Showing posts with label Illuminati Conspiracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illuminati Conspiracy. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Panamamamatrix: Tsarists and Nazis and spooks, oh my!

The CIA Nazi Tsarist Alliance, rolled in Panamamamatrix.

The Panama papers are hitting headlines everywhere, hard, from the tabloids to the more respected journals, to the underground. It seems to me that the 99 % of humanity are justified in the distrust of the 1%, or to narrow it down further, the inner secret sanctuary of international unrestricted finance. The racket, robbing the world, cheating the rest of the 99% of the worlds population out of their equal share of the worlds resources, technological innovations and freedom.

Long before the Panama papers hit town, and before Bernie Sanders called out Panama as a bit of a dodgy 'offshore' financial operations centre, the late great Robert Anton Wilson spent a lifetime tracking the worldwide cabal of cheats, spies, financiers and all-around-the-world liars, he might refer to this topic of his research as the CIA Tsarist Nazi alliance. The alliance between spooks, Nazi’s like General Reinhardt Gehlen, American’s like James Jesus Angleton and J. Edgar Hoover, Brits like Kim Philby, and Russian’s such as General Vlasov. If nationality were to be the main method to categorize these global fire starters, and precursors to the skull-duggery revealed in the Panama papers.

Dr Wilson liked to source and reference all of his sources, and interestingly, his ‘historical illuminatus’ fiction, contain an equal amount of reliable, documented and published sources, with a particular bearing on the current story of the Panama papers, and the Tsarist Nazi CIA connections, plus the Vatican, Mafia and The Knights of Malta, for good measure. The murder of Lady Diana too, if you follow the Kashoggi trail.

The Panama papers, if they are what they claim to be, are outlines of a global conspiracy, a new ‘Octopus’ conspiracy. Kinging the network of deceit, and putting together some-but-not-all of the previous major themes of conspiracy theory, into a new map, self-evidential, well sourced context. In a nutshell, the secret financial elite at the heart of the scandal have Nazi, CIA and Tsarist affiliations, well documented all about the internet. “Ah-haa’ the Internet, i hear some skeptical voices say, anything is true on the internet!” Yeah, anything is true, false, meaningless and indeterminate both on, and off the web. Think for yourself. My best advice.

Be that statement as it may, the meticulous and diligent research by Dr Wilson for over 30 years, before the world wide web went world wide, remains a critical body of work, documenting and following the shadowy trail of Nazi’s, spies and banker elites, before during and after the second world war, right up to the moment at which he was writing. Right up to January 2007, when he sadly passed away, and for the most part, ignored by the worlds journalists and scholars. Now, in April of 2016, his work still helps me and with luck you, dear reader, to cut through the fog of mainstream disinformation, and lead the reader into new perspectives and a broader understanding of The Panama Papers. Smoke Em' Out.

My research for this article was done on the web for the most part, and includes ideas from publications by Robert Anton Wilson. Might i sign off with an important reminder that, from what i experienced, that Dr Wilson liked to promote thinking in probabilities, and warn the reader/researcher to avoid thinking in certainties, and wherever possible, adopt a language that reflects this proba-ballistic thinking, rooted in ideas from Alfred Korzybski, the creator or the field of general semantics. Make up your own mind, do your own research, question everything, especially authority.

For the rest of this article i will provide quotes, and some embedded media. Thanks to all the software developers, open source advocates, Pythonians, bloggers and journalists everywhere for your shared tools and open ended questions.