Showing posts with label JAMES JOYCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JAMES JOYCE. Show all posts

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Robert Anton Wilson, The tale of the tribe and Open Source Conspiracy theory.

Robert Anton Wilson lived a life dedicated to sharing. RAWs shared wisdom and information packed writings seem to me to present a special methodology and an illuminating example of comprehensive critical thinking, critical for our grasping a handle on 'what the hell is going on' as he often said. RAW had his hands on the handle or the 'tool' we know as 'language' since a remarkably early age, reading James Joyce, Ezra Pound, William Butler Yeats and Semanticist Alfred Korzybski and many more heavyweights while still in his teens.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wikileaks and a new Global Epic?

Wikileaks and the new Global Epic?
By Steve 'fly agaric 23'

A global epic poem including History or 'tale of the tribe' aspires to create a planetary synthesis of symbolic information, striving for a balanced Multi-cultural 'exhibit' a tale that moves from geographical location to individual 'speech' to the global 'stage' while illuminating special details, and often therefore creating a whole new style. Is Wikileaks a whole new style?  

A global epic hopes to bring new information to the people, to inform them of a Global Picture, and to lift the general heart--that great ball of crystal--up to the light, sharing the sources and holding 'objectivity' and 'fairness' in mind, body, and speech whenever possible. Attention to the source, the root causes and the marrow.

In short, with a good editor, the Wikileaks files and their novel methods of distribution maybe a rough outline of 'the tale of the tribe' in some sense: a new global communication network of texts and speech that record a period of evolution into the information activist age. Are they a record of our trajectory towards 'open source' internet and the potential for radical political change, does Wikileaks present a model for planetary synergy? Is Wikileaks demonstrating superior intelligence and methodology that--obsoletes--what came before it? Are the texts sacred and Holy? What makes a text holy, what gives a text its security clearance level, how do secretness and sacredness relate to one another?  

Wikileaks obsoleted and changed 'secret intelligence' into public reading material, producing a new widely read—fragmented--Global Epic, (in the hands of some journalists and writers) a specially edited series of texts, and video, that change--and change utterly--the entire worlds perception of Justice, equality and fairness at the highest levels of Government and Corporate business.

May I suggest a few pointers for individuals interested in 'the tale of the tribe' as a way of interpreting Wikileks, and that may extend the possibilities of ‘poetry’. Maybe set some scenes to verse or to some music, an Opera with the strongest voices you could muster, mash-ups, theatre and stage shows, stand-up routines, photoshop jobs, paintings and tales.

1. E-Prime:
Presents an alternative way of thinking and processing languages that removes the 'essentialism' the 'isness' and the 'spooks' from writing and speech, acting as a defence system against many shades of bullshit and 'spin'; a tool for nurturing semantic hygiene and 'good sense' when interpreting messages. I’m still learning to introduce E-prime, on occasion into my own communication in 2010.

2. RAW: Dr. Robert Anton Wilson:
Continues to inspire millions of alternative thinkers and writers around the world, this article is dedicated to RAW (please see CYBERNETIC RAW SOURCE) and I hope anyone reading this who has not yet read him will READ HIM. He defined our current information explosion over 50 years in his works in a clear and witty manner. He also created a character called Hagbard Celine who influenced an entrie generation of 'information hacktivists' and 'abstractivists'. 

3. Global Village of Marshall McLuhan
Marshall McLuahn, like Dr. Robert Anton Wilson, imagined a new world of the electric man connected by Trillions of nodes in a Global Praxis of electric signals and ‘info’ clippings. His model of the Global Village and environs gives us a pre-internet 'lesson or two' in information processing sensory bias and world literature, and in ‘the tale of the tribe’ McLuhan’s ideas may synthesize all six of these pointers and has the punch line—summary’s--for understanding how Wikileaks impacts the Global Village and the electronic man.

4. Planetary Synergetics of Bucky Fuller
Buckminster Fuller teaches us with a Planetary ‘synergy’ model, also pre-internet; that exhibits evidence for an all-around-the-world revolution in information processing, design science, nano-technology and further semantic hygiene, a design science and ‘language’ revolution. Bucky's World Game can show players the impact and difference between what he calls 'Killingry' 'Livingry' essential differentials in any 'Wikileaks' equation, I think.

5. The Cantos of Ezra Pound.
Ezra Pound's ‘Cantos’ maybe a blue-print for a poetic presentation of the 'illuminated' details of history re-illuminated by Wikileaks. The Cantos exhibit a wonderfully Global mixture of ‘tales’ and show us the possibilities of poetry and history copulating. To hang speech next to speech so as to compare and reflect, the Cantos help us distinguish information from noise, I think, read them and study Pound’s ‘Juxtaposition’ and ‘Ideogrammic Method’.  

6. Finnegans Wake and James Joyce.
Finnegans Wake can teach us information processing on every page. What does it mean, what does it refer too, who is speaking, where is the action taking place? James Joyce can teach everybody to read and hopefully to also write and speak with a critically balanced perception, a Celtic Taoist sensibility, and to never ever forget the bawdy comedy of leaking secret letters and telling tales and spreading gossip and what’s holy.

--Steven 'fly agaric 23' Pratt.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Joyce and Tao

By Robert Anton Wilson

From The James Joyce Review, vol. 3, 1959, pp. 8-16

   Throughout the long day of Ulysses the thoughts of Stephen Dedalus and Mr. Bloom repeatedly return to the East; and this is not without reason. Ulysses is so profoundly Oriental in mood and conception that Carl Jung has recommended it as a new Bible for the white race. Molly Bloom's fervent "Yes" mirrors the author's acceptance of life in its entirety - an acceptance that transcends the dualisms of light and dark, good and evil, beautiful and sordid.
   But every sensitive reader of Ulysses knows that this "acceptance" involved only part of the author's sensibility. The agony, the misanthropy, the (at times) neurotic satire, all testify to Joyce's incomplete realization of what his instincts were trying to tell him. Only in Finnegans Wake does the true Oriental note sing uninterruptedly from beginning to end. The morbid rebel against the most morbid Church in Christendom had to go the long way round to reach the shortest way home. The affirmation of Ulysses is forced (not "insincere" any more than the neurotic's desire to be cured is "insincere"); the affirmation of the Wake engages every level of the author's sensibility, from cortex to cojones - the whole man affirms, as in Nietzsche's Zarathustra.

   The purpose of this present brief essay is to show that the Chinese philosophy of the Tao contributed largely to the shape of Joyce's affirmation. "Laotsey taotsey" (page 242), or Lao-Tse's doctrine of the Tao, explains a great many things about Finnegans Wake: the river -woman symbol, the Shem-Shaun dualism, the special quality of Joyce's humor, the "time" philosophy underlying its form.

   Chapter 6 of the Tao Te Ching says:

                                    The valley spirit never dies
                                    It is called the Eternal Female.

Some Sinologists trace this "Eternal Female" back to a Chinese "Urmutter" myth of pre-Chou times, but Lao-Tse was far beyond primitive mythology. He was using this myth as a pointer, to indicate the values that must have been in the society which created the myth. The distinction between Patrist and Matrist cultures made in such books as Ian Suttie's The Origins of Love and Hate and G. Rattray Taylor's Sex in History (not to mention Robert Graves' The White Goddess ) places the Taoists as representatives of a Matrist social-ethical system living in Confucian Patrist China. The "Golden Age" of the Taoists did actually exist, whether or not it deserves to called Golden: it was the Matriarchal. pre-Feudal China destroyed by the Chou State and official Confucian philosophy. Chapter 28 of the Tao Te Ching defines the psychology and ethics of Taoism:

                              He who knows the male, yet clings to the female,
                              Becomes like a valley, receiving all things under heaven

The female qualities of receptivity, acceptance, passivity, etc. are preferred to the masculine ethical rigor of Confucianism. Kuan Tzu explains this in its simplest terms: "The sage follows after things, therefore he can control them." Every married man knows how typically feminine  - and how effective - this is. What is not so obvious is that this is, really, the philosophy of modern science. Bacon says: "We cannot command nature except by obeying her." (Cf. the Marxian "freedom as the recognition of necessity.") A letter by - of all people - Thomas Henry Huxley drives home the point, showing the innate connection between religious humility and scientific method.

         Science seems to me to teach in the highest and strongest manner the great
         truth which is embodied in the Christian conception of entire surrender to the
         will of God. Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every
         preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abysses Nature
         leads, or you shall learn nothing.

   The Taoists saw this attitude represented most clearly by women and by water, and made these the chief symbols of their religion. Orthodox Christians can understand why this approach is valuable to the scientist, but that it is the highest form of religion also, is certainly difficult for anyone conditioned to dogmatisms to accept. The Taoists put "acceptance" where the West puts "faith."

   The female also stands, in Taoist thought, for those two forces regarded with most suspicion in Patrist societies: sex and love. The orthodox Freudians have said enough to familiarize us all with the neurotic illness that has come into Western culture with the triumph of anti-sex religions; what is not so obvious is how love, also, is under a pall in our society - see the chapter on "The Taboo on Tenderness" in Ian Suttie's The Origins of Love and Hate.

   Water is, as we have said, the second great symbol of Taoism. It is, of course, the receptivity and yieldingness of water that recommends it to Lao-Tse and Chuang Chou. The philosophy of Judo (a Taoist invention) has come out of the observation of water, it is said. Judo co-operates with the attacking force, as water molds itself to its environment. Water and the Judo student bend and survive where bamboo and the ordinary man stand firm and break.

   The values that Taoism sees in woman and water are their harmony with the Tao. I have not translated this key term, and I do not intend to; but Ezra Pound's translation - "the process" - seems to me more adequate than "the Way," "the Path" and most of the other attempts. Students of General Semantics might understand if I say that the "Tao" comes very close to meaning what they mean when they say "the process-world." The Tao is the flux, the constant change, amid which we live and in the nature of which we partake; or it is the "law" of this change. (But, of course, the "law" and the "change" itself are not different in reality, only in our grammar and philosophy.) A Zen master asked how to get in harmony with the Tao, replied, "Walk on!" Water and woman represent adjustment to the Law of Change, which "man, proud man, dressed in his little brief authority," and his abstract dogmas, tries to resist.

   Anna Livia Plurabelle, the water woman, represents the values of the Tao in Finnegans Wake . The very first word of the book, "riverrun" - not the river and the running of the river, but "riverrun" - places us firmly in the "process-world" of modern physics, which is the world of the Tao. As Molly Bloom in Ulysses, Anna gets the last word in Finnegans Wake, and it is a word that transcends the dualisms (Bloom and Stephen, Shem and Shaun, Mookse and Gripes) and affirms the unity behind them.

   The parable of the Mookse and the Gripes expresses this characteristic Taoist attitude with a quite characteristic Taoist humorous exaggeration. Adrian, the Papal Mookse, takes his stand on space, dogma and aristotelian logic; the mystic Gripes verbally affirms time, relativity and the flux; but both are equally emneshed in abstractions and both wither away in futile opposition to each other. Both, in short, are caprives of the dualistic System they ahve themselves created. Nuvolettam the avatar of ALP in this episode, is the Taoist female, unimpressed by the "dogmad" behaviour of the male. With Molly Bloom's resignation, she says:

                         ---I see...there are menner. (page 158)

   It is important to grasp the distinction between the Gripes and Nuvoletta. Seemingly, they represent affirmation of the same cluster of things: time, the river, flux, mysticism, relativity, sex, love, the earth, Nature. Actually, the Gripes' affirmation is verbal only, whereas Nuvoletta's affirmation is anything but verbal. None of Joyce's great Earth-Mother figures are given to philosophizing about "affirmation of Nature," etc. - they just do it. This is a crucial difference. As Lao-Tse says:

                                 Those who speak do not know;
                                 Those who know do not speak.

   Shem is a "sham and a low sham" because he is a "forger." Stephen Dedalus wanted to "forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race;" but Shem merely seeks "to utter an epochal forged cheque on the public." Shem is one of those who speak but do not know; that his career is a satire on Joyce's own is the kind of irony implied in Christ's "Why callest thou me good? None is good but the Father," or the Sixth Patriarch's "I do not understand Buddhism." Probably everyone who ever gains any experience with the Tao begins by faking a little; it is really so much easier to verbalize about this affirmation that to live it. Joyce's portrait of the artist as a young forger is a self-confession that does penance for the whole race; "you and I are in him."

   ALP, the river-woman, does not have any such confession to make. Like the hen Belinda in Chapter Four, who "just feels she was kind of born to lay and love eggs" (p.112), ALP lives in the Tao without question and without making a fuss about it (wu-shih). Her polar opposite is that figure whom Joyce describes as "Delude of Israel," "Gun, the Father," or "Swiney Tod, ye Demon Barber" - the "phallic-destructive" Hangman God whose "criminal thumbprint" on the rock hangs over Ulysses and makes one realize that Molly Bloom's affirmation was something Joyce had not yet quite experienced when he wrote that saturnine masterpiece. In Finnegans Wake the Hangman God is securely put in his place and from the first word, "riverrun," to the last dying murmur "a way a lone a last a loved a long the," the female figure of affirmation dominates the book.


   Putting the Hangman God in his places does not mean abolishing him; it means transcending him, in sweat and blood, rising above the dualistic delusion that makes Him seem credible. Nietzsche's "I write in blood, I will be read in blood," is testimony as to the superhuman effort required for an Occidental to make this transcendence.

   Earwicker, as typical a product of Western dualism in its advanced stages as was Melville's Ahab, is, like Ahab, split down the middle by his own dualistic thinking. Joyce does not symbolize this as Melville did - by the scar from crown to toe that disfigures Ahab - but by projecting the two sides of Earwicker as Shem and Shaun, the Mookse and the Gripes, Butt and Taff, the Ondt and the Gracehoper. The Taoist orientation of Joyce's treatment of these dualities is indicated, on page 246, by the distortion of "Shem and Shaun" to "Yem and Yan." Yin and Yang are the Taoist terms for the paired opposites whose innate connectedness generates the entire world-process. Yin is feminine, dark, intuitive, etc.; Yang is masculine, light, rationalistic, etc. Neither can exist without the other, and both are parts of the Tao, and hence parts of each other.

   The identity of the opposites, a central theme of Taoist thought, is indicated early in Finnegans Wake. The very first appearance of Shem and Shaun is as "the Hindoo, Shimar Shin," (p.10) a single figure. Through the rest of the book they are split into two figures, but they are constantly changing roles and merging into each other (for instance, in the "Geometry Lesson" chapter, where the Shem-type notes, left side of the page, leap suddenly to the right side, and the Shaun-type notes leap from right to left.) Again, in the Mercius and Justius dispute, Shem and Shaun are picked up at the end and carried off together by ALP. "Sonnies had a scrap," she says with feminine equanimity.

   The two philosophers most frequently mentioned in the Wake, Nicholas of Cusa and Bruno of Nola, taught a dialectic of resolution of opposites. Joseph Needham in his monumental Science and Civilization in China, repeatedly mentions both Bruno and Nicholas as the only two Occidental philosophers before Liebnitz to have a basically Taoist outlook.

   Every sensitive reader has noted the difference between the humor of Ulysses and the humor of Finnegans Wake . In writing Ulysses, Joyce's intention seems to have still contained a large element of the motive expressed to this publisher when describing Dubliners: "to show Ireland its own ugly face in a mirror." The humor in Ulysses is mostly satiric and negative, Swiftian; the joyous, Rabelaisian element is comparatively small. But in Finnegans Wake the humor is not only Rabelaisian, but Carrollian: it has that element of nonsense and childishness which only the well-integrated can sustain for long.

   But this humor is also Taoistic. It is now suspected by scholars that the chapter of the Confucian Analects (Lun Yu) which contains a description of the Taoists as a band of madmen was interpolated by a Taoist writer! The mad, jolly, very un-selfconscious parody of Joyce himself in the "Shem the Penman" chapter has the same type of humor. Probably only an Irishman could understand that text about making oneself a fool for Christ's sake as a Taoist would understand it. Joyce, bending his incredible genius to the concoction of place names like "Wazwollenzie Haven" and "Havva-ban-Annah" (not to mention "the bridge called Tilt-Ass") is exemplifying something that exists outside the Wake only in Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear and the Sacred Scriptures of the Taoists.

              ("The Tao is in the dung," said Chuang Chou.)

   To the Taoists, humor was what paradox is to Chesterton: a manifestation of divinity. Tao fa tsu-jan: "The Tao just happens." (Footnote to this: The entire passage reads: Jen fa ti, ti fa ti'en, ti'en fa Tao, Tao fa tsu-jan. "Man is subject to earth, earth is subject to heaven, heaven is subject to Tao, Tao is subject to spontaneity." In short, determinism on one level results from chance on another level, as in thermodynamics.) Whether you call this Organicism and wax as self-consciously profound as Whithead, or call it Materialism and get as self-righteously priggish as the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism, you still miss the point. That the Tao just happens, that it has no purpose or goal, no regard for man's self-importance ("Heaven treats us like straw dogs," Lao-Tse says) - this is not a gloomy philosophy at all. When one understands this fully, on all levels of one's being, the only possible response is to have a good laugh. Taoist humor results from realization that the recognition of the most joyous truth of all seems to the egocentric man (you and I) frightening and gloomy.

   Joyce is nowhere more thoroughly Taoist then when he answers all the paradoxes and tragedies of life with the brief, koan-ish "Such me." Genial bewilderment ("Search me!") and calm acceptance ("Such I am") meet here as they meet nowhere else but in Taoism, and its intellectual heirs, Zen and Shinshu Buddhism and the neo-Confucianism of Chu Hsi. We cannot understand; neither can we escape - "Such me." (page 597)

   It is this attitude  - which women seem to be able to grasp much more easily than men - that gives Finnegans Wake its air of goofy impartiality. The Buddhist (outside of the Zen school) labors strenuously to rise over the opposites; the Taoist dissolves them into a good horse-laugh. Joyce's method is Taoistic. "Sonnies had a scrap;" "Now a muss was the little face;" "You were only dreamond, dear" - the tolerant, existentialist female voice, vastly unimpressed by masculine abstractions and ideologies, breaks in at every point where a Big Question is being debated. The Zen Patriarch who said, when he was asked for religious instruction, "When you finish your meal, wash your plates," had this attitude.


   Wyndham Lewis saw in Ulysses an implicit acceptance of Bergson's time-philosophy and denounced Joyce, in his Time and Western Man, for contributing to what he called "the Time Cult" (other members: Einstein, Ezra Pound, Picasso, Whitehead, the Futurist painters, Gertrude Stein.) Lewis, a classicist, set up the dualism of space philosophies (aristotelian, rational, conservative, masculine, etc.) against time philosophies (oriental, intuitive, radical, feminine, etc.) Joyce wrote the Wake from "the Haunted Inkbottle, no number Brimstone Walk, Asia in Ireland" (page 182) placidly, even eagerly, accepting the non-aristotelian position Lewis had attributed to him.

   As is well known, the events of the Wake occur "at no spatial time" and cannot be sharply defined because "every parson, place and thing in the chaosmos anywhere at all connected with it was moving and changing all the time" (page 118). In short, we are within the Einsteinian universe; and Joyce realizes, as did Alfred Korzybski, that the aristotelian "laws of thought" cannot hold in such a universe: "The sword of certainty which would identified the body never falls" (page 51). The Law of Identity, that is, cannot hold in a process-world "where," as the mathematical physicist says, "every electron has a date and is not identical to itself from one second to another."

   The Taoists were familiar with these relativistic considerations long before Einstein.
Chuang Chou writes:

             There is nothing under the canopy of heaven greater than the tip of an autumn
             spikelet. A vast mountain is a small thing. Neither is there any age greater than
             that of a small child cut off in infancy. P'eng Tsu himself died young. The universe
             and I came into being together; and I, and everything therein, are one.

A better description anywhere of the "inner logic" of Finnegans Wake can hardly be found. To ask what "is really happening" on any page is like asking a physicist whether light "is really" waves or particles. Shaun's sermon to the leap-year girls is confession of Earwicker's incestuous desires; is a barrel rolling down the Liffey river; is a postman making his rounds. Anna Livia Plurabelle is a woman, and she is also a river. Earwicker is a man, a mountain, an insect, the current Pope, the Urvater of Freudian theory, Finn MacCool, and he is also both Shem and Shaun. He is, as a matter of fact, every person, place and thing in the Wake - just as every man "is" the sum total of his own perceptions and evaluations. Earwicker is finally able to accept and affirm his world, Joyce is finally able to accept and affirm his world, because they recognize that "I, and everything therein, are one." "Such me." (Footnote to this: Physics, psychology, semantics an several other sciences have entirely rejected the view which sees the universe as a collection of block-like entities. WE now think in terms of relations and functions: iron rod A has no absolute "length," but only length = 1, length = 2, length = 3, etc., as it moves through the space-time continuum. Smith has no absolute "self" but only a succession of roles in a succession of socio-psychological fields. A world of such inter-related processes is a seamless unity, and every perceiver is that unity at every second. That is why Emerson could write - and Joyce could demonstrate - that "The sphinx must solve his own riddle. All of history is in one man.")

   To the space-consciousness of a Wyndham Lewis a chair is a static "thing" out there, apart from the observer; given, concrete, identifiable. To the time-mind of Joyce, the chair is revealed as a process, a joint phenomenon of observer and observed, a stage in the transmutation of energy: "My cold cher's gone ashley," he writes, (page 213) seeing the future ashes in the present object. (Cf. Hiu Shih's paradox, "Ann egg has feathers.") Zen Buddhist teachers make this point, somewhat obliquely, by pointing to a picture of Bodhidharma (who was bearded), and asking the puzzled student, "Why doesn't that fellow have a beard?"

   The answer of the witty Gracehoper to the conservative Ondt: (page 419)

                    Your genus is worldwide, your spacest sublime,
                    But Holy Saltmartin, why can't you beat time?
is Joyce's answer to Wyndham Lewis and the entire Western Tradition back to Aristotle which backs him up. The Gracehoper had "jingled through a jungle of life in debts and jumbled through a jingle of love in doubts" but, as the rhythm and vocabulary suggest, he had vastly enjoyed himself doing so. Time, which strikes him down, will eventually strike down the "anal-acquisitive" Ondt also. All the abstractions man invents to give himself control over events and stave off doubt, all the preparations man makes to stay out of debt, are as nothing before the inscrutable workings-out of the Tao; the search for security, Alan Watts has frequently observed, is the main cause of insecurity. As Nuvoletta says, "Ise so silly to be flowing, but I no canna stay." (page 159) The secret of Taoism, the secret of Finnegans Wake, is very simply expressed in Poe's "Descent Into the Maelstrom," whose hero saved himself by "studying the action of the whirlpool and co-operating with it."

   This is the trick that explains Judo. It also explains Anna Livia Plurabelle's calm acceptance of her own end as she flows out to sea:

                        The keys to. Given. Lps. A way a lone a last
                         a loved a long the

   The only word that can possibly complete that sentence is the "riverrun" at the beginning. We can find ourselves only by losing ourselves, all mystics testify. Anna loses herself into the ocean, but what she becomes is the true self she has always been: "riverrun," the process.

                                                                                                   -New York City

copyright: Robert Anton Wilson

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

email to the tribe: A Maybe Logic Class with Fly Agaric 23

Fly Agaric 23

September 20 - November 5
email to the tribe
Homogrammic Prose

The tale of the tribe approximates a tale of humanity, or 'tales', a new global epic that must capture illuminating details from humanity and juxtapose them in a special way using special language (Hologrammic prose, the Hermetic style, Ideogrammic method, Joyce's 'epiphany' etc.) Dr.Robert Anton Wilson crafted his tale of the tribe to suit, among other definitions; the architects of post-modem' cyber-culture, reaching back to the renaissance and pulling up-tense to our decentralized--hyper connected--future present. 
During a six week period, I-fly will share his open interpretations of the tale of the tribe, performing an on-line multimedia vortex of signals, dialed into James Joyce, Ezra Pound, Giordano Bruno, Marshall Mcluhan, 'Bucky'Fuller, and RAW himself.

email to the tribe will reprocess communications from across time, and produce new maps, new metaphors, and mold new memes that help forward the tale of the tribe and the RAW wisdom oozing out from all quarters.

Each week fly will provide a spread of multimedia for you to process, generally keeping in step with the program, encouraging a wide variety of conversation and focused feedback. Feel free to drop in and drop out, as you like.

The wheels of the tribe go around and around.
WEEKLY DOSE: Decentralized and Rotational Map Warfare.

WEEK TWO - GENERAL EPIPHANY (Sep 27-3rd October)
Hologrammic Prose and meaningful common speech
WEEKLY DOSE: RAW-FLY interviews. (Oct 4-10)

The synergy of history
WEEKLY DOSE: Vicosahedron and Canto LXVI. Open Source History.

If its not connected its useless
WEEKLY DOSE: Shannanigums Wave & Future Present.

Moving pictures to TV/Internet
WEEKLY DOSE: Maybe Logic & RAW Multimedia.

WEEKLY DOSE: Work of the tribe. email to the tribe.

COURSE TEXTS: Recorsi by Robert Anton Wilson.
• $Pay-What-You-Can$ - Enroll Now •
[$50 recommended minimum price] 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Howordz Way by fly (Maybelogic Quarterly issue summer Solstice 2006)

By Fly Agaric

Àpollo versed himself into fish with womb
Piloting poets to DELPHI:
                The womb of the Wor.ld
A Womb governing the Oracle of Delphi
Meaning womb
                Sauce of Life and Wisdome

flipped into FISH WITH A WOMB by greek logic
The damnable Navy seals and their repulsive poison and accursed ear-
Mistranslate dolphin into
                FISH WITH BOMB!

Shamefully perverting a smiling samaritan and guardian of ships into
                Destroyer of ship's
                Smiling merchant of death
Evil and further devilry in the sickly name of national kaution
                Li Sao Li Sao for sorrow
Our only security is change

Sucking my pink thumb i evoke
                A Babel ichthus
Decoding To enable alien races to ©omunicare
Speaking with their aboriginal slangwedge
                As waves begin taking form
                  Rising but formed
                      Holding their form
                         Foam: sparkling cristal 1494:

Manutius and his Aldine pressa tipografica was sealed by
                Dolphin and Anchor ideographix
Suckling pesci with a womb
                And navire ancorare
Whirling Stenella longirostris twisting like DNA hélix ribbons
                Mind like the whirl without the pool
                A tomb without a corps
Dolphfinnegans: connaissance-without-an-objet
                Mathematizing sea-good Dolphins classified as mammifére in 1776 by Linnaeus
Mankind scrawls his taxinomie of gnumerous goodz in his book

Surfing Dolphinnegans Wake
Lactating mindfield churned inside out
                And turned again into Eins Leary wide uni.verse
La Tao of Joyce
                A delfino voix: JANUS

"Phil Adolphos the weary O, the leery, O,
"                Dolphin in the wildsbillow
"Light a pike on porpoise
"Pannonia on this porpoise
"Can you nei do her, numb? asks Dolph
"Spirit spires Dolph
"                Godolphinglad in the Hoy's Court
"                Godolphing in fairlove

"Dolphin's Barncar. Wan Ceteroom;
"Cods' cradle and porpoise plain
"Simple philadolphus
"Traduced into jinglish janglage
"                For the nusances of dolphins born.
"                Adolphted such an Adelphus! Jerry Godolphing"

Uncertain.tea brewing the womb of future porpossebili.tea
Disentangle the Dauphine stir into Auvergnat
Adding condensed mammal latte for spiral galaxy

Original swinners with oración credentials
                Traduced into jinglish janglage
For the nusances of Delphinus born
                Babel mammal surfing a word warywide web
Barbarous Godolphin horse speak
                And Poseidon took over the titles of le Royal Pallas
Sea beast and salmoneus the human oak king
De Dagdafinn
sanghasongs of Salmon read knowledge
                Percolating La Boyne Water

®osa dauphin à gros nez corkscrews up a cherry waterspout
                Gyrating along the Amazon
Like a brief lived raspberryframboise ripple cascade
                A Rubescent ivory strudel.
Salmoneus thrusting out its whirlpoint towards the ruddy riverun
                Above the earth a garden of rose trees
Flowers blooming and dying all-at-once
Pink porpoise cloud portal hatchway for
                Returning Bufeo Colorado

Dusky faces and pearl shoulder blade oscillating through upward fountains
Petals of frosted skin shed and fall
Through the coral cetoessa fontana
                Glowing apricot as sunset leaves
Their ochre clings to their fuselage
                Tangerine rust against the sunlight thrusting up a vertical river mouth
                Godz puckered roseo lips sucking and blowing with circular breath

®osewine vortice linking heaven and terroir
The Ocean sky ladder exited by delphinidae godolphinnx
Leaving munkind a soggy porpoise corpus which reads
                Cherry'O and tanks for all the fish
Tromba d'acqua
dances furthur down river back out to the ocean
                And makes porpoise portalz
Suckling up Cetacea With kundalini zing
                Meeting the Palladium moonlight casting a crescent silhouette
Prophecie'd since Aldus printed the
                Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
Transduced as
by Flipper
                The great cétacémostro marino
Comming from Greek ketos sea-munster
God A Hikue and goddess Hiuaoioi flipping summersalts

voices float on the sea aire
                Festina lente as Arion's lyr
And Jason dreams upon his chrusos fleece
Deciphering from Delphine to English
                The ice of the owlphin in aire is lyke whoman?
                Dolpfinnz pronounce owls un ombinaxionx of owls yet
                ill avin rubble ith onsonanz

Shark of the covenant appears quilted in sea-beast skins
And sacred Shoulder blades are boiled and brewed into
                Delphilazarus elixir
                PALLADIUM moonshine
Now Watch the waves as they roll
Ripples and eddies coiling outwards
                From the galactating Dauphine constellation of
                Strange aquatic attractors that inflowenced us here
Comunicación between bard and porpoise
                The Intelligenz sporterspout

songs ode to Temples of Tethys
Voixed by the sweetest Goddess of la océano
Lamenting mammal babel re©orded in doggerel by hoo-ha GODMEN
                As another TYPE of critter
                And Pelops married Hippodamia down river
                And was sad when she returned to the sea
No longer strange to rediscover fossilized PAKICETUS poems?
A genus of extinct
                Cétacé poesé épica
Found in the upper Eocene of Pakistan
Once-upon-a-time part of the coast skirting
                Tethys Ozean

The truth paddles around the ruins of Peos
With the Sonne in its golden wor.ld cup
                La argent apples of the lune
                Le golden pomme's of the sole mixedmashed
Into a and whiffy fishélixir Finnsmoothé

bathes close to the celestial equatore
                And the same stars glittered above the noir sea
while Howard plays in electric-ultramarine waves then swimming again
                Rushing up the Crathis towards the Styx
                In mating season
Charged with lust up through the river bouche fresh from the mare
                Making haste slowly
Dolphin kicking and jamming, in the year of the water bearer
Li Sao
Li Sao for sorrow

Peace Borso
Be as eternal peace in the vortex of evolution
                Li Sao
And thanks
for all the poisson

Sunday, May 30, 2010

STOURBRIDGE in 'FINNEGANS WAKE' by James Joyce & 'CANTO LXVI' by Ezra Pound

Steven James Pratt aka' Fly Agaric 23.

Two Pears, one Ram chained to a bridge?

The Tale of the Tribe class was hosted by the Maybe Logic Academy and led by Dr. Robert Anton Wilson. The group focused on two major texts of the 20th Century: The Cantos of Ezra Pound and Finnegans Wake by James Joyce, both of which Dr. Wilson suggests require mastering, or at least reading, before entering into the 21st Century of hypermedia.

During the 8 week class I would often copy/paste images and hyperlinks to illuminate fragments from these two texts. This process gave me the general impression that the communications within both FW and The Cantos were maximally compressed, and CONDENSED like mp3 files.

I discovered that with sufficient attention and magnification of focus utilizing various webnet tools provided freely on the World Wide Web, a much richer and wholesome technicoloured reading experience emerged.

“I wish Mr. Pound would tell us what he believes,” T.S Eliot lamented in 1932. In Make it New (1933), Pound answered tersely, “I believe the Ta Hsio.” This would seem to settle the matter: Ezra Pound was neo-Confucian.”--Robert Anton Wilson, The Goddess of Ezra Pound, Illuminati Papers, 1980.

Finnegans Wake' by James Joyce, and The Cantos of Ezra Pound exhibit mind like qualities, I have found. Text and ‘reality’ processors sucking in history, even today, maybe tomorrow, but these books have stood the tests of time, and still stand up today as masterpieces of language literature and history, true and tested 'tales of the tribe'. The bar has been set so high that we are still trying to reach it.

Prophecy has a kind of reverse effect of immortality, that may lead to everyone being ‘right’ all the time, but them equally everyone being ‘wrong’ all the time. Getting beyond ‘being’ then might be a good idea for life in the bardo data stream, the digital holographic ‘process’ we experience today in 2010.

Much of the special synchronistic material I have found in the these texts derives from the work catalogued by Robert Anton Wilson in the Joyce/Pound scholarship running throughout every piece of his extraordinary works. I recommend them all highly, especially Quantum Psychology, Coincidance, Cosmic Trigger and the Schroedingers Cat Trilogy.

My collection of relative Epiphanies and most meaningful synchronistic' encounters are the beginnings of my Joyce/Pound research and practice, inspired by Bob and deployed throughout my blogs over the last five years or more.

In August of 2005, I discovered to my astonishment that ‘Stourbridge’ was brewing nicely within Finnegans Wake, right there, slap bang on page 184. Since then I have used this message to me, from James Joyce, as a meaningful enough synchronicity to base my more far-out ideas about Finnegans Wake, and hypertext.

Bonded Warehouse, Stourbridge. 2009.

There is a sister/brother town, or living museaum place called ‘Sturbridge’ in Massachusetts, New England, U.S.A. It was settled in 1729 and officially incorporated into the Union in 1738 E.V. Today the Rotary Clubs of Stourbridge and Sturbridge are twinned and regularly visit each other, but I doubt they are aware of this literary connection with Ezra Pound, James Joyce and with John Adams, who I am sure they do know a bit about, being the second president of the United States, and first Vice President.

From, Finnegans Wake by James Joyce.

"Of course our low hero was a self valeter by choice of need so
up he got up whatever is meant by a stourbridge clay
kitchenette and lithargogalenu fowlhouse for the sake of akes (the
umpple does not fall very far from the dumpertree)"
- Finnegans Wake, part 1, Episode 6. Page 184.

A ‘Lithargogalenu’ maybe derived from the greek lithargyros: a monoxide of lead ore, or dross left after smelting lead, if so, that fits with the local glass and pottery industries around the Stourbridge area. But the word ‘clay’ brings us to the major contributing factor as to why folks settled in and around Stourbridge and why pottery, smelting and the glass industry flourished, the special clay enabled greater experimental conditions for innovating the arts and crafts and industrial applications of ‘fire’ clay.

From Ezra Pound’s Canto LXVI

"and i went in a post chaise
Woburn Farm, Stowe, Stratford
Stourbridge, Woodstock, High Wycombe and back to
Grosvenor Sq" - Canto LXVI, line 30, Page 380.
Canto LVXI by Ezra Pound, page 380.

After some Googling through wikipedia and environs and some traditional book worming I discovered the diaries of John Adams and that he visited England and wrote about his travels in great detail, as a prolific writer, compared with the modern scripted puppets.

It appears from his diaries that he visited Stratford, Birmingham and Worcestershire while on cultural exchange trips. The historical fact that John Adams, the second president of the United States of America was impressed enough to write beautiful verse about Stourbridge and environs interests me deeply, both as a lover of poetry, and of history.

This geographical and historical precedent provides the precise kind of space/time portal of discovery I was waiting for, a link to my biological place of origin and cultural identity with the ‘tale of the tribe’ or two of its major characters and both of their Magnum Opus.

Another word that punched me in the front teeth within the ‘Stourbridge’ Canto LXVI is "Dudley" that is the name of the Metropolitan Borough in which Stourbridge is situated ever since ‘Dudley Borough’ swallowed up Stourbridge into its sovereign state, back in 1974 (54 p.s.U).

Before this date Stourbridge was incorporated into the ancient parish of Oldswinford, that is featured in the doomsday book and the Magna Charta.

Dudley Metropolitan Borough is presently the 2nd most populated town in the United Kingdom and still mushrooming in 2010. Further research led me to discover that Pound was probably referring to William Wade Dudley (1842-1909) a soldier in the American civil war, a sly lawyer and slick government official, a Republican campaigner and a "crooked" electioneer (Election engineer).

In my excitement I thought he meant the brute Robert Dudley, the guy with the castles and the land named after him and his dynasty of Dudley’s. John Dee was Robert Dudley’s uncle, a fact that I find of historical significance due to Dee’s influence on the re-discovery of American and the British Empire.

Another name for the compounded regions around Dudley used colloquially is the ‘Black Country’, so named according to Occult folk-lore, due to the clouds of toxic pollutants and by-products from the 18-20th revolution taking place, or the industrial variety, in the back garden of the Midlands, England. What I interpret today, through the gloss of a gloss of Pound’s Cantos, rampant exploitation and privatization of what is naturally abundant in nature, such as water, gas, oil, vegetation and minerals. Who distributes it, how?

" this 41st section repeals MAGNA
CHARTA the 19th chapter
as follows the words: NO by his peers
and the law of the land
Whereon said Lord Coke, speaking of Empson and Dudley,
the end of these two oppressors
shd/ deter others from continuing the like”
--Ezra Pound, Canto LXVI.

Lord Coke (1552-1634), the colonial entrepreneur and jurist appears in Pound's "Tale of the tribe" as a heroic entity providing a clear exhibit of a mind in history that Pound could anchor his pirate ship poem to, a balanced weight for the latter Cantos.

"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving". - Lao Zi

At the end of Canto LXVI another word jumped off the page at me: “Shires” This appears on the last but one line of the poem. Shires is used today to identify many rural areas in England, Australia and America, i.e Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire, Yorkshire, Cambridgeshire etc.

Readers of J.R.R Tolkien will be familiar with the Shires and their rural context from his popular tales and ubiquitous fictional folk law. Pound's Cantos process and interact through the reader with a similar ‘ubiquitous relationship between mankind and Nature, but Pound in a very different mode to Tolkien, albeit a metaphysical, imagist, ideogramic mode of representation and juxtaposition in the language of poetry. A new language of meaning, a new historic synthesis of world cultures and scripts and texts all mixed up together, like Finnegans Wake in this respect, but unlike Joyce’s ‘nat language’.

By brilliantly harpooning various fragments from many different cultures, often rare and bloody notes collected from the rubble of war and decay around him, Pound brews up a swirling cloud of exhibits that happened to catch ‘Stourbridge’ in its net.

"By another clause (in our Charter)
that the great and general court or assembly
shd/ have power
to erect judicatories courts of record
and other courts
to determine pleas processes plaints actions etc
whereby a law (2 William III) have established etc
and in Edward IV this Beauchamps commission
was, for the uncertainty, VOID
By letters patent and under great seal
in all shires, counties palatine and in Wales
and any other dominions
- Canto LXVI, Page 386.
Stourbridge Town Center. Photo by Fly.

To enact the pushing and pulling forces on the word and sentence to make a literary vortex, may come from turning two valued polarities upon themselves. Joyce and Pound are both masters of casting thousands of shades and subtle tones a rainbow spectrum of light, full and bursting that can shatter and refract any two valued conclusion that may lead to historical certainty.

Poetic ambiguity and multi valued logic systems emerge in the mind of the reader and the tribe of readers and speakers, the vortext of twisted history spins a full turn of human DNA change, civilization unwinding the cosmic ages, coming and going in cycles, chapters, sagas and ragas.

The "Hologramic" process appears wonderfully well detonated within Dr. Wilson's book: "Coincidance: A Head Test." He sometimes calls this phenomena "Holographic prose" but it often escapes identification itself because of its ubiquitous presence, like atomic particles and the question ‘what if?’

Wilson has incorporated vast amounts of illuminated historical details using his own methodological historicism and his holographic writing to the Universe all-at-once.

"Fly Agaric 23: Could you explain a little bit about your holographic prose?

RAW: No. I'm struggling to write a whole book about
that right now and can't imagine how to
condense it. Besides, it's the hardest
part of my work to translate...
I'll give you two related samples from the Illuminatus and see what you
can make of them: "They shall come to gno gods."
"They shall come to gnu godz."

I wish to highlight the positive attributes of historical revisionism as a tool through which poetry becomes a portal for a new kind of Group Cultural Archeology, a social uprising of readers, writers and scholar activists, a network of like minded, and free spirited individuals, a little bit like the 'wikipedia' community of info-phobes. Write on.

Brierley Hill is another local town in the Dudley Borough and turned up some interesting ‘brier’ tuck, when searched as a word in Finnegans Wake, for example:

Triss! Only trees such as these such were those, waving there, the barketree, the
o'briertree, the rowantree, the o'corneltree, the behanshrub near
windy arbour, the magill o'dendron more. Trem! All the trees
in the wood they trembold, humbild, when they heard the
stoppress from domday's erewold. –James Joyce, FW, page 588.
By Steve James Pratt, Stourbridge, England 2006.
Edited in Amsterdam, 2008 & 2010.
Fly @ the Ten Arches, near Stourbridge

  • The Cantos of Ezra Pound, New Directions Publishing
  • Finnegans Wake, James Joyce. Faber & Faber
  • The Tale of the Tribe, Micheal Berstein, University Press.
  • The Adams Papers, Harvard University Press.
  • Coincidance, Robert Anton Wilson. New Falcon.
  • The Illuminati Papers, Robert Anton Wilson. Ronin Press.
  • Illuminatus Trilogy!, Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson,
  • 76' One World and the Cantos of Ezra Pound, Forrest Reed.

Here is a link to the STOURBRIDGE wikipedia entry I edited to include this literary Joyce, Pound, Stourbridge link.

In popular culture

Stourbridge appears in two great works of poetry from the 20th century: Finnegans Wake by James Joyce and The Cantos of Ezra Pound.
Of course our low hero was a self valeter by choice of need so up he got up whatever is meant by a stourbridge clay kitchenette and lithargogalenu fowlhouse for the sake of akes (the umpple does not fall very far from the dumpertree)
- James Joyce Finnegans Wake, part 1, Episode 6. Page 184
and i went in a post chaise Woburn Farm, Stowe, Stratford, Stourbridge, Woodstock, High Wycombe and back to Grosvenor Sq
- Ezra Pound, Canto LXVI, line 30, Page 380.
Joyce's interest in Stourbridge is self evident from the passage quoted above and Stourbridge found its way into Pound's The Cantos via John Adams the second President of the United States, whose diary entry from 1786 Pound translated into his own epic poem.