 10 minutes a day...DRAW...You will LOVE IT!

Anita also sent me in her package a fabulous book by the amazing artist, Ann Baldwin. If you love Mixed-Media Painting and Collage work, you will find this book so worth having in your inventory!

That is a little taste of what I did last night. I know it looks like a lot, but it really wasn't. Wait until you see what I have on my plate for today and tomorrow...Now that will be a lot! 2 Full Days in the Studio...who knows what will happen. I have my Fruit Loops and my Java ready to go!
So until next time... I hope you enjoyed your stay with me and make sure you stop back to see the rest of "STUDIO WEEKEND MADNESS."

Have a beautiful weekend!



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