Showing posts with label High Times Magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label High Times Magazine. Show all posts

Saturday, December 26, 2009

TSOG± The Thing That Ate The Constitution by Robert Anton Wilson

comsic trigger volume 1

T.S.O.G. The Thing That Ate The Constitution
Available at New Falcon Publications and

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T.S.O.G. The Thing That Ate The Constitution

"How, how, how did we ever get ourselves in a predicament where an Oriental-style despot controls American medicine and most doctors fear to prescribe what they think best for their patients? Why, over 200 years after a war to liberate ourselves from a half-mad king, have we allowed our lives and health to come under the rule of a totally mad Tsar? And has this monstrous tumor destroyed most of the Constitution only "by accident," or did its creators have that intent all along?

Well, here's my theory:

Most people think the TSOG [Tsarist Occupation Government] began its infestation of America with George Bush Sr., when he appointed a Tsar to discombobulate our previously democratic form of government; but Bush had a long C.I.A. career behind him and the C.I.A. had a long, long Tsarist history before they came out in the open with a public and blatant Tsar, a functionary not endowed or permitted by any clause in our Constitution.

Actually, the TSOG began replacing representative democracy in the U.S. way back in 1945, when Gen. Rheinhard Gehlen, Hitler's Chief of Soviet Intelligence, surrendered to the U.S. Army, after first prudently burying several truckloads of "inside information" about the Soviet Union at a secret location.

Gehlen was not only a master spy but a wizard negotiator. Within a week, he was out of his Nazi uniform and into a U.S. Army General's uniform; the U.S. intelligence services, in return, got the info about the Soviets, including access to Gehlen's agents in the Soviet government -- a group of Mystical Tsarists who had infiltrated both the Red Army and the KGB.

You see, their leader and Gehlen's major "asset," General Andrei Vlassov, had a fervent belief, not just in common or garden Tsarism, but especially in the "mystical Tsarism" espoused in the later half of the 19th Century by the anti-Semitic novelist Dostoyevsky and even more by Konstantin Pobedonostsev, an advisor to two Tsars [Alexander III and Nicholas II].

Pobedonostsev, popularly called "The Grand Inquisitor" because of the vast platoons of spies, snoops, agents provocateur and informers he unleashed upon the Russian people , combined theological obsessions with reactionary politics, always an explosive and nefarious mixture.

"Mystical Tsarism" deserves a whole book in itself. especially since it now rules our own country; but we must be brief here. This holy religion, or superstition -- as you will --has two major tenets: (1) The Tsar is guided by God and can do no wrong (2) Reason is "cold" and inhuman, faith is "warm" and human; therefore we should ignore reason and guide ourselves by faith in the Tsar, our "Little Father." I don't think any of Pobedonostsev's crew actually believed in the Tooth Fairy, though.

Besides, Roman Catholics of the old school have similar attitudes, but merely prefer a Pope to do their thinking for them instead of a Tsar, and most of us consider them sane, but just "weird."

Gen. Gehlen and Gen. Vlassov formed what became the Gehlenapparat, the CIA's main source of info on Soviet affairs; Gehlen became the fulcrum of the CIA's "Soviet penetration" sector, working under James Jesus Angleton, Chief of Counter-Intelligence, breeder of prize orchids, lover of the arts, and a devout Catholic.

Since the U.S. government based its foreign policies on CIA reports, and the CIA based its Soviet reports on Gehlen and some other former Nazis, plus a crew of Mystical Tsarists, as filtered and interpreted by a Papist intellectual, the U.S. government's ideas and actions became increasingly "weird, " bizarre and frightening, in the view of the rest of the world. The results are very sad and very funny. In a nutshell, most of the world thinks we've gone batshit crazy. "Tsarists and Nazis and spooks, oh my!"

Although James Jesus Angleton was Gehlen's alleged supervisor, data indicates that the Gehlenapparat engaged in many activities, including kidnapping, extortion, murder etc. about which Angleton either did not know or devoutly did not want to know.

But James J. Angleton was a pathological case of some sort himself; he often hid his middle name because it revealed his half-Hispanic genes. An exceptionally intelligent and sensitive student of modern literature while at Yale, Angleton adored Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, I.A. Richards, e e cummings and other SuperStars of Modernism; he met most of them personally. They collectively influenced Angleton's fascination with multiple perspectives, labyrinthine ambiguity and the eternal uncertainty of all inferences and "interpretations." These modernist tendencies, which also appeared in science and philosophy at the same time, blossomed into obsessions and, perhaps, raging madness when Angleton systematically applied them to the spy-game. After all, modernism really begins with Wilde's "The Reality of Masks" and Yeats's hermetic mystique the world we know emerging from interactions of Mask, Anti-Mask, Self, and Anti-Self: which may or may not fit all of us or all the world but certainly fits the world of spooks and snoops that Angleton created.

Another CIA officer, Edward Petty, described Angleton as "a lone wolf" and "a strange bird"; every other source I have found bluntly calls him "paranoid." He suspected everybody else in the CIA, and in "our" government generally, of being KGB moles, and operated with so much modernist ambiguity and hidden trapdoors that, in Petty's words, "nobody really knows" what he was doing most of the time. In short, he became as esoteric as the poets he admired, and remade the C.I.A. and, increasingly, our whole nation into a theatre of impenetrable mystery.

A.J. Weberman, a leading Kennedy assassination buff, thinks Angleton personally organized the JFK hit, an idea also strongly hinted at by Norman Mailer's documentary novel, Harlot's Ghost, in which Angleton appears as "Hugh Montague." [Angleton's father was named Hugh; Angleton's code name was "Mother," and Montague's is "Harlot."Work on that, ye seekers of multiple meaning. ]

If James Jesus really arranged the JFK assassination, he had probably decided that Kennedy was the top Soviet mole of all.

Why not? Angleton had Tsarist agents in all sorts of nooks of the Soviet system, and he knew the KGB was smart enough and tireless enough to reciprocate by planting their own Masks and Anti-Masks in his own backyard, or maybe under his bed at night. According to Edward Jay Epstein, J.J.A.s endless search for Soviet moles nearly destroyed the C.I.A. itself. Certainly, everybody in "the Company" learned to distrust everybody else.

Imagine a U.S. Caine with not one Queeg as captain, but a whole crew of Queegs, each worrying about what the others might be plotting. Angleton created that ship of shape-shifters in the C.I.A. and then by osmosis it spread through the government, evolving into the TSOG.

In short, the government cannot trust us, because it can never know with absolute certainty what mischief we may hatch; and every sentence we speak into a bugged phone may have as many possible meanings as Eliot's "The rose and the fire are one."

In William F. Buckley Jr.'s docu-novel Spytime: The Undoing of James Jesus Angleton occurs a scene that epiphanizes the TSOG's looped and relooped logic. Angleton and an associate discuss 17 or 37 possible interpretations of a bit of information [or disinformation] passed on by a possible Soviet defector [who might be a Soviet mole.] At the end of the discussion, J.J.A. points out one more "reading" that the associate hadn't considered: namely, that Angleton himself might be the top Soviet mole of all. You can't learn more about ambiguity and irony in a seminar on the poetry of Empson.

In the same vein, after the death by drowning of "Montague"[Angleton] in Harlot's Ghost, the CIA systematically investigates such alternative scenarios as: he's not dead, and another water-rotted corpse has been foisted on them; the Soviets did it and have him full of truth serums already; he went over to the Soviets willingly; he was working for the Reds all along.

"Trust No One," the motto of X Files, seems the only safe rule in the world Angleton created.

Tsarism represents an intermediate form between European monarchism and Asian despotism, being, possibly, closer to the latter of these two.
Leon Trotsky, Russia's Social Development and Tsarism

The TSOG stalketh the land and the serfs bow and worship it.
It stealeth property, it burneth neighborhoods, it killeth
all opposition. Ye think it only doth its violence to
black people, or Hispanics, or kooks with odd religions,
but its hand is at your own throat even now. TSOG fthagn!
What, are ye stupid, or something?
Abdul Alhazred, The Tsaronomicon

I'm only kidding -- not!
Madonna, Truth Or Dare

In any case, Angleton had an alliance with Italian fascists and the Mafia, dating from 1944 when he was an O.S.S. officer in Italy. "Operation Gladio," a CIA project to control Italian elections, was based on Angleton's fascist-Mafia connections, and employed techniques as varied as hiring Sophia Loren to do TV commercials for politicians the CIA liked, bribing liberal/left politicos to move toward more right-wing positions, and employing the Mafia to assassinate some who couldn't be bribed, e.g. Prime Minster Aldo Moro. In recruiting for Gladio, Angleton had a secret meeting with his old friend Ezra Pound, in Genoa. Pound, under indictment for radio broadcasts that he called "personal propaganda on behalf of the U.S. Constitution" and the Department of Justice called "treason," did not get recruited into Gladio and instead spent 13 years in a hospital for the criminally insane, for expressing his views about bankers over the wrong radio station.

J.J.A. had better luck with a former Gestapo informant named Licio Gelli, who formed a secret society called P2 within the Grand Orient Lodge of Egyptian Freemasonry and eventually infiltrated over 950 agents into the Italian government. Through P2 connections and Roberto Calvi, a P2 member and president of Banco Ambrosiano in Milan, Gladio merged the Mafia's drug laundering system with ongoing CIA projects, using as screens the Vatican Bank and 200 "ghost banks" which existed only in Calvi's ledgers. The Tsarist-CIA-Mafia chieftains then had almost total control over both the multi-billion dollar illegal drug business and the even more profitable anti-drug business.

It worked like this: among the 200 "ghost banks" that existed only as a postal drops, a few real, or tangible, banks existed. One, the Cisalpine Bank in the Bahamas, jointly owned by Roberto Calvi of Banco Ambrosiani and Archbishop Paul "The Gorilla" Marcinkus, served as the major funnel for money laundering. Its primary links were the Franklin National Bank, owned by fellow Gladio asset Michele "The Shark" Sindona, and the World Finance Corporation, owned and managed by 8 "former" [or allegedly "former"] C.I.A. officers.

Cocaine profits generally went through the World Finance Corporation, in Miami, and thence via Cisalpine, into the maze of ghost banks, and thence through Ambrosiano and the Vatican to numbered Swiss bank accounts. Heroin profits ran through the Nyugun Hand Bank, also run by "former" C.I.A. agents and thence into the same labyrinth.

Some of the drug money bought guns for terrorists and generally financed what Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward called "the undeclared wars of the C..I.A." The rest was sheer gravy, for those high in the TSOG, and it ran into billions a year for the Gladio group alone.

Meanwhile, the TSOG drug cartel scored psycho-political gains as well as stuffing those numbered bank accounts. By flooding the U.S with crack, they were able to create a mob hysteria that surpassed McCarthyism and now ranks beside the medieval witch-hunts; in the smoke and mirrors, only a few noticed that the Constitution is being dismantled plank by plank.

As William S. Burroughs wrote 30 years ago, "Drug control is a thin pretext, and getting thinner, to increase police powers and to brand dissent as criminal." A voice crying in the wilderness.....

Angleton was finally removed from the CIA in 1974 when caught meddling in U.S. elections -- something that the CIA is only supposed to do in other countries. Calvi of Banco Ambrosiano was assassinated by the Mafia, for unknown reasons, in 1982. His secretary fell or was thrown out of her office window the same day Calvi was found hanged. Michele "The Shark" Sindona, another of the Gladio/P2/Mafia inner circle--remember? -- was convicted of 64 counts of stock and currency fraud in New York, and of murdering a bank examiner in Rome; he was poisoned in prison while awaiting trial on other charges. Archbishop Paul "The Gorilla" Marcinkus was replaced as president of the Vatican Bank, when his role in Gladio drug-money laundering was revealed in the trials of lesser culprits, and later he got booted out of the Vatican entirely.

Licio Gelli stood trial for conspiracy but was acquitted. Later, evidence showed that Gelli was working for the KGB as well as the CIA; which side he double-crossed most often remains unknown. But then Gelli had worked for the Communist Underground in WWII, while also on the payroll of the Gestapo, and nobody claims to know which side he betrayed most often in that case either.

Mino Pecorelli, the first journalist to expose Gladio/P2 infiltration of the Italian government, was killed on a street in Rome, shot through the mouth -- the sasso in bocca, traditional Mafia punishment for informers. The same fate befell Sam Giancana,Mafia boss of Chicago, when subpoenaed by a congressional committee on assassinations -- another sasso in bocca. Johnny Roselli, another Mafioso often involved in Tsarist/CIA projects, simply disappeared when he got his subpoena. His body was found floating in a barrel in the Gulf of Mexico.

The major open functions of Mystical Tsarism now are the Drug Enforcement Administration [DEA] and the Food and Drug Administration [FDA.] You all know about the DEA and its vast army of snoops and informers -- a vision to gladden the heart of Pobedonostsev himself. The FDA operates similarly but with less publicity; it was described in these terms by Saul Kent of the Life Extension Foundation: "The FDA's strong-arm tactics are used to intimidate and terrorize Americans into toeing their police-state line on health care and medicine."

In 1957, the FDA burned all the books of dissident physician Wilhelm Reich, M.D., smashed his laboratory equipment with axes, and threw him in jail, where he died.

Lately, their major targets have been midwives, herbalists and others who offer safer and cheaper health care than the TSOG itself.

Although our first official and open Tsar was appointed during the brief, bloody reign of George Bush, the Tsar's powers only reached tyrannical status under Bill Clinton, a hillbilly with a perpetual hard-on.

Our recent Tsar, General Barry McCaffrey, recently stated the theology of Mystic Tsarism in an article for the Denver Post. I condense a bit because, like most Tsars, Mac the Knife is a bit of a windbag:

"Each week, millions of Americans attend religious services to seek guidance, reaffirm moral values, offer charity and obtain a sense of community. Each of these four elements underscores the importance of faith-based organizations .... Educating young people ... requires us to guide them and teach them values. .....On May 10, I traveled to Colorado Springs to stand with Dr. James Dobson and the Young Life Christian Ministry. The ministry's youth programs are model efforts for how faith-based organizations can play a critical role in helping our young people choose the right path....[blah blah blah]... The One Way 2 Play program of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes is another example of how faith groups help young people ..... The One Way 2 Play program uses sports to teach the importance of a healthy lifestyle and a commitment to faith. .. ... As British Theologian Dean William Inge said: 'If we are to safeguard our children and communities, rabbis, priests, clerics, deacons, sisters, brothers and cantors must help lead the way'" ...[emphasis added]

Faith and docility are the bulwarks of Tsarism; any hint of scientific knowledge, rationality or even plain "horse sense" among the serfs are its major worries, and it blocks them every way it can. No Tsar will ever lavish such praise on scientists or other professional skeptics as McCaffery lavishes on the faithful and the sheep-herders who lead and fleece them.

And so, the Constitution in tatters, spies everywhere, we inhabit "one nation under surveillance with wiretaps and mail covers for all;" and everybody is terrorized about whether their houses and property will be seized next. In short, we find ourselves, as Trotsky found the Russians a century ago, midway between European monarchism and Asiatic despotism.

It comes as no surprise that McCaffery stands accused of war crimes, under the Nuremberg rulings.

Bill Clinton may be 77 kinds of sonofabitch, as most of us now agree, but he is no fool. When he picks a Tsar he finds the right kind of man for the job. The only way Bore or Gush can improve on Mac the Knife is if, with further advances in genetic engineering, they dig up the bones and clone the most famous, mystical and murderous Tsar of them all, Ivan the Terrible, who alternated between murdering masses of people and retiring to monasteries for meditation and prayer.

For more info on the Gehlenapparat, see The Yankee and Cowboy War by Carl Oglesby, Berkeley Medallion, NY, 1977; and Everything Is Under Control by RAWilson, Harper, NY, 1998. The best overview of TSOG/CIA operations in general is Norman Mailer's docu-novel Harlot's Ghost, Random House, NY, 1991, in which Angleton appears as "Hugh Montague" and Gehlen has a walk-on under his own name.

On the Gladio/P2 side of the TSOG, excellent books include The Strange Death of God's Banker, Foot and della Torre, Orbis, London, 1984; The Calvi Affair, by Larry Gurwin, Pan, London, 1984; The Brotherhood, by Stephen Knight, Grenada, London, 1984. The Calvi "ghost banks" and their strange links with real banks, including Chase Manhattan, are discussed amply in In Banks We Trust, Doubleday, NY, 1984, by Penny Lernoux, who leaves open the question of how many of the real banks were unwitting accomplices and how many knew what was going on and just kept mum while raking in the profits.

In God's Name, by David Yallop, Cape, London 1984, covers all this in greater depth, and also explores Licio Gelli's role in creating fake ID for Nazi war criminals, whom he later farmed out to the CIA death squads. It also adds Pope John Paul I to the list of mysterious deaths involving the Vatican Bank, along with Pecorelli, Moro, Calvi et. al.

My current acceptance that the Mafia killed Calvi [in previous writings I was unsure] rests on the confession of Calogero Ganci, a Mafia hitman turned informant, who says he strangled Calvi himself. See London Times, 20 June 1996. Ganci was never told why the mob wanted "God's banker" dead; his job was to kill people, not to ask rude questions. Mrs. Calvi, the widow, still claims the orders came from the Vatican.

Our current Tsar's war crimes are documented in "Overwhelming Force," by Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker, 22 May 2000.

The best depth analysis of Mystical Tsarism remains The Mass Psychology of Fascism, by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, New York, 1970. Although Dr Reich doesn't analyze Tsarism in particular, he relates Fascism to the dogmatic religions, faith in "leaders" ["little Fathers"]and sexual misery of all the "Patriarchal Authoritarian" regimes throughout history, and his major bio-psychological theorems describe both Russian and American Tsarism as neatly as they fit the Holy Inquisition or German-Italian Fascism.

Or -- you can find most of this data, in one form or another by simply surfing the web. Set your search engine for "Rheinhold Gehlen," "Cisalpine Bank,""Licio Gelli," "Gladio" and all the other individual and group names in this synopsis, and you'll be astounded at how many Dirty Secrets are now open to the light of day.

T.S.O.G. The Thing That Ate The Constitution by Robert Anton Wilson. First Published in High Times Magazine, March 2001.