Showing posts with label Beaches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beaches. Show all posts

Friday 3 June 2016


Just recently I enjoyed a week's holiday on the beautiful North Norfolk coast...lots of birding, lots of walking and, of course, the usual mix of weather!
As you would expect I took more than a few photos! 
It's still an ongoing job sorting them out but I'm slowly wading my way through them.

Here's some that I think are worth sharing....

 A desert island?

 Distant Whimbrel

 Ancient beauty

 Colour amongst the seaweed...male Linnet

 There be jungle!

 Cause for excitement...a scarce Curlew Sandpiper.

 Now, where's that deckchair seller and the ice cream man?

 Fulmar 1

Fulmar 2 

 Taking in the view

 Little Tern



 North Westerlies...again!

 Redshank on guard

Reed Bunting


And a bit of a sunset to end with....

...I hope you weren't too bored?