Showing posts with label Bimstone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bimstone. Show all posts

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Images from a walk. Part two - Butterflies


                                                      BEACON HILL AND SURROUNDS 

As promised here are some Butterfly images taken on my walk around the area between Ivinghoe Beacon and (including) Incombe Hole.

The most numerous butterfly by far was the Small Heath.

Small Heath

Small Heath (coupled pair)

Followed closely by -

Dingy Skipper

Grizzled Skipper
 This was the first time I had seen or photographed a Grizzled Skipper. ("I'll be back" as the saying goes!)
Other butterflies seen and photographed were -

Small Blue (male)

Small Blue (male)

Brown Argus (male)

Common Blue (male)

A rather tatty Speckled Wood

And...... Can you see me?
A well "hidden" female Brimstone
On the way home I decided, on the off chance, to stop off at a location were last year I had photographed a White-legged Damselfly. And it was not long before I spotted two in exactly the same place.  

White-legged Damselfly

And as a bonus perched close by was a Large Skipper.......
 ......a full two to three weeks earlier than last year!
In part three of this series I'll post images of the wild flowers seen during my walk.