Snow Day
It is most probable that you do not live in a highrise complex. I am lucky enough to live in one with a central park that includes two outdoor pools and six tennis courts. We don't get snow very often and it is a cause celebre! Unfortunately for the students, this snow day came on a Sunday. School is open tomorrow!
See the pretty snowflakes
Falling from the sky;
On the wall and housetops
Soft and thick they lie.
On the window ledges,
On the window ledges,
On the branches bare;
Now how fast they gather,
Filling all the air.
Look into the garden,
Look into the garden,
Where the grass was green;
Covered by the snowflakes,
Not a blade is seen.
Now the bare black bushes
Now the bare black bushes
All look soft and white,
Every twig is laden, --
What a pretty sight!