Showing posts with label Iraq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iraq. Show all posts

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Do Something to End the War in Iraq

Volunteer for Million Doors For Peace

Join tens of thousands of Americans just like you on September 20th to mobilize a movement to end the war in Iraq. Watch the video for more information.

A national press conference is scheduled for Tuesday, September 16th in Washington, DC. To volunteer to canvas on the 20th please go

Trouble viewing this video? Click Here.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Obama's 'Naïve' Ideas Always Prove To Be Brilliant

Robert Silvers (Huffington Post) reports:
If you run a tally, Obama's record over the last year shows a remarkable degree of foresight, even-tempered judgment, and a real willingness to make hard calls that aren't the politically popular flavor of the week. Indeed, almost every one of Obama's foreign policy positions has been vindicated....
read more | digg story

Monday, September 08, 2008

The 'Real' John McCain

The Real News Network reports:

Investigative journalist Bob Parry talks about McCain, his defense of Bush/Cheney and Iraq war


Robert Parry is an American investigative journalist. He was awarded the George Polk Award for National Reporting in 1984 for his work with the Associated Press. In 1995, he established Consortium News as an online ezine dedicated to investigative journalism. From 2000 to 2004, he worked for the financial wire service Bloomberg. Major subjects of Parry's articles and reports on Consortium News include the presidency of George W. Bush[3], the career of Army general and Bush Secretary of State Colin Powell (with Norman Solomon), the October Surprise controversy of the 1980 election, the Nicaraguan contra-cocaine investigation, the efforts to impeach President Clinton, right-wing terrorism in Latin America, the political influence of Sun Myung Moon, mainstream American media imbalance, United States Defense Secretary Robert Gates [11], as well as international stories . Parry has written several books, including Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & "Project Truth." (1999) and Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq (2004).

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Running for War President at Any Cost

Robert Scheer, Truthdig, reports:
Just great! Nuclear-armed Pakistan is falling apart, Iran’s nuclear program is unchecked and congressional legislation on cooperation with the Russians on controlling nuclear proliferation is now dead in the water. Horrid news except for Sen. John McCain, who thrills to a repeat of the danger lines of the Cold War...
read more | digg story

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Forged Iraqi Letter: What Just Happened?

Ron Suskind reports:
"What just happened? Evidence. A secret that has been judiciously kept for five years just spilled out. All of what follows is new, never reported in any way..."

Continue reading

Iraq Has $79 Billion Surplus — What's the US Deficit Again?

CitizenSugar reports:
"Thanks to rising oil prices, Iraq will enjoy a $79 billion surplus by the end of the year, according to a report requested by a bipartisan group of senators. While the US has spent $48 billion in American taxpayer money on Iraq's reconstruction since 2005, Iraq has spent only a fraction of its oil revenue on reconstruction projects. And, Iraq spent only 1 percent of its 2005-2007 budget to maintain existing projects already funded by Americans or Iraqis. Thus, preinvasion promises that Iraqi oil money would finance the rebuilding of Iraq have gone unfulfilled...."

Continue Reading.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

McCain: Not a Gaffe: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of Iraq

Ilan Goldenberg reports:
"John McCain made a mistake this evening, which as far as I'm concerned, disqualifies him from being president.� It is so appalling and so factually wrong that I'm actually sitting here wondering who McCain's advisers are.� This isn't some gaffe where he talks about the Iraq-Pakistan border.� It's a real misunderstanding of what has happened in Iraq over the past year.� It is even more disturbing because according to John McCain, Iraq is the central front in the 'war on terror.'� If we are going to have an Iraq-centric policy, he should at least understand what he is talking about.� But anyway, what happened...."

Continue reading.


Friday, June 27, 2008

New Bush-push for US-Iraq security pact

US submits new unspecified proposals hoping to get security agreement in Iraq despite staunch opposition

The Real News Network:
"In a meeting between US President George W. Bush and Iraqi President Jalal Talabani they discuss what Bush calls 'a strategic framework agreement that suits the Iraqi government.' The push for a deal on a US-Iraq security pact has been stepped up after Washington submitted new, unspecified proposals. The pact would allow permanent US bases in Iraq as well as immunity from prosecution for US citizens. Many Iraqis say this would violate the nation's sovereignty and fear this would leave Iraq under US domination for years. The Real News Network's Senior Analyst Aijaz Ahmad comments."

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Iraqi Clerics Against U.S. Bases

Clerics call for referendum on proposal to indefinitely station US troops in Iraq:

"The Bush administration will have a hard time extracting a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) from the government in Baghdad – indefinitely stationing US military troops in the country just as in Japan and South Korea. Muqtada al-Sadr wants any agreement to be submitted to a national referendum. Grand Ayatollah Sistani has recently been visited by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Najaf. And he practically ordered Maliki to call a national referendum. Now Ayatollah Kazim al-Haeri – the 5th grand Ayatollah of Iraq - has issued a fatwa against the agreement."
--The Real News Network

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Olbermann: Mr. President, the War Isn't About You

"Olbermann reacts to President Bush's recent interview with and online users of Yahoo. Olbermann takes issue with Bush's claim he gave up golf to honor dead GIs ...."
As usual, Olbermann shows how well the title "Idiot in Chief" describes the current occupant of the Whitehouse:

For complete transcript and video: Click Here.

Also See:

  • Will Bunch | President Bush Committed Political Treason Today
    "I've seen a lot of sad things in American politics in my lifetime -- the resignation of a president who became a national disgrace after he oversaw a campaign of break-ins and cover-ups, another who circumvented the Constitution to trade arms for hostages, and yet is now hailed as national hero. And those paled to what we have seen in the last seven years -- flagrant disregard for the Constitution, the launching of a "pre-emptive" war on false pretenses, and discussions about torture and other shocking abuses inside the White House inner sanctum.

    But now it's come to this: A new low that I never imagined was even possible...."

Sunday, April 13, 2008

It's the Occupation, Stupid!

It's amazing to me that one of the astute Democratic strategists haven't figured out that the debate on Iraq has been argued on a false premise promoted first by BushCo and, now, by McBushCo. This isn't rocket science, folks....

It's Occupation, Not War
By Charley Reese
"The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ended some years ago. In Iraq, the war ended with the fall of Saddam Hussein's government; in Afghanistan, with the fall of the Taliban government. What's been happening since is occupation and resistance to occupation.

It's always helpful to call things by the right name. One of the ways using the wrong word can trip us is illustrated by John McCain's campaign theme. We have to win the war in Iraq, he keeps saying. Ending a war implies either winning or losing. No such baggage is attached to an occupation. You can end an occupation without either winning or losing. You just withdraw your troops...."
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Iraq Weekly Reader

  • Petraeus's Betrayal | War on Iraq | AlterNet:
    "By undercutting the widespread support for getting out of Iraq, Petraeus did indeed betray the American public, siding with an enormously unpopular president who wants to stay the course in Iraq for personal and political reasons that run contrary to genuine national security interests. Once again, the president is passing the buck to the uniformed military to justify continuing a ludicrous imperial adventure, and the good general has dutifully performed."
  • FINANCE: U.S. Lawmakers Invested in Iraq, Afghanistan Wars:
    "U.S. lawmakers have a financial interest in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, a review of their accounts has revealed."
  • ABC News: Whom Are Our Troops Endorsing?

  • Leaked Draft Agreement Reveals Iraq End-game: Indefinite Occupation | AlterNet:
    "Not that it should come as a surprise."
  • U.S., Iraq Negotiating Security Agreements | WAPO:
    "The Bush administration is negotiating two accords with the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to replace the U.N. mandate for a multinational military presence there that expires at the end of this year." And, Paul Richter reports for The Los Angeles Times: "Senators warned Thursday that Congress would not allow the Bush administration to complete pending security agreements with Iraq without lawmakers' approval, because of concerns that the pacts would tie the hands of the next president."
  • Powell: Troops in Iraq Must Be Reduced (AP):
    "Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday that President Bush's successor will have to come to grips with the reality that the United States cannot continue to keep such large numbers of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan."
  • Truthdig | Sinking Into the Quagmire:"
    Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker’s congressional check-in about Iraq this week didn’t offer much hope for America’s overseas entanglements, and as coverage of the overseas wars wanes, the media isn’t holding politicians’ feet to the fire—or telling the real story about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan."
  • The Real News: Did Petraeus part ways with the neocons?

  • Is David Petraeus Dirty? Ted Westhusing Said So, and Then He Shot Himself | AlterNet
    "...To these commanders the only real problem was the fact that they had a deeply honorable soldier in their command that was likely to rock the cash cow. Westhusing was so bereft at the realization of his part in this breakdown in the military's code of conduct, and the atrocities carried out in America's name, that he became despondent and finally in June, 2005, he shot himself. It was called a suicide, though there have been some questions raised about it...."
  • Technorati tags: , ,

Monday, April 07, 2008

Electoral Strategy to End the War


Anti-War Campaigners Have to Change Electoral Tactics
By Naomi Klein and Jeremy Scahill, The Guardian:
"Neither Clinton nor Obama has a real plan to end the occupation of Iraq, but they could be forced to change position.


This is exactly where we want the candidates: outdoing each other to prove how serious they are about ending the war. That kind of battle has the power to energise voters and break the cynicism that is threatening both campaigns...."
Art Credit: Print of Pablo Picasso's "Dove of Peace" (

To Our "Winter Soldiers"

My heart broke today
From the sounds of pounding ammunition and gun fire
In the form of raging words once weakened,
Muted by uniforms and camouflage,
Pinned to taut skin
Flooded by memories of crimson puddles,
Charred flesh ….
And I cried, my brothers, I cried
Pools of salty tears, evaporating
At the bases of magazine stands—
Colorful covers and elusive models,
All knowing, all-telling.
But where are you, brothers, where are you?
My sisters were silent,
Their chords severed by the unknown force
That drives the machine, peddle-less.
March in line!
Hear the voices bark commands!
Watch as the cities fall!
The whispers from your lips
Grip my bones and shake them violently.
Forever altered, forever dismembered—
Begging for attention, admission,
All leading and weaving through paragraphs
And powerful pauses.
The absence a sure sign,
The shattered pieces of innocence
Sprinkled across tattered flags.
By JoAnna Michaels
© 2008 (Posted with permission from author).

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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Top 25 Censored Stories for 2008

Direct from Project Censored:

Also See:

Progressive Dems Unveil Plan to End Iraq Occupation

Are you listening, Hillary & Barack?
"Unlike plans offered by both Democratic presidential candidates, the congressional challengers' plan opposes any residual forces."

Get Enlightened: War is Obsolete

The more enlightened (and minimized) among us have figured it out long ago. War is counter-productive, self-destructive, and suicidal. How many centuries and spent lives will it take the rest of humanity to catch on?

Perhaps this collection of writings will help educate and speed the process:
  • Howard Zinn: The End of Empire?
    "Have justifications for empire begun to lose their hold on our minds?"
  • How Lethally Stupid Can One Country Be? :
    "Presidents and prime ministers will lie their countries into war -- but why do We the People keep buying it?"
  • The Architects of War:
    "Within the Bush administration, the 'military option' remains as popular as ever."
  • MUST READ: Obama's Sweeping Foreign Policy Critique:
    "...Obama offer[s] an alternative path. Ending the war is only the first step. After we're out of Iraq, a corrosive mind-set will still be infecting the foreign-policy establishment and the body politic. That rot must be eliminated.

    Obama is offering the most sweeping liberal foreign-policy critique we've heard from a serious presidential contender in decades. It cuts to the heart of traditional Democratic timidity. 'It's time to reject the counsel that says the American people would rather have someone who is strong and wrong than someone who is weak and right,' Obama said in a January speech. 'It's time to say that we are the party that is going to be strong and right.' (The Democrat who counseled that Americans wanted someone strong and wrong, not weak and right? That was Bill Clinton in 2002.)

    But to understand what Obama is proposing, it's important to ask: What, exactly, is the mind-set that led to the war? What will it mean to end it? And what will take its place?

    To answer these questions, I spoke at length with Obama's foreign-policy brain trust, the advisers who will craft and implement a new global strategy if he wins the nomination and the general election. They envision a doctrine that first ends the politics of fear and then moves beyond a hollow, sloganeering "democracy promotion" agenda in favor of "dignity promotion," to fix the conditions of misery that breed anti-Americanism and prevent liberty, justice, and prosperity from taking root. An inextricable part of that doctrine is a relentless and thorough destruction of al-Qaeda. Is this hawkish? Is this dovish? It's both and neither -- an overhaul not just of our foreign policy but of how we think about foreign policy. And it might just be the future of American global leadership...."
  • Donahue Is Back and He's Angry About Iraq [VIDEO]:
    "Donahue was literally the only person I remember on mainstream television who consistently challenged the rationale for war in '02-'03...."
  • The Smart Way Out of a Foolish War
    "...In brief, the war has become a national tragedy, an economic catastrophe, a regional disaster and a global boomerang for the United States. Ending it is thus in the highest national interest...."
Photo Credit: Carter Center Peace Programs |

Monday, March 24, 2008

Iraq: 4000 Service Members Dead

To Whom it May Concern:
As I sit in my cushy apartment in the “war zone” fiddling through the endless bulletins of a fictitious world named “MySpace”, I open one entitled "4000 Service Member Dead" by my friend and testifier at Winter Soldier, Jason Washburn.

Suddenly, the walls around me are papery thin and not so cushy. Something has come to remind me of the pseudo “bubble” of materialism, capitalism, imperialism, and apathy that the last eight years have so gallantly bread: “Stay indoors….isolate yourself…keep shopping….turn your head and support corporate media”.

When is it enough? When will all of us become so angered that we will demand answers, accountability, and an end to senseless violence? When will the apathy dissipate?

Perhaps we should just smile and give our superficial condolences, explaining to this young man’s family that his death is all in the name of….wait, what was it about?

I encourage all of you to turn off your televisions, put down your Newsweek, stumble blindly to your computers and type in Watch the testimony. Maybe it will be enough to force all of you to take accountability and furthermore, action. After all, when will we grow tired of funerals and folded flags?
--J. Michaels