Showing posts with label Hedge Woundwort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hedge Woundwort. Show all posts

Tuesday 1 July 2014


What would you think if I told you that when I was out and about a few days ago I encountered lots of little purple men wearing pink onesies (that’s jump suits to us older generation!)? Your first thought would probably be that I’d had one glass too many or maybe I’d been partaking in a few puffs of a certain recreational weed. So, before we go any further let me put the record straight, I neither drink alcohol or smoke.
Now that we’ve established that I wasn’t under the influence of booze or drugs and, as we all know, I’m as sane as the next chap, if I said to you again ‘I saw lots of little purple men the other day, they were wearing pink jump suits and hanging around in the hedgerow’ you would have to take my word for it, wouldn’t you?

I knew that you would be hard to convince, so I took some photographs to prove that I wasn’t just making up a story.

Purple Man 1
I told you they were just hanging around.

Purple Man 2
Here’s some more…they were everywhere!

Purple Man 3
I asked nicely and one let me take his portrait.

Yea!…okay! so there wasn’t really any little purple men, but there was lots of….

Hedge Woundwort (stachys sylvatica). A hairy perennial with creeping stems and upright flower stalks. When bruised it gives of an unpleasant smell. It can be found growing, often on disturbed soil, along roadside verges and under hedgerows. It flowers from June to October.

So the next time that you’re out and about keep your eyes peeled, you never know, you just might encounter some little purple men!

Yipee! it’s holiday time!….From this Friday I shall be away on holiday to spend a week exploring the North York Moors. I’ll try and catch up on all your posts when I return.