Showing posts with label Ida Straus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ida Straus. Show all posts

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Figure It Out Friday

What is the connection between these two?

The connection between these two stars is Ida and Isidor Straus - the elderly couple who perished together on the Titanic. They were a devoted couple and Mrs. Straus refused to get into the lifeboat without her husband and Mr, Straus refused to take up a space that could be used for a woman or child.

The flag represents the White Star Lines who owned the Titanic and the red star represents Macy's.

R.H. Macy had been a sailor who became a merchant, the red star was the tattoo he had on his arm.

The Straus family, one of the great Jewish families in America, bought the store from Mr. Macy and moved it to its present uptown location. Mr. Strauss was not only a well-respected businessman, but also one dedicated to public service and philanthropy. He also served briefly as a US Representative.

There is a plaque dedicated to them at the New York Macy's on 34th Street- just ask any employee where it is. There are also other tributes to the Straus family in New York . (There might be one in Georgia as well.)

Macy's isn't just the largest single department store in the world, it is now the largest retail chain.

It is also interesting to note that during the past century the red star was the symbol of Communism, whereas the Macy's red star represents Capitalism.

So the next time you visit your local mall or watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade, or even visit their flagship store in New York City, look up at the star and
remember Ida and Isidor Strauss: an eternal love story.

Mrs Straus almost entered Lifeboat 8, - then she turned back and rejoined her husband, she had made up her mind: "We have lived together for many years. Where you go, I go." Colonel Gracie and other friends tried to persuade her, but she refused. Mr and Mrs Straus went and sat together on a pair of deck chairs (Encylcopedia Titanica)
Previous Tour Marm Titanic Posting
Photo of Straus Memorial Plaque

* The Isidor and Ida Straus Memorial is located at the intersection of Broadway and West End Avenue at W. 106th Street in Manhattan.
* New York City public school]] P.S. 198 in Manhattan]] is also named after the Straus'.
Straus Memorials and Cemetery PhotosFigure It Out Friday, Titanic Memorials,