They're back! Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles
Today, I had a quick lunch with some friends who were returning home to Massachusetts from their vacation in Williamsburg and Virginia Beach.
Their older son (4 1/2 ) was waxing lyrical about the TNMT's. As I don't have any small children, I haven't kept up with the current movies. (He was extraordinarily impressed I was originally from Spidey's hometown (neighborhood), Forest Hills, Queens!)
Oh dear! I thought that the Turtles were all past history, but I've got to deal with it again!
Years ago, I remember trying to describe to a group of eighth-graders how Brumidi painted the Apotheosis of Washington inside of the dome of the Capitol: "He was flat on his back atop scaffolding, like Michaelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel."
"You mean, the Ninja Turtle?"
After clearing up the misunderstanding, I ended up taking the group to the National Gallery of Art.
The students were amazed to find out that the names of the pizza-eating Turtles were after famous painters and loved seeing the art.
While the NGA doesn't have a Michaelangelo, they do have a Leonardo DaVinci, a few Raphaels (St. George and the Dragon is a favorite), and sculptures by Donatello in their collection.
Introducing students to great art through the Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles?