Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Things kids say...

Adam was putting Brody to bed tonight when he told Adam to get on his knees and pray and then after the prayer Brody said, "Dad I want to go on a mission and teach about the restored ospel (gospel) and Joseph Miff (Smith). It's amazing what our kids can teach us and what they remember.

Temple Square lights

Every year we love to go see the lights at Temple Square along with the trillions of other people. I think there are more people every year because when we went last night (also Family Night for everyone in Utah), it was so crowded that you could hardly move. But despite all the people we had a great time as always! We met Joe, Claudia, and little Adam there. They are such good friends and we are so grateful for the time we have with them. Maybe someday we can live closer to them. Brody was having the time of his life, free to run. Then at times he would say, "I tired, hold u". So Adam would hold him so he could catch up on his breath then run some more.

This morning we worked on Brody's gingerbread house. I think he ate more candy then put on, jk actually he listened and wanted to put it on his house. Here is the completed house.