Showing posts with label Claude Shannon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Claude Shannon. Show all posts

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Internet's Own Boy

The Internet's Own Boy depicts the life of American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet activist Aaron Swartz. It features interviews with his family and friends as well as the internet luminaries who worked with him. The film tells his story up to his eventual suicide after a legal battle, and explores the questions of access to information and civil liberties that drove his work.

This movie is part of the collection: Community Video

Director: Brian Knappenberger
Producer: Brian Knappenberger
Audio/Visual: sound, color
Language: English
Keywords: Aaron Swartz; documentary; hacktivism; suicide; jstor; MIT; CFAA; Cory Doctorow; Tim Berners-Lee; Larry Lessig; internet; activism
Contact Information:
Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Riki Leaks vs. Jerry 'well' Springer

Riki Leaks vs. Jerry 'well' Springer

Peace is no news. For me.
War makes news, information warfare is news
News is information warfare.
And the fighting takes place everywhere
And nowhere at once.

You cannot regulate information for a nation any longer
A new band of more intelligent critters have arrived on earth
Wikileaks: the extraterrestrial ‘information police/care givers’
Who demonstrate the new digital philosophy of open
Source sharing and webactivism 2.0

Good news for the people and the press
Real news that does not come from an Intelligence brief?
Maverick like Chuck Norris, cutting edge like M.I.T,
More scoops than Ben and Jerries,
Maybe the wikileak hearted will inherit the earth.
Everywhere and nowhere at once.

A journalist’s dream or nightmare, depending who you work for,
Everything comes out in the new wikileak wash,
The dirt, the oil and blood stains magnified a thousand times.

As we the people finally get up to speed
With RAW data on current world events, like the intel-news-banking mob
Rather than waiting 60 years for a trickle of truth,
Such as the recently exposed CIA operation in France,
Where the bastards secretly dosed an entire town.
But still truth is a tall order when dealing in a state of
Culture war.

Wikileaks game changer
Warrior spirit threat to the biggest and the richest, the war market
Finally a threat so big and yet so small that all else fails,
Like an elephant fighting a fly.

Without buying any guns and tanks or aeroplanes
Wikileaks has struck a blow to the giant one eyed cyclops
No secret spies, no violence, no bullshit.

Laws and truth and sporting friendship
Flew out the window
When governments and their imperialist army of snoop troops
Started collecting files on its citizens, and trading
Like the way a bully-thief trades switchblades before a robbery.

Read and dig the new ABC guide to
‘KNU culture wars fought on a digital sports ground campus’
Simply sharing secrets from all sides
All quarters that have a similar pomp
And bombast, the bully industries generally.

A Knu strategy in peace making, called
Information sharing.
A priceless business when glossed by the Knowledge Economy.
Surprise = Information.

A new court house and Judge have descended on the New World Order
Like a friendly E.T here shield us from bullying
By information fraudster and money pimps.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are illegal wars
The global financial meltdown was tempered by illegal banking activity
And so what is a legal practice in war and banking?

After watching Tony Blair on the stand at the inquiry,
And laughing his way back to Jerusalem without a shred of remorse.
George Bush and his religious brand of disinformation scripts
Are copied and distributed willingly by the worlds dying media.

Everything has changed and changed utterly
As if gun powder were just discovered
Or the destructive power of fission fusion bomb,
WLKS is a kind of information knowledge process
A genesis machine for updating the media ecology sphere.

Have no fear but learn vigilance,
Wikileaks is like an information ambulance.
The balance of the forces equally spread, so that all humanity can sleep
Dreaming in bed of a New New world of decentralized order.

The WWW is striking revenge to its own fathers move to the dark side
Like hens coming home to roost
Wikileaks was destined to happen as soon as Claude Shannon,
Norbert Wiener and Alan Turing made their breakthroughs in
Information theory 60 years ago.

Information wants to be free
Some humans heed that call,
Others wish to continue the trajectory from over the last 2000 years
And censor, block, choke, strangle, disrupt and smear the path to
Freedom of information.

What better metaphor to describe the decentralized universe?
"The center cannot hold"
All the plumbers are busy and
Cannot stop the wikigate flood.

‘sticking a p a r t’ in a decentralized
strategy vs.
The massive centralized super state strategy, under one god?
Using a centralized service for anything is probably a Bad idea
In the new age of wikileaks.
Bon Po shamanism springs to mind when I contemplate wikileaks
Bon Po’ used to memorize their scriptures,
And could thereby perform rituals and prayer in the dark
In times without light, or a candle.

Information distribution is changed forever,
Nothing is secure, and never has been, not even your thoughts
And for once this goes for all of us, spies and bankers included.

The big strong brutes always fall hardest, eventually
But rarely without thrashing and kicking on the way,
Wikileaks represents a check-mate.
Now we watch the angry giants make excuses
Excuses excuses for not playing the new game.

The Game’s up. Sorry.
We are witnessing the largest shift in power since WWII
Breaking free from the dogma of conspiracy theory into
RAW information fact.

No more rense snips and Alex Jones bites of the POP con.
Now we all have the RAW data for our own analysis,
If we choose to look and read and think
For ourselves and question authority.

Uncensorable Pirates of information
Let me hear the whistle posse’ blow
Blow like Miles and Dizzy, blow so
The masters of war get wind.

A new philosophy of knowledge dissemination
Flooding the castle with so much knowledge that
Disinformation drowns in its own shit, its own entropy.

The singularity likes wikileaks and so does
Time-wave zero.
Now do you see a little further out to the vast ocean?

As the glaciers melt humanity begins to see the flash flood
Water like information; it wants to be free and equitable and
To flow between poles and cycle with seasons
Forever changing forms.

As wikileaks melts into the course of hot human history
Steam rises and precious gases disperse from the rapid cooling.

If a tweet is a leak then you have Billions of bullets to
Penetrate the bucket. Tweetyleaks to fill the Pacific Basin in
Two weeks,

yours sincerely, Riki Leaks

Sunday, January 10, 2010


The identity of the opposites, a central theme of Taoist thought, is indicated early in Finnegans Wake. The very first appearance of Shem and Shaun is as "the Hindoo, Shimar Shin," (p.10) a single figure. Through the rest of the book they are split into two figures, but they are constantly changing roles and merging into each other (for instance, in the "Geometry Lesson" chapter, where the Shem-type notes, left side of the page, leap suddenly to the right side, and the Shaun-type notes leap from right to left.) Again, in the Mercius and Justius dispute, Shem and Shaun are picked up at the end and carried off together by ALP. "Sonnies had a scrap," she says with feminine equanimity.

The two philosophers most frequently mentioned in the Wake, Nicholas of Cusa and Bruno of Nola, taught a dialectic of resolution of opposites. Joseph Needham in his monumental Science and Civilization in China, repeatedly mentions both Bruno and Nicholas as the only two Occidental philosophers before Liebnitz to have a basically Taoist outlook. --DR. ROBERT ANTON WILSON, TAO OF JOYCE.

"Callibrating the binary opposition of phonemes, which provided a central insight into the nature of linguistic meaning: meaning inheres not in sounds themselves - "d" and "t," for example - but in the contrast or difference between them, so that we can distinguish "dime" and "time" -- Margot Norris, The decentered universe of Finnegans wake: a structuralist analysis.


Part:1 Episode:1 Page:10

of the lipoleums, Toffeethief, that spy on the Willingdone from
his big white harse, the Capeinhope. Stonewall Willingdone
is an old maxy montrumeny. Lipoleums is nice hung
bushellors. This is hiena hinnessy laughing alout at the
Willingdone. This is lipsyg dooley krieging the funk from the hinnessy.
This is the hinndoo Shimar Shin between the dooley boy and the
hinnessy. Tip. This is the wixy old Willingdone picket up the
half of the threefoiled hat of lipoleums fromoud of the bluddle
filth. This is the hinndoo waxing ranjymad for a bombshoob.
This is the Willingdone hanking the half of the hat of lipoleums
up the tail on the buckside of his big white harse. Tip. That was
the last joke of Willingdone. Hit, hit, hit! This is the same white
harse of the Willingdone, Culpenhelp, waggling his tailoscrupp
with the half of a hat of lipoleums to insoult on the hinndoo
seeboy. Hney, hney, hney! (Bullsrag! Foul!) This is the seeboy,
madrashattaras, upjump and pumpim, cry to the Willingdone:
Ap Pukkaru! Pukka Yurap! This is the Willingdone, bornstable
ghentleman, tinders his maxbotch to the cursigan Shimar Shin.
Basucker youstead! This is the dooforhim seeboy blow the whole
of the half of the hat of lipoleums off of the top of the tail on the
back of his big wide harse. Tip (Bullseye! Game!) How
Copenhagen ended. This way the museyroom. Mind your boots goan

"Race is the primary site of this account of the Wake, with race discourse, especially in its ‘scientific’ forms, featuring largely. Such an emphasis requires some explanation because although race is a familiar enough concern of Joyce studies, especially since Vincent Cheng’s landmark reading, Joyce, Race and Empire (1995), it is usually worked differently. Most typically it figures in the context of Irish history and postcolonial critical traditions. Here race is often understood in terms of the Derridean binary where the imperial Self becomes conditioned against the colonial Other and vice versa. --

James Joyce and victims: reading the logic of exclusion
By Sean P. Murphy

"In 1937, Claude Shannon produced his master's thesis at MIT that implemented Boolean algebra and binary arithmetic using electronic relays and switches for the first time in history. Entitled A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits, Shannon's thesis essentially founded practical digital circuit design. --

What a warm time we were in there but how keling is here the
airabouts! We nowhere she lives but you mussna tell annaone for
the lamp of Jig-a-Lanthern! It's a candlelittle houthse of a month
and one windies. Downadown, High Downadown. And
nummered quaintlymine. And such reasonable weather too ! The
wagrant wind's awalt'zaround the piltdowns and on every blasted
knollyrock (if you can spot fifty I spy four more) there's that
gnarlybird ygathering, a runalittle, doalittle, preealittle, pouralittle,
wipealittle, kicksalittle,severalittle,eatalittle,whinealittle,kenalittle,
helfalittle,pelfalittle gnarlybird. A verytableland of bleakbardfields!
Under his seven wrothschields lies one, Lumproar. His glav toside
him. Skud ontorsed. Our pigeons pair are flewn for northcliffs. -JAMES JOYCE, FINNEGANS WAKE, PAGE 10.

The mirror and the killer-queen: otherness in literary language
By Gabriele Schwab

"There is clear relevance between all these notions, and they all contribute to our understanding of socio-economic change. The Adamses on migration and acceleration, Douglas on increment of association, Korzybski on “time-binding,” Fuller on synergy, Schrödinger on life as an anti-entropic process, Shannon and Weiner on information as negative entropy, and Leary on neuro-genetics, all illustrate part of what we mean by Information Increase. --Robert Anton Wilson, Human Intelligence Increase.

Due to finishing off my Novel that includes the members of RAW’s tale of the tribe scenario Universe, I can’t help but notice that many ideas surrounding the 2012 phenomena – geological phenomena, meteorite strikes, time and calendars, Prophecy, precognition and paranormal phenomena, historicism, cosmology, anthropology and strange alternative ideas to rock the mainstream opinion and poke at the standard model – are treated in a most scientific and rational but far from – dry – manner by RAW. And that’s not news, but I wanted to mention Giambattista Vico in particular – and by default Joyce – due to their correspondence with the principles of world ages – shifting ages – cyclical ages. Here, I guess, might be a good place to start a cross-cultural interdisciplinary study into the 2012 phenomena using Vico, Joyce, McLuhan and Dr. Wilson as quality critters, or guides to processing Maya world ages, the five ages of ancient Greece, Biblical ages, Hindu world age doctrine (Feat. Michael Cremo!), Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine – World Ages. Bobby has already covered some of this ground too, with his work on McLuhan, Vico, Joyce and RAW. --Steve Fly, Maybelogic Academy Post, 2008.
Joyce's Finnegans Wake: The Curse of Kabbalah
By John P. Anderson