Saturday, June 7, 2008

So it's been awhile since I last updated so here's our update...

I watched my friend's little girl Harbor a few weeks ago and here's Brody helping bounce her. He just wanted her to play so bad so this is his way of playing. She seemed to enjoy it!
My niece Taya turned two May 23 and we went up to Logan to celebrate with her. Here is her new wagon which Brody and Taya just love riding in.
Brody is so cute when he sleeps. He folds his arms and puts them behind his head and crosses his little feet. He also crosses his feet when he is sitting on the floor or sitting in his car seat. I love his little characteristics!
Our new camp trailer. We just got back from camping this last Wednesday with my extended family. We loved our tent trailer, it was perfect for our little family and the heater worked. We're getting pretty luxurious these days, having a heater and camping, what more could you ask for. We went up to Lava Hot Springs for three nights and played lots. We went to the hot pools and the outside pool and just hung out. Brody and Taya had lots of fun playing and following each other around. As soon as Brody woke up in the morning he would point to the trailer door because he wanted out of there. It was time to play. Taya would do the same thing except she would point to our trailer because she knew that's where Brody was. We had a great time except for the fact that almost everyone got the flu except for the kids which was nice. The last night we went to the farm and played on the 4-wheelers and played lots of games.
It was pretty cold in the mornings so we bundled Brody up. He didn't seem to mind so much except for those darn mittens. He just couldn't grab anything with them. I guess it's time to get some new gloves.
Brody playing with Grandpa, or as Taya calls him “Poppy”. Doesn’t he look so handsome?
Getting ready to walk down to the hot pools.

Brody walking a few steps. Brody still isn't fully walking. We keep encouraging him but as everyone says..."He will walk when he's ready". So here's grandpa helping him walk.
Taya and Brody playing as usual. They get along so great! It's so fun to watch them.
My dad seems to win me about 99% of the time when we play checkers and yes here’s another one of those wins.
Cute picture of my cute sister Tarasha, Taya and Brody.
I guess this trip wore the boys right out.
A random shot of my other cute sister Demarie.
When we came home from our trip Brody was the happiest boy ever. Adam and Brody played for a long time. Adam put a bandanna on Brody’s head and I thought it was so cute!
Last but not cousin Alan was married to Kelcie yesterday in the Manti temple. They are such a cute couple and the ceremony was wonderful! I was so grateful to attend. We drove down Thursday night to sleep at a motel and woke up early to go to the temple. So here's an end to a crazy and busy week and a half. We are ready to be back to our daily routine and sleep in our own beds.