"The Bush administration yesterday asked Congress to make more non-citizens subject to intelligence surveillance and to authorize the interception of foreign communications routed through the United States...."NIH Drops Contractor For Conflict of Interest:
"The federal government yesterday fired a contractor it had hired to review the safety of chemicals after discovering the company has been simultaneously working for the chemical industry...."Rare Protests at Brigham Young Over a Planned Cheney Appearance:
"The invitation extended to Vice President Dick Cheney to be the commencement speaker at Brigham Young University has set off a rare, continuing protest at the Mormon university, one of the nation's most conservative.Dollar Slide Accelerates:
Some of the faculty and the 28,000 undergraduate and graduate students, who are overwhelmingly Republican, have expressed concern about the Bush administration's support for the war in Iraq and other policies, but most of the current protest has focused on Mr. Cheney's integrity, character and behavior. Several students said, for example, that they were appalled at Mr. Cheney's use of an expletive on the Senate floor in a June 2004 exchange with Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat of Vermont...."
"The dollar's slide against most of the world's currencies gained pace today as dealers worried over the outlook for the US economy...."Pelosi: "The president is not king:"
"NP: The president is not king, the president is the president of the United States.� America is a democracy.� We have to make decisions based on our judgment.� Thus far, the president's judgment hasn't been good, in terms of say for example the war on Iraq.� So with all due respect to the president and the role he has, we want respect for the role we have.� And members of Congress have gone on fact finding trips since our country began.� We're not going to stop because the president wants to avoid the facts and doesn't want to engage in dialogue.� We had a bipartisan trip, interesting that the administration chose to ignore the trips of the Republicans who had been there in the week that we were there.�..."A Bad Choice, a Quick Exit:
"The story of Eric Keroack's brief stint as director of family planning programs at the Department of Health and Human Services brings together three familiar Bush administration themes: a disdain for women's reproductive health and rights, the sacrifice of science to ideology and incompetence...."Dodd Challenges All Presidential Candidates To Lead On Ending War:
"Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a candidate for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, gave an amazing speech last night in Iowa that discussed America's place in the world, the need to rebuild United States prestige in the wake of the George W. Bush presidency and the imperative to exit the Iraq civil war far sooner than later.'Our policy is not only failing to make Iraq more secure. By sapping our military of its strength and America of its leadership in the world, the Bush/McCain policy has made America less secure,' said Dodd of the ill-advised troop surge that has shown no results. 'The hour is late. It is time to begin putting our country on a more secure path. The moment has arrived for leadership that stands up and announces without equivocation that prolonging this war will not make us more secure -- ending it will....'"A Hollow Army - How the Bush Regime Broke America's Military:
"Richard Blair: Four years and one surge into the occupation of Iraq, the Bush regime has broken America's standing Army...."Kurdistan's Covert Back-Channels:
"How an ex-Mossad chief, a German uberspy, and a gaggle of top-dollar GOP lobbyists helped Kurdistan snag 15 tons of $100 bills...."Najaf Estimates Split along
"In the war of numbers, it's the Pentagon and the far right blogs against everyone else....Rove and Co. Broke Federal Law With Email Scam:
"Not only were those emails were meant to be lost, but the whole deal was illegal....Presidential Candidate: U.S. In Danger of Dictatorship:
"Presidential candidate Ron Paul has warned that the US is now at a crisis point because the people have been so neglectful of protecting their liberties and big government has been so effective in eroding them. He warned that the elite are prepared to concoct events to scare the American people and asserted that the 2008 Presidential election is a contest between the people who care about their freedoms and those who are willing to succumb to the temptations of dictatorship...."
Technorati tags: Domestic Spying, Bush, NIH, Dick Cheney, U.S. Economy, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd, Military, Pentagon, Kurdistan, Ron Paul, Karl Rove, Abuse of Power