Showing posts with label Rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rain. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 May 2014


It rained today, as it did for most of yesterday…and the day before that. I guess tomorrow, it will rain again?

So, stuck indoors looking out at the watery view I noticed that the birds coming to the garden feeders were struggling to keep dry. A lot of the the birds were recently fledged youngsters and it was noticeable that they were suffering the most.

This young Blackbird was continually running backwards and forwards across the shed roof trying to shake off and dodge the raindrops.
Wet Birds 1  BB

A recently fledged Robin looking rather grumpy!
Wet Birds 5  R

One of the many (wet) young Starlings that were in the garden.
Wet Birds 6  S y

The adult birds were not doing much better at keeping dry.
Wet Birds 2  WP
                     Wood Pigeon 

Wet Birds 2b  CD
                     Collared Dove

Wet Birds 3  HS
                     House Sparrow

Wet Birds 4  S ad

So what do you do if you’re soaking wet and stuck out in the rain?…..

Wet Birds 7  S y wish
…..Cast an eye to the heavens, like this young Starling, and say “I wish this bloody rain would stop”….

Wet Birds 8  BT shake
….Or, like this Blue Tit, just shrug your shoulders and shake it all off…

Wet Birds 9  G twizzle
….Or maybe, just give it a bit of a ‘twizzle’ like this young Goldfinch?

Or perhaps like this young Starling….
Wet Birds 10  S y sleep 
….you tuck your head under your wing and go to sleep!

For one visitor to the garden the hard work has to go on come rain or shine. This Blue Tit (there appears to be only one) has, for over a week, been coming to the garden at regular intervals, from early morning to late evening, grabbing some food and quickly flying off…doing the ‘food run’ as I call it.  This morning he/she was being closely followed by five, very newly fledged and noisy, youngsters? I hope they survive the rain and make mum or dad’s hard work worth it?
Wet Birds 11  BT ad

Sorry for the dark and grainy images but they were all taken through the double glazed windows.
Oh!…and did I mention that it was overcast and RAINING?

I’m off to polish my wellies now!!

Monday 11 June 2012


.....nonstop for the whole bl...y day!!

I took a few photographs of the poor soaking wet birds that have been visiting my garden feeders.

Not very good photographs, I hasten to add, as double glazed windows, the rain and the resulting bad light all add up to high ISO settings and therefore very grainy photographs. 

Still, I guess, it was something to keep me occupied while I was sitting...watching...the rain...raining...all day!!  

male  Blackbird

female  Blackbird

Collared Dove



And life must go on whatever the weather... a just fledged House Sparrow gets a feed.

And it's still raining!!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Wet Woody and The Dark Intruder


A couple of days ago, you know the one, when it rained!  A Wood Pigeon settled on my shed roof looking in a bit of a state (the Pigeon, not the shed roof!  Although my wife’s favourite saying at the moment is “you know that shed roof will need fixing soon”) anyway as I said, the Pigeon looked in a bit of a state I think it possibly had had a bit of a run in with a car or maybe the local feline.

It sat on the shed in the rain for about two hours looking very fed up and occasionally shaking the water from its head. Eventually it moved to the top of the bird table where it sat for another half hour or so with the rain bouncing off its head, allowing me to go outside in slippers and t-shirt and with the camera covered in a tea towel, to take some close-up pictures.

It’s a good job the neighbours were all at work and couldn’t see me wandering around the garden getting wetter and wetter taking pictures of a thoroughly fed up Pigeon!
The good news is that it eventually it moved onto the bird table proper and started to feed on the seed and the next day it was back in the garden feeding as normal, if still looking a bit dishevelled.

While out walking in the woods the other day I encountered something that I had only seen briefly twice before, both times whilst I was driving the car and couldn't stop.........Black Squirrels!

There are a couple of theories as to where the Black Squirrel came from. One is that it is a mutation of our native Grey Squirrel (having excessive quantities of the black pigment melanin) and the other theory is that native American Black Squirrels were introduced to Woburn Park Bedfordshire at the end of the last century by the then Duke of Bedford and that they promptly jumped the wall and escaped.

I don't know which one is correct but now that I know where I can find them I will go back some time and see if I can get some better quality photos.